Best manoeuvre for lae zel bg3 reddit Having just briefly played with Sorc earlier today after Panel from Hell, it seems to me on god, it just made things more fun. Hi Baldurians! My main character is a barbarian, and so far my preferred team goes as follow: Gale Asturion Shadowheart I find both characters of Lae’zel and Karlach intriguing and I want to do their quest lines, but heavy two heavy hitters on a team while compromising it with spellcaster, thief/shooter or a healer is not a perfect solutions. If I’m correct based on other posts I’ve seen on this sub, that warning that pops up (which used to be the end point for EA) is mainly referring to the plot line between the tieflings and the goblins. I mean, battlemaster is the best fighter subclass. What the title says. Mind your business, Gale! Just last night I finished some of the Lae’zel stuff beyond the point your talking about. I was offscreen when she escaped the cage and dissappearedI spent another 20+ hours doing all of Act 1 aside from the underdark still and I'm almost lvl 5 and I see this massive dragon and a bunch of the Orc dudes and I need the exp for lvl 5. e. Anyone encounter this?? She'sy primary romance and Halsin wants in. I would like to have lae zel in my party but instead of fighter i want BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Personally I feel like Lae'zel MC would be too put off by Shadowheart's outright hostility towards her when she's already terrified of what's happening and trying to keep a brave face, but that's just my opinion. I get the feeling Larian is trying to write him as a struggling paragon, trying to be the model hero but wrestling with his emotions. Me too. This isn’t a jack-of-all-trades build. But you can also convince her it’s unlikely to work. Her romance is incredibly cute and she is surprisingly sweet. I use the Silver Sword, so I don't need Fire damage. Trip is really strong as everyone gets I'd rank the maneuver as follows (note, this is based on the enemies we face in the EA - the ranking will be different in the final game): Menacing Attack - For me, this is the best battle Combat with Lae'zel is simple - she applies the Oil of Bane to her weapon, goes running in and hits enemies. But here's what you're meant to do in that moment: MAJOR SPOILERS: you're supposed to hand over the artifact and go inside to kill the person Vlaakith wants. My Lae'zel has decent DPS with a greatsword but her real strength is that she is nearly invulnerable to damage now. FYI, if you go her "bad" ending, you have to be Githyanki to join her. Three to get subclass battlemaster or champion. I like Monk specifically because it seems to play off her, also with Dragonborn it's the closest I'm getting to scaled fist in BG3. Anytime the party healer (Karach, with a ton of throwable heal potions) gets downed, all I have to do is get Lae'zel within line of sight of her and she's up again! Plus, 9 guaranteed hp (8 temp, plus an auto plus one when reviving) is a better heal than healing word or even lay on hands. Conversations are very much needed and I haven't seen her in 20 I'm doing an evil durge run and was curious if Lae'zel will still approve of my evil choices later in the game. I'm hoping someone here may be able to help me figure out what her strongest, but lore friendly, build is. The big scene you get with her in act 3 is easily my favorite romance scene I've seen compared to what my friends got with other characters. 768K subscribers in the BaldursGate3 community. rogue). In a lot of ways Lae’zel feels like the main character to all our lives in BG3. So I would like to have them in a party. Some communities dislike the speed and efficiency commander has to offer but not us. I want to respec Lae'zel and make better choices for her feats and stuff. Hi, I need some help with Lae’zeal. I mean, it's possible. There's only one actual player, the DM isn't wasting everyone's time by playing a side game with Astarion if you kick him out of the group. My first idea was to run her as Paladin (pallock) but I feel like it doesn't suit her very well. Wanted to hear you guys' thoughts on a Tav (custom I'm wondering what's the "best" (subjectively speaking) Tav for dating Lae'zel from a story perspective, The most combat effective options are probably Fighter or Paladin with 5+ levels of Pact of the Blade Warlock, some form of College of Swords Bard, or Paladin/Sorcerer. Best BG3 Lae'Zel Build. I zoned hoped to every Act3 zone and checked the camps, no sign. We’re going to use the Champion subclass of the Fighter for this build, due to its especially high damage potential. The new epilogue has made me feel pretty vindicated in that belief. Lae'Zel is an awesome companion that seems to have a ton of different build paths. Lae’zel will leave the party in some cases if you don’t go to the crèche. I don't want to change her class or anything, just want to know what abilities and feats will make her the best fighter. I love the idea of the fish out of water who has to adapt to a new world, and changes for the better along the way. Because I like to fight and kill the Gith Patrol tho, I prefer to play with a full party. If you can get Lae'zel hasted with a Bloodlust, her nova turn starting at 6 is 2 attacks + 2 attacks + 2 attacks + 1 attack. I guess dragonborn works for both, actually. Lae'zel has pretty much no ties to Act 2 other than encountering the Githyanki patrol near the road to Baldurs Gate plus encountering the odd dead Githyanki in the shadow lands. I wanted to have Lae’zel be dex based but not the typical rogue/ranger combo, as I seem to run that too often in games and I wanted to try something new. Best lvl 1 EK spells are Longstrider, Protection From Good and Evil, and Shield. Sub is yes, Lae'zel likes domming. Because it proves what I already knew to be true. So, the enhanced jumping distance would be 43. You have to do the Creche if you want to keep her in general. We’re bringing Karlach and Lae’zel along as our prospective party members (Him Karlach and me Lae’zel). Right now, she seems cool with my urges. Definitely dragonborn also a plus there. This is a lore-friendly build that leans toward Lae'zel proving herself to the queen - Vlaakith with the base goal of becoming If you give Lae'zel Sentinel on top of that, then she gets a reaction attack when they attack the Paladin. Commander’s strike-really not sure what to think of this or how I would use it. Reply reply I found myself using feinting attack and trip attack more often as it benefited Lae'zel to instantly to follow up with her second attack after using Trip or Feint. This could also be a little redundant if Lae’zel is also a fighter unless you pick different subclasses. Best All the companions tend to go through character growth throughout the game, but few go through the growth that Lae'zel does. Paladin and Barbarian quickly come to mind. I like Lae,zel, she is a prick at first but then you realize that her entire race is like that, they are born and raised like this, she doesn't know anything else, but the more you play with her and the more you teach her about mercy, morals and the goodness inside the other races you can see how she starts to understand and become softer, she still retains It's always been my belief that at least for her romance arch but probably just in general Lae'zel's best ending is staying behind on toril rather than going off to save her people with/without Orpheus. It made sense for her arc since my Tav (also tiefling) was all about convincing his companions to defy their fate. You know sometimes you just want to play something that isn’t the best but make it as best you can. Since you've done other playthroughs and won't spoil things for yourself, I would recommend looking at the approval guides for both and see what kind of gameplay you want. Best maneuvers are Riposte and Rally. I mainly use him to ambush opponent, when possible sneak melee, else sneak ranged. However, you also said you want a support character. ADMIN MOD so Lae'Zel got the best ending on my 32 votes, 45 comments. Edit: For people who want to know the specific numbers, normal jumps are 14. Lae’zel (or any Gith) holds the answer. I want Lae'zel to be part of my next tactician playthrough but, last run, I played her as monk (very fun). Barb does more total after like turn 3, but EK does more during the first 1-2 turns. But I feel that Lae'zel/Minthara makes more sense from the lesbian angle which I am also partial towards. I'm on my first playthrough and I didn't pay too much attention when leveling up. Find the best posts and communities about Lae'zel on Reddit. The psychic damage from her Gith weapon will trigger the brain drain gloves - and success with her weapon abilities or the oil of bane will also trigger the ring of of mental inhibition. It's to the point that your character gets an option to ask why she's started addressing him/her less gruffly. Option 3: Champion 11/Vengeance Paladin 1 This is the most speculative option and I'm only considering it because in BG3 you choose your Paladin subclass at level 1 and getting a version of Vow of Enmity at level 1 could be great for crit-fishing with Great Weapon Master. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. She is my main fighter/tank and I want her to be dual wielding. I assumed that Lae'zel would be there until a Long Rest, but my journal updated while still exploring and said "we left Lae'zel to her fate". Gale has quite a major point in his personal plot relevant to the end of Act 2 as well but not a lot other than that. I say this as a straight woman who often laments when games don't adequately meet the preferences of those who are sexually attracted to men. This is a turning point in her story, so I will spoiler it: by the end of that section, the githyanki will turn on you and you’ll have to fight them, but you can convince Lae’zel to side with you. With a little bit of a dip into fighter, probably 3 to 4 max. Honestly, this utility alone has saved me so many times. Lae'zel is harder to get approval for if you are like me--I had to consult a Lae'zel approval guide since the decisions are not ones I would naturally make. The Lae'zel you end up with is a far cry from the Lae'zel you start with. Personally I'd pick Beastmaster. Completed Orin, have the hammer, and Lae'zel is still not anywhere. Acrobatics and Perception are the best skills for the Best Baldur’s Gate 3: Lae’zel Companion Build because they complement your As the title says I'm looking at rebuilding Lae'zel as a paladin. But if I give Lae'zel the duel-wielding perk, I could have her be more damage-heavy. I just reached level 11 in early act 3 and I'm looking to re-spec Lae'zel for the rest of act III into a hybrid thrower / melee build. Lae'zel is actually a really great romance story if you follow through all the way to the end. Still feel myself unusually when my main character isn’t main in dialogues, and the discount given by traders is only 9% (previously I had 40%). I'm almost done with Act 2 and have not found anything to replace it. But Lae'zel is up front more, so having that on her would be better, I think. Inter-party conflict is basically zero by default and Lae'zel is actually contributing here. There's 2 reasons for wanting hybrid throw/melee: first, I want to have the silver sword equipped (for RP reasons and the great gith bonuses), and secondly there are a number of fights in act III with low ceilings that are harder for throws. I think she could definitely change some of her outlooks throughout this game but I’ll be surprised (in a bad way) if she wants to commit to a relationship since it’s not something her people do / she sees you as a lesser being to begin with. 5m at 18 str and 15m at 20. I knew she wouldn’t be voiced, but figured that more content for her would be at least worthwhile. I use the right gloves for Lae'zel, but she's a Wizard, lol. The problem I have is this: it is VERY hard to roleplay as Lae’Zel for me. I'm tired of people making all encompassing judgements about her character from Act 1, especially in terms of romance. Just keeping everything pure for my first run. She seems more the type to be attracted to physical prowess rather than a bookworm but would probably find a Gish quite the catch if you wanted to add some magic to your martial prowess. I guess I don't buy into Shadowheart/Lae'zel. So If Lae'zel is going to stand near a bunch of people then something nice might be someone who can boost up her armour class if you are going to use a 2h or people who can take advantage of her position to increase their damage while she utilizes a 1h/shield or even both a 2H and some AC buffs and some people who take advantage of her being near enemies (i. Back of my mind always missed Lae’zel and her “I’m listening” talk, but Minthara is my world and my rock. Lae'Zel, first feat, I put 1 pt in STR, I'm wondering if I'm better going with a pt in DEX or CON? Thoughts? So either 14 DEX or 16 CON Astarion, would he be good with Defensive Duelist, and/or Savage Attacker. Wondering if there's anything else I should keep my eye out for? Combat with Lae'zel is simple - she applies the Oil of Bane to her weapon, goes running in and hits enemies. Gather your party and venture forth! Recommended Skills for Lae’zel Build. Hi guys i am planning a party composition for my evil dark urge playthrough. The left is better in general, and I would only suggest Helldusk, if you don't have elemental damage from anywhere else. I was fully committed to Lae’zel then I met Minthara. Good characters for a Lae'zel romance . I notice you don't have anybody naturally good at pickpocketing, lockpicking, or disarming in your group. But I think also being githyanki would be best for Lae'zel — she calls you 'kin' and it's like you're two aliens finding solace in each other in this strange realm. Fortunately, Lae’zel’s locked-in Soldier background allows this. You can continue doing Act 2, but nearing the end of the Act, Lae’zel will comment that you haven’t seen the creche yet, if you don’t go, she’ll go on her own and you don’t want that happening. I do feel a bit selfish, but I asked her to stay. Wyll is basic. Shadowheart and Lae'zel only start being ok with each other in end of act 2. So it’s better at getting In this guide, we will explain how to create a powerful build for Lae’zel in Baldur’s Gate 3, suitable for all difficulties. Looking it up, people say that she'll be dead with the githyanki patrol (but can be revived). I know it is popular. Indeed, I opted to romance her on my main. But I pretty much play the starting areas (the first 2 camp scenes, the Crypt, the Grove I just got into Act 2 and was looking at my character stats only to be surprised that Lae'zel has a permanent debuff that I cannot remove. Lae’zel isn’t going to spontaneously change her whole outlook on life because her leader was corrupt. Like with Lae’zel for example, because she’s proficient with basically everything, she has a LOT more versatility without the battlemaster specialization, but honestly after having played a double battlemaster duo with both my character and Lae’zel doing the If you're building for DPS then don't go with shield, it will nearly half your damage. She died during the Orin fight due to being really under levelled (Lv 5, my team is Lv 12) since I hadn’t used her since early game. What are some cool two-handed melee frontline builds for her ?. Orin kidnapped Halsin, so I thought maybe a bug and she had both characters. EK has worse raw output (unless you’re doing a tavern brawler throwing build) but you get access to shield, magic missile, and things like longstrider for flexibility and utility. Revivify doesn’t Somehow, after saving her from the 2 tieflings. Like the Camp 2 scene is a Lae'zel scene instead of Gale's Mirror Image one. EDIT - Ah, just reread your post, no Karlach. To the point that I swapped Astarion out for Gale in my party of Lae'zel, Wyll, and my Lae!Romancer. This time, I really want her to be using Two-handed weapons. true. The sheer utility of maneuvers that both do extra damage and apply various conditions is completely overpowered for the type of game BG3 is. So if you can get over the occasionally goofy animations, they're the best bet. For her "good" ending you can be any race. Gather your party and venture forth! That leaves me with Lae'Zel. Riposte is essential an extra attack while Rally can be used to revive from range with only a bonus action. 12 open hand is perfectly fine. Obviously I'd like her to wield the Silver Sword of the Astral Plane, and wear whatever the most lore friendly armor is. Lae'zel, even if you in particular don't like her, ultimately exists to serve the player and facilitate a good time. 5m and 45m respectively. Champion is the least powerful fighter sub-class. This will allow her to reroll the dice if it lands on a 1 or 2 while she’s using a two-handed melee weapon. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Gather your party and venture forth! Members Online • artisanalanxiety. I’ve tried multiple times now to do a Lae’Zel origin run. . I wanted to get to know Lae’zel better, so I picked her. I've heard that she comments if you're a red dragonborn. The best feats for Lae’zel improve her consistency, massively improve her damage, or add additional utility to her kit to make her Anyways, that's my case for why Athlete is one of the best feats in the game for Lae'zel. You can play as our favorite angsty rebel and be proficient in every skill. I didn’t free her from the cage in act 1, and he went hostile on my in the fight with the Githyanki at the Mountain Pass (which was good, because she was still level 1 and kept getting killed on the first round of combat). In-character Lae’zel is pretty mean at the start, so ofc basic “bad” things like Rolan and his siblings leaving to go die is a given. Below is a list of the best Act 1 equipment for the Lae’zel Companion in Baldur’s Gate 3: Grymskull Helm: Defeat Grym, a construct In this post, I will go through the Best Lae'zel Build - Vlaakith's Champion for Baldur's Gate 3. Lae'zel is a criminally underrated companion. Baldur's Gate III is based on a Lae’zel’s personal content is the same as for other origin characters in the act 1 (ok, maybe, Astarion has more than others). 46 votes, 58 comments. There is something nice about finding happiness outside the burden of constant destiny. We may not use the best turbo list but I’ll be damned if my turn 2 6/6 flying commander that draws me cards and kills your creatures isn’t turbo. However, I have seen some videos where she says I should reject Bhaal or else she would see me as weak or something along those lines. Skip to main content. The best choices for Lae’zel Feats in BG3. If you have the Paladin in Adamantine Plate + Shield, then they're going to be hit with When it comes to them, the best option for Lae'zel is Great Weapon Fighting style. I have the Adamantine Shield, which currently I'm using on Shadowheart. Gather your party and venture forth! For all of those reasons, and then some, Lae'zel is probably my favourite BG3 character. Why would Lae’Zel help the grove instead of heading straight to the BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. At this point I'm probably just going to rock it for the rest of the game. I have heard that Lae'zel, Shadowheart, and Gale are basically the big 3 in the game in terms of story. Champion is very simple and hits hard. So the oath she starts with would just be whichever I can break easy. But as a base Shadowheart/Gale works best for a straight pairing. Lae'Zel went off at the inn and killed 5 of the kidnappers in one turn thanks to some stacking with a haste scroll and a jump range of the entire building. Also mountain pass is the prettiest campsite! I feel like a fighter class suits her partner wise. Lae'zel as a Gith gets a free mage hand and Astral I got a really good ending with Lae'zel. Currently doing a Lae’zel origin run with her as a 4 elements monk, still the most consistent damage dealer on my team, just gets overshadowed by the other 2 subclasses. For paladin I was thinking of going to oathbreaker as my Tav is a necromancer. Lae'zel currently comes off as just rude and I find her best attribute to be her being a frontline Fighter. so I saved and went into sneak mode with asterion to pluck off some easy expwell the BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Apparently it's caused by sending her into the Zaith'isk device, that she's been pining for the entire first act of the game. The psychic damage from her Gith weapon will trigger the brain drain gloves - Both are good, but EK is better imo because of early burst damage. I will say straight up that it is clear Gale is not into Lae'zel, and at the party, if you choose her and then speak to him, he seems wary of your choice like he knows how enduring her appetite might leave you come morning. Lae'zel develops into being one of the kindest, sweetest, most loyal, and most loving characters of the whole group. If Karlach is doing your damage then maybe build Lae as a sentinel to guard her back. I know her story his deeply intertwined with the main story and I feel like she’s more than righteous enough to be a Paladin. And in case folks don't know, BG3 uses a d4 system for initiative, rather than a d20. I'm not sure what I'd do if I had a monk instead of CHA classes with smites. She's amazing. Baldur's Gate 3 Lae'Zel Companion Build, Champion Fighter Build guide - best abilities, skills and equipment. So for those of you who have finished the main story, does Lae’zel’s characterization work lore wise as a Vengeance Paladin? (No spoilers please, I’m still in act 1). It’s all insane with Tavern Brawler and Strength Potions. Not sure Lae'zel's character ever gave me Warlock or Bard vibes, but those are the strongest gish characters in So I’m doing an evil run and tbh I wanted to respect lae’zel into a more magic based build since I plan on my pc and probably minthara as my front Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home I am interested to see if Lae'Zel's and Gale's story will be related to each other somehow. Class is probably something martial. Gather your party and venture forth! But I still want to hear opinions on what others think are the best 3 to start off with and which one should be chosen as a 4th. But what’s even funnier is how badly things go if you do things as companion Lae’zel would wish. I know of no references to exactly how they fought, so either could be fighter, ranger, barbarian or paladin without any disconnect that I notice to the dialogue. Whether Lae’zel leaves right then, or if you can go with her, or if Wyll is willing to go with Karlach, or various aspects of any of the other companions’ endings still depend on decisions you make earlier in the game. But, I'll just agree that maybe even Lae'Zel can't resist Gale's charm! Atleast I can't. Best Lvl 2 EK Spells are Blur, Magic Weapon (for aggressive Being able to remove an enemy entirely before it goes is indeed very strong. I use 2 short swords at the moment. Best of Reddit; Topics; BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Lae'zel with a pet boar seems like silly fun times, while still being useful in a straight fight. My idea is to keep her a fighter for the majority of the game and then respec her when she abandons Vlaakith and decides to free Orpheus, Padlock could be fun and while Oath of vengeance could fit the theme the warlock dip doesnt feel right for Lae'Zel, also i don't see her as having charisma for one of her main stats. Choosing anyone else in any playthrough is near impossible at this point. I do think Lae'zel tends to feel best with a martial-type character, what with all her very physical comments about the PC tearing the horns off of dragons, and wanting to fight in her Act 2 scene. I usually pick the EK sub-class for Lae’zel. Best Beginner Lae’zel Companion Gear BG3. The grand plan is get Shadowheart to turn “good”, romance Karlach, maybe turn Astarion into a super vampire(the only evil thing I will do) and at the end game conquer Avernus together with Karlach. He’s building Karlach as a frontline GWF Bear Heart barbarian. I think all the companions have lines for suggesting a magical item for Gale, so most likely Lae'Zel just spotted the item before your main character did. But at level 6, I'm in a conundrum about what to do with Lae'zel. War Cleric also feels vaguely thematic for Lae'zel. Would you believe me if I told you this requires only two classes? And it can be achieved by level 5. I currently have Lae'zel as GWM battle master and Karlach exactly the same. After clearing the Creche I've been using the Soulbreaker Greatsword with Lae'zel. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. The question is what class would work best with them? I thought about bard but I am extremely nervous about having 3 casters in one party. Gather your party and venture forth! I think that both Lae'zel and Karlach need to be *some* kind of fighter, because their fighting is referred to. You have a nice chat with the dream visitor, find out that Vlaakith is a super bad person, and then when you come back out, A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. And Lae'zel really got my hyped about our life together bathing in the blood of our enemies. I skipped the crèche my first run (which I never finished) but now I always do it for Lae’zel’s story and also loot. BG3 is the Have played both Open Hand and Shadow with success in Honour mode. For instance, if Karlach’s scene happened before Lae’zel’s, this particular thing wouldn’t be an issue. Played BG3 today and thought that same thing everyone else felt about Lae'zel, but do you guys wish she would go through a I’m on my third play through playing as Lae’zel as neutral good and not choosing the gith responses and being nice (it’s the tadpoleschanged her perspective). Gather your party and venture forth! I have beaten the game and decided to try an origin character. eccsxlm eguyfk ktho txrmqo hbbtie qifzmm lamt xxgbs ongzq cno uuiapt xpcz bgxje ifc khz