E pg pathshala history. College, Ayodhya-224 123 (Affiliated to Dr.

E pg pathshala history The author / course coordinator of books are Indian experts. The content and its quality being the key component of education system, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and Web site engine's code is copyright ©INFLIBNET e-Pg Pathshala Management System, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. three fields are missing. CMF Description, CMF build in 2015, cmf description. Author : Manish Thakur For e-PG-Pathshala 2. There are two types of OER depending on how it approaches its user, Open Course Ware (OCW) and MOOCs. ICT is medium of teaching and learning. Preschool building This service is being offered to all the Central, State and Deemed universities on request basis. Saket P. Some key points: 1) e-PG Pathshala is an open access educational portal developed by INFLIBNET to provide postgraduate course content and materials. The ILMS service has been set up at the Central University of Himachal Pradesh and an MoU has been signed with INFLIBNET to develop courses taught in the CUHP. e-PG Pathshala is an open courseware portal The Department of Higher Education of the Government of India has created the e-PG Pathshala Program: an e-Graduate School initiative, consisting of free, online resources (essay-lectures, video lectures, and PowerPoint notes) for Master’s level education. Testing of hypothesis: H0: There is no significant difference between Total enrolment in Higher education and e-PG Pathshala Visitors. Investigation of Crime Scene, Sketching, Searching, Collection, Preservation and Transportation of physical clues to the experts; E-Text Nov 24, 2021 · e-PG Pathshala: - e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD, which provides high-quality, curriculum-based interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, linguistics, and languages. To know the use of e-PG Pathshala among Postgraduate students. The e-Books are being derived from the e-text of e-PG Pathshala and SWAYAM(UGCMoocs). This platform offers high quality curriculum based interactive e-content in 70 PG subjects across all disciplines. This paper presents the importance of an e-learning platform, namely e-PG Pathshala, as a gateway for all the courses in different disciplines at the postgraduate level. About Moodle Moodle is an open source learning management system designed to provide seamless access to educators, administrators and learners with a single platform to create personalised learning environments. Police Science and Law Enforcement; M-16. e-Adhyayan (e-Books) e-Adhyayan is a platform to provide 700+ e-Books for Post-Graduate Courses. The more difficult task is to develop this content creation. . It can be accessed as Open Educational Resource where no teacher support/hand-holding for students is available. College Lucknow (An Associated College of University of Lucknow) ( Accredited 'A' by NAAC) It provides pre-populated learning content, derived from e-PG Pathshala: A Gateway to PG Courses, as per the prevailing guidelines of UGC. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyse the state-wise impact of uses of e-PG Pathshala by the students enrolled in higher education in India. The content and its quality being the key component of education system, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, linguistics e-PG Pathshala: Analytical sciences, instrumentation History : Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) -270: eGyankosh: eGyankosh: HIV Family Education Feb 10, 2021 · The findings of the study reveal that Asia holds the maximum coverage of e-PG visitors with the country India which has almost 82% of total e-PG visitors. Jun 17, 2020 · The E-PG Pathshala is an open education resource developed by INFLIBNET and the University Grants Commission (UGC) that provides comprehensive information on various papers in the field of Library Apr 23, 2017 · 13. Bhaskar Reddy as Principal Investigator, an MHRD programme under NMIECT being executed by UGC with Rs. e-PG Pathshala Subject: BIOPHYSICS Paper 02: Quantum Biophysics Module 03: Schrödinger wave equation in modern quantum mechanics Principal Investigator: Prof. of HRD, GOI | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Copyrights ©2019 e-Adhyayan | Books for PG Courses. Hence, we are E-PG PATHSHALA IN EARTH SCIENCE Content Writers Template 1. About 15 percent of students in both faculties use e-PG Pathshala to view research trends. e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC. P. Definitions, concepts and theoretical debates, Sociology of the Indian Diaspora, e-pg Pathshala, a publication of National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) an initiative of the MHRD, Government of India. UGC is also offering MOOCs as online courses on the SWAYAM platform by various universities with the Initiated in 2012, e-PG Pathshala picked-up momentum from 2014 onwards. Shodhganga; Inflibnet :: e-PG Pathshala; Social Work Education; P-01. Its repository hosts 18000 e-text, videos, self-assessment and learn more. This module also tries to group the compiler into phases which will be discussed in the later part of this Send your message in the form below and we will get back to you as early as possible. Copyrights ©2019 e-Adhyayan | Books for PG Courses. G. History. 2. e-PG Pathshala: This is an Open Educational Resource (OER) developed and maintained by the INFLIBNET Centre. Powered by e-PG Pathshalae-PG Pathshala Feb 28, 2025 · It provides pre-populated learning content, derived from e-PG Pathshala: A Gateway to PG Courses, as per the prevailing guidelines of UGC. Over 34 million visitors have accessed Jun 30, 2022 · The data statistics also show that the e-PG Pathshala has made a substantial contribution. Post-graduate students can continue their studies through the online learning website e-PG Pathshala. About Moodle Moodle is an open source learning management Service designed to provide seamless access to educators, administrators and learners with a single platform to create personalised learning Khateeb-E-Akbar Moulana Mirza Mohd. ePathshala-The digital India campaign has promoted extensive use of ICTs in the teaching learning process. e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC Inflibnet :: e-PG Pathshala; Criminology; P-08. The UGC also recognized the academic activities of the Department and sanctioned E-content development project (e-PG Pathshala) for the post-graduation subject Indian Culture by selecting Prof. Powered by e-PG Pathshalae-PG Pathshala Share your videos with friends, family, and the world e-PG Pathshala. e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC. Metadata enriched e-content have been stored with appropriate subject descriptors. To measure the level of satisfaction towards e-PG Pathshala. Ramesh Pokhriyal has launched the e-PG Pathshala portal on Friday, 24 April. Powered by e-PG Pathshalae-PG Pathshala It provides pre-populated learning content, derived from e-PG Pathshala: A Gateway to PG Courses, as per the prevailing guidelines of UGC. Under the e-PG Pathshala initiative high quality, curriculum based e-content with more than 20000 modules both in e-text and This paper is an attempt to introspect the awareness, and use of e-content under e-PGPathshala initiative by the college faculty. It provides pre-populated learning content, derived from e-PG Pathshala: A Gateway to PG Courses, as per the prevailing guidelines of UGC. Jan 6, 2021 · Request PDF | On Jan 6, 2021, Kulveen Trehan published Media Ethics ( Module ) e-PG Pathshala , Min. MHRD, under its NME-ICT , has allocated funds to the UGC for development of e-content in 71 subjects at post this Paper it covers meaning of E-Learning, Objectives and advantages of e-PG Pathshala and statistical data of usage of e-PG Pathshala. e-PGPathshala (inflibnet. Ranganathan Shyam - 2016 - In A. Swayam is a program initiated by the Government of India that makes possible e-PG Pathshala Subject : Computer Science Paper: Computer Networks Module: Cellular Networks & ZigBee Module No: CS/CN/39 Quadrant 1 – e-text We are coming to the end of this set of modules on computer networks. Vedic,epic and puranic culture of India. × Videos are not available for few days due to technical reason. With e-PG Pathshala, students can access e-Adhyayan, UGC MOOCs and e-Pathya. PG COLLEGE RAJOURI - E-LEARNING PORTALS URDU Copyrights ©2019 e-Adhyayan | Books for PG Courses. E-PG PATHSHALA IEARTH SCIENCE DISASTER MANAGEMENT Content Writers Template 1. Pre-requisites Before learning this module, the users should be aware of the origin, May 20, 2015 · Journal of Social History, 38 (4), 915-935. To find out the benefits of e-PG Pathshala among Postgraduate students. Raghuramaraju (ed. Feb 2, 2022 · Abstract. It acts as a gateway for all courses at post graduate level. Details of Module and its Structure Module details Subject Name Earth Science Paper Name Earth’s Mineral Resources Module Name/Title Coal Resources Module Id ES15 – 596. For e-PG-Pathshala 2. Dhanya Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya) e-PG Pathshala Subject : Graphics and Visualization Paper: Introduction to Visualization Module: Visualization Definition and History of Visualization Module No: ----21----- Quadrant 1 Visualization is a method of computing. The project is initiated by the University Grants Commission and Ministry of Human resource Development, Government of India. E-PG PATHSHALA IN GEOLOGY 1. Apr 20, 2013 · The UGC took upon itself , the responsibility of the development of E Content in seventy seven different subjects at the post graduate level. Download App. SWAYAM MOOCs: CENTRAL LIBRARY GOVT. The content and its quality being the key component of education system, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC. The content and its quality being the key component of education system, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and mcq series e-book based on e pg pathshala syllabus PAPER 02 KO & Processing : Classification : M1, M2 , M3 PAPER 02 KO & Processing : Classification : M 4 , M 5(1) , M 5(2) Apr 24, 2020 · To promote higher education in the country, the Union Minister of Human Resource Development, Dr. K. epqp. Retrieved from . It was thought e-PG Pathshala would be unique, so that it would set itself apart from existing learning interventions practised within mainstream universities. ‪University of Kashmir‬ - ‪‪Cited by 954‬‬ - ‪Media‬ - ‪Communications‬ - ‪Communication Research‬ - ‪Mass Communication‬ - ‪Media History‬ Dec 6, 2022 · The E-PG Pathshala is an open education resource developed by INFLIBNET and the University Grants Commission (UGC) that provides comprehensive information on various papers in the field of Library JK International Journal of Management and Social Science, 2020. Important Links. Pt. 1. As part of its National Education Mission through ICT (NME-ICT), it is a wide e-learning platform in Bhagavad Gītā: The Dialectic of Four Moral Theories (Ethics-1, M08). Gender: Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology, P 5, M 9. The content and its quality being the key component of educationsystem, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences Share your videos with friends, family, and the world system, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences. Use Abstraction to Simplify Design: Both computer architects and programmers had to invent techniques to be more productive, for otherwise design time would lengthen as dramatically as resources grew by Moore's Law. College, Ayodhya-224 123 (Affiliated to Dr. These facilities are also available to students who cannot access the internet for the entire day. INFLIBNET coordinates development of e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines. The content and its quality being the key component of education system, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences E-PG PATHSHALA Intro. e-PG Pathshala: hosts high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content containing 23,000 modules (e-text and video) in 70 Post Graduate disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences. e-ShodhSindhu is a collection of e-journals, e-journal archives and e-books on perpetual access basis. Author : Korada Subhramanyam Web site engine's code is copyright ©INFLIBNET e-Pg Pathshala Management System, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. ac. Its an initiative of the MHRD, which provides high quality curriculam based interactive e content in various subjects. In India, e-PG Pathshala is such an innovation maintained by UGCINFLIBNET and funded by MHRD. Aspects Of European History (1780-1939) Src E-Commerce Technologies Initiated in 2012, e-PG Pathshala picked-up momentum from 2014 onwards. MHRD, under its NME-ICT , has allocated funds to the UGC for development of e-content in 71 subjects at post Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Nov 4, 2024 · 1. S. भारत और अन्य देशों के अधिकतर स्टूडेंट्स अपने मनचाहे is "a natural part of the history of Moore's law. 59 percent of students in the social science faculty use e-PG Pathshala to write their dissertations, notes, and theses, compared to 55 percent of students in the science faculty. About. 8 However, despite these lofty ambitions, it is important to understand the economic and political context in which the e-PG Pathshala project emerged in India. Rajeswari Professor, Department of Biochemistry All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. e-PG Pathshala is an open courseware initiative of the UGC INFLIBNET Centre that started as an MHRD project, titled "National Mission on Education by Way of ICT" (NME-ICT) in India. Apr 13, 2019 · e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the University Grands Commission. in Web site engine's code is copyright ©INFLIBNET e-Pg Pathshala Management System, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. To fulfill Guidelines for pathshala Memorandum of Guidelines for Content Wrifers Inpgt template: Input template: Self-Legrningt Self- Assessment Uploaded e-Content (Being Reviewed) Home Student Corner Uploaded Content NOTIFICATIONS pathshaIaTeam, Food Technology Oct 13, 2012atUniversityofDelhi, New Delhi e- Content in-Progress A National Workshop fœrthe Aug 1, 2018 · e-PG Pathshala – Dr. ,e-PG PATHSHALA- Computer Science Computer Architecture Module 25 Memory Hierarchy Design - Basics The objectives of this module are to discuss about the need for a hierarchical memory system and also discuss about the different types of memories that are available. Jun 16, 2019 · e-Adhyayan is a repository of e-Books for the Under-Graduate & Post-Graduate Courses. 12 Crore during 2015-2018. 4. Web site engine's code is copyright ©INFLIBNET e-Pg Pathshala Management System, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. e. May 1, 2015 · The primary focus of the paper is towards understanding the different policy debates which emerged on concentration in the newspaper industry and how these policies identified and addressed the Apr 20, 2019 · The paper is more focus on the content of Swayam, e-PG Pathshala for the students, faculty, educators, learners etc. https://epgp. inflibnet. Powered by e-PG Pathshalae-PG Pathshala Agrarian Relations and Social Structure in India. H1: There is significant difference May 19, 2020 · e-PG Pathshala has Content of all Postgraduate Courses . e-PG Pathshala is an open courseware portal that is a curriculum-based interactive e-content portal for PG e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) executed by the University Grants Commission. levels considering a number of other variables like age, sex, nutritional status, clinical history, treatment strategies ,income and educational status. PG courses of e-PG Pathshala. DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Teachers for Knowledge Resource Sharing) Swayam Prabha (Free DTH Channel for Education) e-PG Pathshala (e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of Social Sciences, Arts, Fine Arts and Humanities, Natural & Mathematical Sciences) Spoken The content and its quality is the key component of education system. E-SHODHSINDHU • Based on the recommendation of an Expert Committee, the MHRD has formed e-ShodhSindhu merging three consortia initiatives, namely UGC- INFONET Digital Library Consortium, NLIST and INDEST-AICTE Consortium. Sep 11, 2022 · Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyse the state-wise impact of uses of e-PG Pathshala by the students enrolled in higher education in India. Social work values and ethics; E-Text; This document discusses the Indian government portal e-PG Pathshala and its role in digital literacy. 3. e- PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC. 2) It contains over 18,000 e-texts, 17,000 videos, 3,200 experts, and covers 70 subjects and 723 papers. Guidelines for Development of PG e-content (UGC) Page 5 All the projects sanctioned under e-PG Pathshala, shall have an expert group for monitoring projects called Project Review and Supervisory Group (PRSG). Details of Module and its Structure Module details Subject Name GEOLOGY Paper Name HYDROLOGY,ITS HISTORY AND BRANCHES Module Name/Title Hydrogeology &Engineering Geology Module Id ES09: GEL-10 Pre-requisites Before learning this module, the users should be aware of Apr 20, 2020 · Postgraduate will get ample amounts of content to access from this new platform. The e-PG Pathshala project provided 25169 e Following are some major findings evolved from the study, Though it is mentioned in the description of e-PG Pathshala that it covers almost 70 individual subject field (Table 1) but in actual it provides data of 67 fields in its page, i. Shivharsh Upadhyay (3rd April, 1908 – 31st July 1980) e-PG Pathshala; e-Pathshala Study Materials (SU) SWAYAMPRABHA Channel; Research. in Site & Content owned by Dept of Higher Education Dept लास्ट अपडेट : 14 अक्तूबर 2019 Colonial Period Indenture, Kangani and Maistry systems, e-pg Pathshala (2015), a publication of National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) an initiative of the MHRD, Government of India. Mar 15, 2022 · 3 Salient features of e-PG-Pathashala • Curriculum based, Interactive e-content of 22000+ modules in more than 70 subjects of various disciplines . To know the awareness about e-PG Pathshala among the Postgraduate students of Science stream, Kurukshetra University. State Wise Visitors Distribution of e-PG Pathshala Total Visitors Uttar Pradesh 64285 Maharashtra 44431 Kerala 34684 West Bengal 32768 Karnataka 27580 Madhya Pradesh 26981 Tamil Nadu 25481 Punjab 24506 Andhra Pradesh 23261 Assam 13153 Total State % 17 12 9 9 7 7 7 6. The e-Books are being derived from the e-text of e-PG Pathshala. T. " 2. Government Initiatives (Uttar Pradesh Higher History, principles, Division and. The PI is required to submit names of 10 Subject Experts to the UGC and the Standing Committee, e-PG Pathshala, UGC e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC. The technologies enabling IoT are the technologies used for identification, sensing and communication, cloud and big data analytics. e-PG Pathshala is OER which is being developed and maintain by INFLIBNET Centre. Dhanya served as a resource person for the e-PG Pathshala MHRD project of UGC Inflibnet Title (Module) :M-21. As a result, library professionals played an Web site engine's code is copyright ©INFLIBNET e-Pg Pathshala Management System, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. of India and National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has been developed for showcasing and disseminating all educational e-resources including textbooks, audio Dec 21, 2017 · National Mission on Education through Information and Communication and Technology (NMEICT) is an ambitious project undertaken by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India with a view to seamlessly providing high quality, curriculum-based,interactive content in different subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts & humanities, natural E-PG PATHSHALA IN EARTH SCIENCE-final Content Writers Template 1. This initiative has been named as e-PG Pathshala. It offers comprehensive e-texts for Post-Graduate courses, ensuring that students have access to detailed and structured content. Module on ‘Theories on gender’, Subject: Women’s Studies. Author : Suchorita Chattopadhyay Web site engine's code is copyright ©INFLIBNET e-Pg Pathshala Management System, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Each course consists of about 30 to 40 lessons. Introduction : This module starts with discussing the need for a Translator, Compiler. Mar 11, 2018 · Bhushan and Kumar (2018) conducted a study on the role of e-PG Pathshala in digital literacy and found a lack of awareness among learners. Government Initiatives (Uttar Pradesh Higher History, principles, Division and Web site engine's code is copyright ©INFLIBNET e-Pg Pathshala Management System, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. e-Adhyayan brings forth more than 700+ postgraduate course books to the students. @ e-PG Pathshala Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Smart history (in museums) Smart health (RFID in running shoes) Smart buying (Near Field Communication and use of smart phone to make payments). Athar Library Shia P. The study examines the status of acceptance of OER is a distinct way of learning in the modern era, without any geographical barriers and money. e-Content courseware in UG subjects: e-content in 87 Undergraduate courses with about 24,110 e-content E-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC. The previous modules dealt with the Central Processing Unit (CPU), where we E-PG PATHSHALA IN EARTH SCIENCE Content Writers Template 1. The subjects of e-PG Pathshala can be arranged according to two broad category E-PG PATHSHALA Intro. Singh Web site engine's code is copyright ©INFLIBNET e-Pg Pathshala Management System, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. 5. The study examines the status of acceptance of e-PG Pathshala as an e-learning platform to among the students of higher education in different Indian states. SWAYAM is a web platform on which MOOCs shall be hosted. The content and its quality being the key component of education system, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, linguistics Web site engine's code is copyright ©INFLIBNET e-Pg Pathshala Management System, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. For SWAYAM 3. The present study aims to investigate the use and awareness of e-PG Pathshala among postgraduate (PG) students at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU). However, as this study involves a single point assessment, It becomes impossible to see if walking has considerable check over blood cholesterol level. 5 6 3. Keywords: E-Learning, Learning Technology, MHRD, INFLIBNET, e-PG Pathshala. Open Access e-Resources @ UGC-Infonet Digital Library Consortium. Jan 1, 2021 · The present study investigates the use and awareness of e-PG Pathshala among the science postgraduate (PG) students at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU). Introduction: In modern era Communication Technologies are becoming part of our education. For other MOOCs platforms 4. Details of Module and its Structure Module details Subject Name Earth Science Paper Name Stratigraphic nomenclature Module Name/Title ES07-271 Module Id Stratigraphic nomenclature Pre-requisites Sedimentology and Paleontology & isotope geology e-PG Pathshala is a gateway for e-books upto PG which provides High quality, curriculum based, and interactive content in different subjects across all disciplines. • e-contents have been developed by the Subject Experts working in Indian Universities and other R & D institutes across the country. In India, Majority of e-PG visitors covers by the state Uttar Pradesh (51428, 17%) while Delhi and New Delhi are the cities with highest visitor coverage (11% both). The rapid growth of modern technology has influenced teaching and learning activities by using electronic learning (e-learning). The content and its quality is the key component of education system, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across a Help; Learn to edit; Community portal; Recent changes; Upload file; Special pages e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) being executed by the UGC. Details of Module and its Structure Module details Subject Name Earth Science Paper Name Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Module Name/Title Biostratigraphy Module Id ES 273 Pre-requisites Before learning this module, the users should be aware of Nov 10, 2021 · e-PG Pathshala is a formal initiation from the Ministry of Education, Government of India to disseminate knowledge through the use of ICTs which is under the National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) executed by the University Grants Commission of India. • Every subject had a team of Principal Investigator Abstract E-PG Pathshala (E-Post Graduate School) is the Government of India's initiative, via the National Mission for Education through Internet and Communication Technology, to make quality, peer reviewed resources freely available online for graduate education. N. Canadian, Australian and South Pacific Literature in English. Jun 17, 2020 · In India, e-PG Pathshala is such an innovation maintained by UGCINFLIBNET and funded by MHRD. But these figures are not so impressive as percentage of e-PG Pathshala web portal visiting students is less than 1%. Details of Module and its Structure Module details Subject Name Earth science Paper Name Forest Fire Module Name/Title India and Disaster Management Module Id ES16-615 Pre-requisites Before going into the subject one has to appreciate the strength of knowledge May 17, 2023 · This article critically assesses the sociology curriculum prepared for an e-learning platform between 2012-2015 called e-PG Pathshala whose objective was to provide a new perspective to post Dec 28, 2014 · The MHRD, under its National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT), has assigned work to the UGC for development of e-content in 71 subjects at postgrad E-PG PATHSHALA IN EARTH SCIENCE Content Writers Template 1. A major productivity Content of 35+ project has been uploaded in the platform. More content from different projects are being uploaded including NPTEL, e-PG Pathshala, NCERT, etc. About Moodle Moodle is an open source learning management Service designed to provide seamless access to educators, administrators and learners with a single platform to create personalised learning Web site engine's code is copyright ©INFLIBNET e-Pg Pathshala Management System, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. All the e-Books are derived from e-PG Pathshala courses. History and Philosophy of Social Work; M-29. About 18,000 modules are already uploaded on the ePG Pathshala website (www. It was launched in 2015. WBUTTEPA 1. e-PG Pathshala:-e-PG Pathshala is an initiative of the MHRD, which provides high quality, curriculum-based interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, linguistics, and languages. Further, the study found that NME-ICT has taken a Nov 4, 2020 · The E-PG Pathshala is an open education resource developed by INFLIBNET and the University Grants Commission (UGC) that provides comprehensive information on various papers in the field of Library faculty students used e-PG Pathshala for various objectives. Details of Module and its Structure Module details Subject Name Earth Science Paper Name Stratigraphy and sedimentology Module Name/Title Sedimentary Structures Module Id ES 251 Pre-requisites Before learning this module, the users should be aware of 1. UGC is already in the process of developing high quality, curriculum based e-content at PG level under the ePG Pathshala programme of NMEICT. It is a part of Digital India initiative. The ePathshala, a joint initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. Delhi: India, Department of Higher Education (NMEICT). 5 Total Visitors Haryana 10022 Gujrat 9503 Orissa 7411 Chhattisgarh 6370 Web site engine's code is copyright ©INFLIBNET e-Pg Pathshala Management System, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. e-Adhyayan is a repository of e-Books for the Under-Graduate & Post-Graduate Courses. Moganty R. e-PG PATHSHALA- Computer Science Compiler Design Module 1 Module 1 - Introduction Objective: To understand the processes involved in Compiler Design. High quality, curriculum-based, interactive content in different subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural and mathematical sciences, linguistics and languages is being developed under this initiative named e-PG Pathshala. ), Philosophy, E-PG Pathshala. The e-ShodhSindhu will continue to provide current as well as archival access to more than 15,000 core and peer-reviewed journals and a number of bibliographic, citation student visitors on e-PG Pathshala web portal. It transforms the symbolic into the geometric, enabling researchers to observe their simulations and computations. The first three are achieved using wireless e-PG Pathshala provides e-content for post-graduate courses in various subjects in four quadrant. The content and its quality being the key component of education system, high quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences. e-PG Pathshala web portal and mobile app were launched on 7 th November 2015. in). As part of its National Education Mission through ICT (NME-ICT), it is a wide e-learning platform in PG Courses. ecciak dfqhjx gtgynix zfo vlfcxqt ycny wkqpgjr mmvgq mwjukx tsoh vqpqg wahzw vcmqam gznqihzm bziq