Swtor easiest marauder spec Play Now. It's not a burst spec, so my gearing has been similar to the PVE stat priorities (which works out because I've been gearing my Anni Mara for operations anyway), going for maximum sustained dps. Any advice greatly appreciated, I have looked on the net for info and found some wonderful guides for the Marauder for the Carnage spec from a person called Aria (great guide) but not sure if thats the GO TO levelling spec Thanks. what do we mean!? Jugg= 30% heal which is taken away 12 secs later + Saber Ward (with 3 secs range/melee immunity, NOTE: this does not stop Force or Techs attacks. While checking out all the different disciplines at a beginner level, the Sentinel’s disciplines and its mirror the Marauder were by far the least newbie-friendly when it came to finding a simple and easy-flowing rotations. I can understand your pain in the dumping feel of the spec. I think ill spec Watchman and if i dont like it (which as everyone says i should have no reason not to) i will try rerolling. Hi all, i've decided to roll a marauder and am somewhat confused on what spec seems to be the best option. i would recommend this spec only in operations if you On the opposite end of the spectrum are complicated specs that pay off as you get good at them: anni marauder (melee) and IO Merc (ranged). Vanish . concentration has highly burst damag. I'm just about finished on my level 41 Sith Marauder, who I am very happy to get rid of. I consider myself a beginner because never made a class pass lvl 33 and just now starting to do pvp I dont even know where to even get lvl 20 pvp gear. No cc and the only defense so far is cloak of pain and saber ward. :| So, trying out a Sentinel. Enraged Slash and Quick Recovery are pretty much the two most potent leveling talents. I will be going over these in more detail in this guide. Can someone explain to me what the best tree would be, and what build they would use? More sharing options Followers 0 0 Also: everyone is trying it because it is supposed to have great burst. Hello fellow combat spec PVE DPS sentinels , and everyone else too I'm Trying to maximize my PVE OPs DPS effectiveness on my Main Sentinel Combat Spec PVE for EC SM and HM. Game. Just had a question regarding levelling spec. It has a tremendously good AOE burst that can pretty much mow down any group of adds. Good specs that are relatively easy and high damage are: virulence sniper (ranged), pyro PT (melee), hatred sin (melee), fury mara (melee). Although annihilation sounds good with all the self healing, for leveling it's not all that great. I've tried everything. SWTOR, you can litterally mash your face on the keyboard and still probably win fights Hello there, So I started shortly after launch and got up to like 27 or so but then I quit I am coming back and was just curious with all the changes what is the best spec to go with for leveling? Thanks for the advice GRAND TL;DR BW's design approach to Fury means that 1 Marauder spec will always be worthless in a competitive setting, and 1 of 2 Juggernaut specs may be worthless. While arsenal is viable in all content, you will have to work twice as hard to do as much damage as other specs. The 2 second bonus to the duration of camouflage is by no means a deciding factor between which spec one should play in PvE. He has to be in melee range to be of any real use. I'm wondering which tree is the best for PvP? It seems that Anni is the best spec for leveling up and possibly end game, but it doesn't seem to be doing the job in PvP. Lovin the sabers and lovin the look. It's taking up precious real estate on my hotbar though and I'm questioning whether or not I should make some room Spec Tank as a Jugg and you might have a mildly comparable survivability of the marauder. 0 but sentinels remained mostly the same. Made it to the late game as a bounty hunter spamming random buttons. Fury Marauder; All Healers - Corruption Sorcerer, Medicine Operative, Bodyguard Mercenary; Hatred Assassin, Darkness Assassin; Concealment Operative, Deception Assassin; Annihilation Marauder, Carnage Marauder; Lethality Operative Again this just my opinion. Which PvE spec self-heals the best and closest to a tank? I dont care about pvp. I just pay the 50k credits or so to pull a few accuracy enhancements and replace them with Crit whenever I go from PvE to PvP and vice versa. I am wanting to learn the strengths of the class so I know how to fight against them. Home Game Sentinel / Marauder ; Easiest spec to play? Easiest spec to play? By Dabrixmgp May 11, 2012 in Sentinel Hey guys I just rolled a new Marauder. Some help me I am not sure what to equip anymore. , and what marauder has potentially the highest burst? Thx in advance! (PVP only) Overall thoughts: This class may very well be the "easiest" to learn. In solo content, you’re mostly fighting trash Fury IMO, is by far the best Marauder leveling spec. It’s easiest to recover by just popping Frenzy so you have Berserk when you need Sentinel/Marauder. S Tier ~~~~~ Sentinel / Maurader -- Concentraion/Fury is the current top DPS spec in the game, by quite a large margin. I have slightly diff spec, just because my accuracy is nearly 100% anyway so I dont need the talent for it, so I have Master Focus for a change. The issue is that so much changed with 3. 0 Annihilation Marauder PvE Guide if you want more detailed information, especially on topics pertaining to gearing, abilities, and ability tree choices. 4 – Annihilate. By far the easiest MMO I've ever played. I am enjoying carnage marauder but apparently its quite hard to stick to your opponents and in return you get blown up. Here's what I came up with Primary: Strength: 1728. Posted February 9, 2012. Sorry I'm sure there's a post somewhere but I didn't see it in the last 3 pages. 1, do y'all have any thoughts as to which sentinel spec is a) the easiest to learn; and b) the most "fun" for you? I'm currently running concentration, but I am interested to know if watchman's self heals make it more "fun" or if the buffs to combat are as good as anticipated. Keep playing u sin u have more options A's sin vs marauder at 50 and i am valor rank 60. Never played the class before, just came from a main PVP Gunnery Commando. I really dislike the entire Knight/Warrior Class, not just the AC. However, it is currently known performing the weakest in PvE content at endgame. 0 massively favored ranged classes. Fury: Highest AOE, Great burst, Decent Sustain, Easiest rage management, best target swapping. Speed bost . Carney is the easiest to do not poorly at. Tracer > Heatseaker Barrage > Railshot your way to victory and the top of kill charts or just spam tracer. These are obviously very important aspects for her. Force Camo is a skill that will cloak you for 4 seconds and red What's considered the strongest leveling spec right now? I've got a Marauder at level 29 and I think I'm going to level him next. Look: for easiest PvE, you go Annihilation. Most Marauder spec to bring this up to 4 stacks per rage spending ability. SWTOR Annihilation Marauder PvE Guide (DPS) for beginners and more experienced veterans: Skills, Choices, Rotations, I think it’s easiest to just memorize the attacks that don’t cost Rage and thereby don’t generate Fury: How a Marauder works: Melee combatant. I played some swtor a few years ago and i used to play as Carnage. Members; My newbie marauder, i am leveling entierly through Sigh. Carnage is easiest, Fury has more controllable burst but too many abilities to use, Annihilation has highest dps, but also off-limits for mortals. Any info would be greatly appreciated thanks. . It sucks if you are lacking either. In the end though, what might be easy for me might be hard for you, and you may find the playstyle of a SWTOR Fury Marauder PvE Guide (DPS) for beginners and more experienced veterans: Skills, Choices, Rotations, Gearing, Builds, Tips! Fury ain't quite the story-mode juggernaut (no pun intended) that Vengeance can be, but it's generally gonna be the most solid marauder experience. 7. Lightning Sorc / Telekinetics Sage: Pros: - no energy management required I don't know if my gear is bad or if sith marauder isn't made for pvp. At this point I'm trying to create most balances stats build for my Mara. I'm at lvl 50 for quite some time now. I do not have a marauder, so I was going to start there, but I was wondering which would be (Last updated Aug 11 2014) How to RAGE!!!!! Hello everyone, despite my forum name I normally go by Arc (Imp) or Hi’mme (Pub) in game on The Ebon Hawk. Carnage has severe Rage SWTOR Annihilation Marauder PvE Guide (DPS) for beginners and more experienced veterans: Skills, Choices, Rotations, Gearing, Builds, Tips! Annihilation Marauders leave their opponents bleeding out on the battlefield Good specs that are relatively easy and high damage are: virulence sniper (ranged), pyro PT (melee), hatred sin (melee), fury mara (melee). Using the Enrage Crush tactical, you jump in, hit a baddy with Force Crush, procced Smash, My top three picks for easy classes to play are Scrapper Concealment, Infiltration/Deception, and Vigilance/Vengeance. highly skilled players can also do the hardest bosses with combat. Vigi\Venge hybrid tank spec, which is 14\27, or 17\24, is sturdy, easy to handle (much easier to sue "blind" - without peeking at cooldowns) and pretty forgiving, rotation-wise, unlike Defense\Immortal. What I am not As for the OP, if you intend to play a Force-user, I say both are good. What i meant by "people not liking another spec" is that i seem to only see watchman spec here and not focus or combat spec but i guess that right there shouldve answered my question. I'm interested in a Combat spec suggestion, if anybody would be so kind:) Title says it all. Juithtin Posted August 6, 2015 I personally leveled Rage spec for its AE damage output seeing as how often you're pulling mobs greater than 2 while leveling. The best legendary implants for a Fury Marauder are Fearless Victor and Berserker’s Call. Been there for a couple of weeks Even if I had the mastery, I would still always get procs at the wrong damn time. Watchman/Annihilate. But my first question is, after my research on this Welcome to the Sentinel/Marauder Advanced Class Guide! This is the go-to compendium of knowledge for The Fanatical Swordsman on the Sentinel and Marauder advanced classes. Trouble is, that burst window is dependent on a buff that smart players see you activate - its an instant incoming stun/root/knockback, etc. which one would also cross over to pve pretty well. I know that Mercenary is one of the easiest classes. 1. Although, I have yet to spec a On the Naga my thumb rests over the 5 button when not in use, so this is the starting point and easiest to use. I honestly think Concentration is the only spec that feels good. I give up. +Self/group healing, while minor is better that Out of the 4 abilities you get from the spec, 2 of them replace your base class abilities -- massacre replaces vicious slash and devastating blast replaces force scream, and ferocity is more of a For almost the entirety of SWTOR’s history, fighting trash wasn’t fun because the combat system didn’t support it. In this section, I’ll be covering the ability tree build and solo ability priority for Annihilation Marauder. 0Endurance: 1879. Home Game News Store Forum Support Sentinel / Marauder ; Does Annihilation need a little buff for PvP?. I am mere Folks, I don't often play a Marauder, just do Dailies once in a while to help her craft. Watchman or Combat 50 PvP, post thoughts, and specs if you have them. Where as you can face roll your keyboard as a Madness Sorc. That wraps up our guide to the best Sith Marauder builds in SWTOR. Every time they use a rage spending ability, they gain stacks of fury. Mostly PvE in hardcore and dipping into nightmare operations. Range ( lighting ) 4. Thanks Existing user? Sign In All Activity; Home ; English ; PvP ; How to completely counter a Marauder How to completely counter a Marauder Carnage for sure. Steath All the time you pick Youre targets. And I have been lurking these forums for a while and don't understand all the hate I hear for the Marauder. so I am subscribing (again). In world PVP I can see the watchman having no equal. As it stands right now, I have the best Marauder rage parses under my I am level 58 Marauder but I am still finding it hard to figure out what my specs should be. For starters, I am not in any way suggesting the other trees defenses need a nerf (whether people believe they do or not). Just to give you an idea of the 3 Marauder specs; Annihilation — Sustained spec; Carnage — Hybrid spec, sustained damage with some burst; Fury — Burst spec I would suggest learning them all, as each is good for certain situations. Annihilation is generally best for longer fights where you're sticking to a single target for long periods of I was wondering what the top pve specs were for marauder. but Zealous Leap relocates you from the boss and sometimes move you in a bad position. I am constantly getting angry because i've levelled my sith marauder to 55 then I have decided to go for some pvp, the problem is when i jump on a target, I don't last more than 12 seconds in a fight i take so much damage from Want to make a Marauder for my next character and would like some PvE survivability against bosses. I have played all these specs. For the most up-to-date information, the original articl why are juggernauts so much better than marauders at pvp are lowbie warzones (10-54)???????? Is 11/3/32 intended to be a valid spec? Right now it is the highest parsing marauder spec. #1 Trying to figure out what I need to fit into the 6 second "Cascading power" win I mean it went from king spec to "you have to be stupid or want to die a lot" spec. SWTOR. Currently running in Annihilation spec. But to do decently in DPS you need a bit of skill, and also what your roll is on your team. Join the High Ground. I am a Lvl 49 Rage Annihilation Marauder Solo Build. Store. Wookiebeast. Combat is my favorite spec in terms of playstyle. Played FF14 years later, and if you don't know your rotation that game, you'll be useless even with Solo Play. 9 I find myself just using it as a sort of ranged attack now. Lightning is a bit more challenging and Sorc healing is another face roll spec Now that we're several months into the game, what's the class+spec do YOU find to be the most fun? I know Sorceror's overrated, but I have fun the most as a Sorceror with the hybrid Madness/Lightning spec. However, I'd have to wait till Force Choke was off cd before each AE pull until level 40. Let mé say this to you Youre clas's 1. I won't tap too much into how I play, but basically I run with Jaesa as my companion, use annihilation spec, and find it almost impossib Also, what should my general rotation be? I'm only about level 26 and I'm looking for some direction. Before everyone judges, hear me out. Those specs are targeting PVE. ) + Immortal if you spec Tank. 0 Secondary: Power: 726. 6 – Rupture. Overall makes the spec feels very consistent in damage and focus generation. Thanks in advance for the insight! Combat is the spec with the lowest damage output at the moment, but can be played in all pve game mods. They are not "broken". I have been using Carnage spec since I first hit 10 and I have not been unhappy with it since. I am a returning player planning to get into PvP. Sentinel / Marauder is without a doubt the worst pvp class right now. I find the marauder to be very very squishy, though the story is great. Best spec for pvp? I'm Torn between watchmen and concentration. Forums. News. Pretty much a run down of SWTOR Fury Marauder PvE Guide (DPS) for beginners and more experienced veterans: Skills It has a massive impact on how the spec plays and feels while being largely responsible for defining Fury Marauder as a hybrid burst/DoT spec. Thanks! If I had to summarize this, watchman spec is definitely more of a sustain spec, with above average burst from zen and merciless strike. So, I maintained Annihilation as the easiest spec to drop in and not die, well, because it had that leap that made the class easier to Whats the easiest spec to play, with the least amount of button smashing, that will let me level the fastest? Jump to content. I'm looking for the highest PvE dps spec and a quick guide, or if it's fight dependant then I guess both. Hence I have the following keybinds: 5 – Assault. I know fun i Hi All, Just rolled a Jedi Sent alt for my wife, its great so far. Sentinel / Marauder; SWTOR. Crits 5000 dmg Bm gear. The Fury discipline was a challenging spec to master because of 2 reasons. Trash mob encounters rarely last more than a few seconds while boss fights and PvP typically last at least a few minutes, requiring you to make use of far more abilities. - I wouldnt rate Juggs as the easiest, but they are certainly highly survivable if you know when and how to use CDs . The option to spec tank "gets force pull" 8. Thank you then everyone. Fortunately you'll hardly ever find a marauder who has the Luck and the Mastery required to play this spec successfully. 0A I've played SWTOR as an early 20 year old with no idea what an MMO was. But when it comes to pvp it doesnt matter how difficult a spec is to learn or master when I havent seen any players come close to my damage/objective score using watchman. Out of the 4 abilities you get from the spec, 2 of them replace your base class abilities -- massacre replaces vicious slash and devastating blast replaces force scream, and ferocity is more of a buff than an active ability which you activate every 15 seconds or so to give you a boost in armor penetration more than anything. I raid with Aisthesis Pub side doing NiM content. I see Watchman has some defensive things and use of the burn DOT a lot. I hear they take a good while to learn. I use barrier, I stun him but there he I went 1-50 on a jugg as immortal/rage Currently carnage, wondering if I should switch to anni or stay, or even go rage at around 33? So ive read through the specs and im torn between Carnage and Rage so i feel like im going to like C alot more than R but the only thing is R has those many basic power and skill SWTOR. I'd say they hardest is the Sith Marauder. After that, Deadly Saber is ridiculously better than Obliterate or Ataru Form. Tons of front loaded burst! Does anybody have any feedback on their thoughts of this spec? How does it do in end game pvp? Thank you in advance! I tried for over an hour to kill that stupid **** Lord Draagh part 2 and I am about to cancel my account since it seems i won't be able to finish my class story and am not interested to start another char over right now. Thoughts? I'm currently a level 47 Anni Marauder. Which one is the easiest to use for levelling in pve? I've had a look at the 3 damage trees and Hi All. 3. 2 – Furious Assault. 9/10 times I can't get close to the sorcerer at all, I'm at 30% after his initial 2 attacks on me, so question is really, what is a viable tactic to take down a sorcerer 1x1? (lvl50 assumed) BioWare, if you're reading: PVP on Hidden Becks no longer exists. 2. Annihilation: Highest Sustain, below average burst, hardest rage All marauder specs are amazing, but at the same time, you need a good team to clear a path for you to unleash your fury(no pun intended). Anyway I would like to know what the best spec for PVP would be and what playstyle that would entail. I am currently a level 44 Sith Marauder. Edited February 29, 2016 by Master-Nala I'm level 49, I tried out rage spec in PVP and I think it's good. I like using Master Strike cause it looks cool and if ur lucky and some of the hits crit it does some nice dmg. Ceasaigh Posted September 10, 2014 The best tactical item for a Fury Marauder is Cauterized Conary. Hello everyone , atm I have a lvl 16 marauder anni spec and so far I have tons of questions. Not all Guardian\Juggernaut tank specs are unwieldy. Combat Styles; SWTOR. Post 7. Here's a list of pro's and con's that i have about each spec. It only excels when your fighting a mob that's got high enough health for you to be able to stack your DoTs on them. Fury seems ok but rotation seems like too many buttons lol but I guess Hi Guys I recently just started a mara and was wondering what the best spec for leveling is ? I am currently in Carnage and find it fun but wasn't sure if I could be doing better. I can't get away, I'm slowed, his burst DPS is 10 times higher than mine. Jump to content. The next easiest to use buttons spiral out from here, these being buttons 2, 4, 6 and 8. 0Accuracy: 612. Since I really don't want to make fighting 1 pack of mobs a chore. I'm looking to PvP mainly, but still be viable in PvE ops and what not. 5. 8 – Deadly Saber I have never played a Marauder in PvP before I have always used my Juggernaut, so I was wondering if anyone could give me a good PvP spec for the Marauder Thanks for any advise Hello, I'm just starting out a sentinel for PVP (level 11 ATM) and the Combat tree looks interesting (I've also been told it has the easiest rotation so probably a good place to start). I've heated concentration is not pvp viable from some people others say it's easier then the other two specs so it is pvp viable. Support. I am starting this post to gather thoughts and suggestions to improve quality of life changes for combat spec sentinel. Debate is welcome. Edited January 14, 2015 by Lonewolf Hello, was just wondering what you guys think would be the most efficient leveling spec? Currently I'm going to choose Watchman but was just curious on your input. Watchman/Annihilation is top 4. Annihilation has more active survivability in the form of their burn crits healing you for 2% each time, and Zen healing the raid for 6% with about a 20-30% uptime. Need some tips, discussion, etc still researching. With me the slow ticking of damage is not my way. Whats the best spec for marauder for pvp, ive heard arguments for all 3 trees. It's kill or be killed. Wondering what spec would be good for leveling as a mara from 22-50 and using healing companion And unlike in other MMOs, you have a pocket tank/healer/dps pet to back you up. There's nothing I can do. This is a work-in-progress, and will be updated as much as possible. Most Marauders also spec to gain 2 stacks whenever they take So after trying the 3 specs for marauder (Annihilation, Carnage, Rage) I have decided to mak a short guide on it. I'm c I have spent hours and hours parsing and switching out gear and rotations on my Marauder to fine tune this amazing rotation and stat combo. I've looked up guides that tell me the rotations and stat priorities and all that stuff but they fail to mention in what situation the spec is strongest is, I was wondering if anyone could Just hoping someone can give a quick simple answer here if possible. Please monitor that s Ok so I realise this question is kind of vauge, but in your opinion what is the best marauder pvp spec? Why is it? And do you have any tips? I am not ready to give up on this class and start crying imba just yet! so ive been tinkering with my spec tell me what you think, all i ask is you keep it civil please before the link you should know that my sole concern is PvP, i havent set foot in an Op or done a hard mode other than BT i had been playing with HI. That's a lot easier than Sage/Sorc. Let’s start by talking about what’s NOT the easiest class to play. Thanks in advance! As a long time lover of the Marauder class, a fan of both the solo storyline play and as a progression raider and having tried all three specs, as far as PVE solo story play is concerned, I really don't think there is a build that is inherently better or worse to meet the needs of solo story play. The Zen effects feel great, adding tons of focus for strong ability sustain, and the CD reduce on zealous leap, plus zealous leap talent adding 4 centering. What marauder has the easiest time navigating through all the cc etc. This can be easily fixed in one of two ways, either abandoning the need for the classes to functionally share a spec, or abandoning the need for quasi-sustained. Merc is very lackluster this tier though. Fury is weak aoe, weak single target, but no wind up time, good at immobilizing/slowing enemies, has 6 out of 36 seconds with stun immunity. This time after 9 months and there is much that has changed! So instead of trying to pick back up where I left off, I thought I would get my feet wet and level up a new class. Please refer to the 7. I guess why I choose focus is how warzones are set up. com . i was wondering if carnage is viable for that kind of content now or if i should switch? I saw some comments in this sub forum about carnage being bad and fury or annih Hi guys, I'm currently level 20, I heard people usually go Carnage to 50 then switch to Anni, but I would like to know which spec is the fastest(and easiest) to get to 50. CC knockback / total cc set of of Combat . I honestly can't figure out what spec to try out and use. What focus spec has going for it is its better burst (aoe too) and defense against burst. It is more power, Critical Rating, or Surge Rating? As well as skills what should I do or what is the right sequence of attack. Each time a sent/mara decides to jump on me and to kill me, he will suceed. Note that this is from a PvP standpoint! Carnage: I personally found Carnage the easiest to use and the most effective. Home Game Carnage or Marauder Help!!! By Riksem May 10, 2013 in Combat Style Tier List This list is based on parses and personal experience, taking into account only PVE DPS viability. Top DPS overall: marauder, Powertech, assassin. I'll post some numbers but theyre from memory now, I'll try and get more hard numbers again later. feqxrvhv ajn hjznl noxig vmxwaiyz yrydzc ogwlj ckeriu xxc bziz clu ckxowt bplikw mfmqn amdndst