Venus opposite pluto composite lindaland. It is one of the effect I hate of us being .
Venus opposite pluto composite lindaland Composite Venus Opposite Pluto Love Under Pressure. Author: Topic: Venus opposite Venus synastry: 11nahyt Knowflake . They've also got Sun parallel Mercury (12° North) and Mercury parallel Venus for good communication. They're not common patterns, and rare in many cases. Married Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. 0 Venus Conjunct Pluto, and Venus Trine Pluto. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Venus opposition Pluto in synastry/Venus trine Pluto in composite : Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Venus opposition Pluto in synastry/Venus trine Pluto in composite : ChildofVenus Knowflake . Posts: 862 From: Registered Author: Topic: Venus square Pluto in composite - simmering jealousy: SimplyLuna Knowflake . But look at how they've got 4 planets in stable, persistent Taurus. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Bad Composite but Getting Married Isnt the sun opposite pluto and square saturn a bad sign? becoming critical towards each other which is what may hinder their intimacy (chiron/lilith/ceres tsquare) Venus square Pluto is quite controlling, yet very passionate When Pluto is opposite Ascendant in a composite chart, it signifies a relationship that is bound to go through significant transformations and power dynamics. These aspects can be found in karmic or destined connections. Also, I wanna mention Pluto because we have Pluto squaring our Sun/Mercury/Venus stellium in Composite. 0 Venus/Pluto aspects in Natal Chart (Page 1) many Venus/Pluto people I know are a very dark, intense-looking bunch. Composite Venus Opposite Pluto is a challenging aspect that can bring intense and transformative experiences to the relationship. pluto, but this is very similar and very passionate; it arouses such amazing feelings that you wonder if you will ever feel it again, and then everything else seems to come up short And it's a double whammy. This can be a painful process, but it is also one that can lead to profound growth and healing. We have the power to tackle anything we set our minds to because ofour bigness of spirit basically. 0 Good and bad aspects in COMPOSITES (Page 1) Composite Venus/Uranus can mean that your affection for one another comes and goes. The attraction and chemistry between couples can be unmistakable and create an attraction hard to resist. He's mars and Im Pluto. Composite Venus trine Pluto in a composite chart suggests a powerful and transformative connection in a relationship. Odette Moderator . It's like a relationship built on sand. Posts: 923 From: united states Registered: May 2009: posted May 24, 2009 01:03 AM Can anyone tell me about composite Mars conjunct Pluto in the 8th? bcs all this intensity might Venus square Pluto in composite, is very affected by the rest of the chart entirely, as well as the individuals natal tendencies. of course one can not isolate even this aspect from the rest of the chart when making a long term interpretation Me and my partner have Venus in Leo trine Pluto in Sag exact in our composite. Together 1yr. . com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology According to you, what is the meaning of Venus/Pluto in Composite Chart? Author: Topic: According to you, what is the meaning of Venus/Pluto in Composite Chart? MilaBirkin Knowflake . even remotely possessive (both have uranus-venus aspects), but this relationship seems to generate possessive behavior. We tried to keep a casual polyamorous relationship, but we couldn't keep it up. We also have pluto on each others IC. In this context, Pluto opposite Venus can be seen as a catalyst for personal evolution and growth. Posts: 637 From Sun, Venus, Mars in 12th house (Venus rules 5th and 12th) Sun-VEnus opposite Moon-Mercury Sun conjunct Pluto Venus-Pluto is out of orb with 9 degrees. in our composite venus, sun, and mars are all trine chiron (our venus is conjunct our sun, it's also conjunct pluto but sun and pluto aren't conjunct) and we have a sextile from our composite north node (4th house) to chiron as well. Registered: Apr 2015: posted June 28, 2019 08:27 AM Have you had this aspect with someone? If so how did it play out? The guy I have pluto trine venus with, seems to be UPDATE: Composite sun venus and mercury aspecting each other at all in the composite is interpreted as a love stellium, as I found thru an internet search. As transiting Venus opposes your natal Pluto, you will experience intensified intimate encounters and relational experiences that dredge up unconscious feelings. Jupiter conj Pluto is good for finances especially in Libra. He has this in his natal chart too. Venus trine or sextile Pluto in a composite chart indicates that the relationship itself is a source of emotional transformation. People with this aspect are more likely to gravitate toward deeply transformative and passionate relationships. Even with not that good aspects to the sun with square uranus,neptune and inconjunct pluto exact our relationship survived for 7 years. com) Topic Closed next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Mars Conjunct Pluto Composite: Ann7 Knowflake . Im not sure how it would play out because we also have very lovey dove aspects like moon-venus dw, venus-jupiter dw, moon in 1st house overlay, venus conjunct mars. uranus. Otherwise, I know many people with their Pluto opposite my Venus and I'm best friends with some of them. So far I've checked my last 7 yr relationship and sure enough we had comp asc sq Saturn. So to add to the discussion i have to say that it is definatly what it is cut out to be. com) Lindaland Topic: Who's had composite Venus opposite Pluto? afarin Knowflake . In Synastry we have Pluto conj Moon, trine/semisquare Venus, square/quincunx Mars. There is great tension in this relationship and it can actually fuel the fire of passion. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Astrology venus opposite ascendant- synastry profile | register | preferences | faq: Author: Topic: venus opposite ascendant- synastry: eatbooks unregistered : posted January 04, 2007 08:23 PM The person I am dating now I don’t think is Plutonic – I don’t have his birth time, but he’s a Cap Sun (and most likely a Cap moon), with lots of Aqua placements. It is at 9 degrees so it is too wide of an orb for the aqua planets in Venus, Mercury, and Mars (16, 19 and 20 degrees, respectively) but it does trine moon by exactly 1 degree which I guess adds to those intense feelings and sextile Neptune by 2 Magnetic Attraction: This Venus-opposite Pluto aspect of the chart of natal birth indicates the attraction of magnetism and intensity in relationships. You may have to constrict your attraction for each other or work through obstacles that limit your availability. This is because we’re talking about the 2nd and 8th house energies. com) Lindaland Topic: Venus SQUARE Mars Composite chart: SiriusAntares Knowflake . With Venus trine Pluto, there is a magnetic attraction and an intensity in the way the individuals relate to each other. com) Lindaland (Saturn 17° in 7H, Mars, Jupiter 17° in 10H, Venus 17° in 1H) & Uranus square Mercury Rx in Virgo. Posts: 4483 From: Customer Service Rep. my personal pick for #1 is venus c. it was bad synastry imo, but we had those 'hot/passionate' aspects, such as venus c. composite Uranus is at 4aqu33 which was transited by the south node on September 23th 2018. It often manifests as power struggles, jealousy, possessiveness, and manipulation. IP: Logged. Posts: 774 From: here and there Registered: Sep 2010: posted March 29, 2011 03:12 PM That's the Venus sq Pluto, right? I really think we're a twisted I have venus trine pluto double whammy with my partner, I think we are both obsessed lol Sometimes he's the dominant ,intense pluto and other times I am. Your relationship is characterized by a strong sense of passion and desire. Just my 2 cents. We had even supportive My Pluto-Jupiter midpoint is 4 degrees away from opposite his and is conjunct composite Descendant/Davison Jupiter and this semizquares his Sun/Moon mp. The guy I am seeing, we have moon square venus forming a tsquare with pluto in Davison. (Venus in Cap conjunct Neptune/Uranus/Sextile Pluto) IP: Logged. Its a very loving deep attraction on both behaves i believe. Posts: 26 From: Registered: Dec 2013: posted December 02 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Venus opposite Pluto Rx at 0 degrees both in their ruling signs (Taurus/Scorpio) My relationships prior to being married were attracting dark people who abused me or used me in some way. Venus opposite Mars in a Composite Chart typically indicates that this couple has trouble achieving balance and harmony in their relationship, especially when it comes to their individual desires compared to How the opposition between Venus and Mars shows up in a couple’s composite chart Also, a Venus-Pluto-trine which completes a Grand trine with Sun or Moon or Mars or Venus, which also falls into water houses or the 1st, 5th or 7th house, would play a bigger role in a relationship, than an isolated Venus-Pluto-trine from the 11th to the 3rd house. A lot of people say horrible things about Pluto but I seem to attract such relationships so I might as well live with it. com) I think there has to be some nice redeeming aspect in all of that, such as composite sun conjunct or semisqure jupiter, or composite sun semisquare or opposite venus, or at the very LEAST venus trine pluto or moon square/opp/semisquare venus in either synastry or composite. I oh yes, Pluto/Venus, Pluto/Moon double whammies is no joke. Posts: 168575 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. In terms of relationship dynamics, Pluto opposite Venus can bring about intense experiences and deep transformations. Lindaland Astrology 2. And it's true Venus/Mars contacts leave you breathless. Venus ruled the 2nd, Pluto the 8th, both trined each other. My Sun/Moon midpoint and Eros are at 2degree Pisces, which opposes his Venus/Mars conjunction at 2degree Virgo. Eyebrows, above all, are very defined. As a 3yr old, that opposition had me in a losing war of jealousy and rejection with a 30 yr-old stepmonster who’d recently married my father, never spoke to me -though we lived in the same house for one year, and was furious when my father gave me any attention EVER. Posts: 450 From: Registered: Jul 2017: posted July 20, 2021 10:28 PM Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. If you know of people who had it in a close orb (3 degrees or lower) and a double whammy, let's hear of how it all played out. This aspect indicates a potent connection with intense emotional energies between two individuals. Composite Jupiter/Pluto trine is auspicious. I have a Venus/Pluto opposition and I know it only gets triggered rarely, when another planet is involved. As you explore the desires that have been stirred up, you will be able to gain more awareness of unconscious patterns that have been impacting your Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Venus was conj the NN Thanks you Orange showing how intense this aspect can be as well as others saying how it is even stronger than Venus-Pluto and Venus-Mars, I wanted to hear some stories. It was extremely intense and mutually obssessivelots of In Synastry his venus in Pisces is opposite my Pluto in Virgo. hmm not the best aspect to have by itself, but because you have sun conjunct venus in there, I don't see it as a big deal. Our finances got better over time but could be unstable at the start. This aspect indicates deep emotional issues that need to be addressed in order for the relationship to thrive. this is my experience for Sun conjunct pluto in synastry - the Pluto person is obsessed initially with the Sun person, even idolizes Sun and the relationship is very passionate - the Sun person feels empowered and this can endure for a long time if indicators are there in the rest of the chart. Posts: 624 From: Registered: Jul 2014: posted June 22, 2016 10:09 PM Venus conjunct Pluto 12th house in a composite. 0 venus opposite neptune synastry Topic: venus opposite neptune synastry: Mandy pie Knowflake . 0 Venus-Pluto obssessed love synastry (Page 1) Venus Conjunct Pluto, and Venus Trine Pluto. If could be our Mars 8th House synastry overlay causing a bit of that as well but in general I think having this aspect in composite we have both taken turns being Pluto. Neptune sextile/trine to pluto is a very stabilizing aspect and yes it sshows that support ,sesnsitivity ,consideration and a healing quality is present. Posts: 583 From: I adore my dad and we have sun/venus/neptune/mercury stellium in composite. where the witches wear givenchy Registered: Feb 2012: posted June 24, 2013 04:13 AM Venus opposite Pluto in the composite chart. It's a profound and transformative energy that can both challenge and deepen the relationship. It is one of the effect I hate of us being Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Composite sun semisquare, opposite, or semisextile venus yields the same exact interpretation in Google as composite sun conjunct venus. This person just lives in my head and I cannot seem to be able to get him out of my head no matter how hard I try. amelia28 Knowflake . lol) For him some other things are highlighted: c-Mars conjuncts his Mercury-Jupiter conjunction With my husband, we have: Mars (him) trine Pluto (me) & Venus (me) trine Pluto (him). Married 5yrs+. For instance, one or both of you may not be free to pursue the relationship at first. We have good sun, moon, neptune- venus contacts. We were both commitment-phobes before we met the second time and got to know each other. oct 25th the north node will transit your venus so the period defined by these dates should be intensely affectionate. Opposite axis’s. Ami Anne Moderator . Posts: 88 From: Registered: Nov 2012: posted November 03, 2012 09:12 PM In my experience this is a really bad aspect between couples. If composite Uranus opposes individual's Sun, the individual might find the relationship unpredictable and even unstable for him/her. 0 Saturn/Uranus/Venus hard aspects composite preferences | faq: UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Saturn/Uranus/Venus hard aspects composite: JennsenS2 Knowflake . com) Originally posted by Taineberry: ok . 0 Jupiter transits (Page 1) Jupiter transits to natal Pluto are times when financial benefits and business activities can more easily be accelerated. Still, the person NESSUS conjunct MARS square SATURN opposite PLUTO NESSUS square MARS opposite PLUTO/SATURN NESSUS square MARS opposite PLUTO or SATURN. There is a strong sexual chemistry and the attraction never seems to cease. Posts: 64 From: Canada Registered: Aug 2013: posted June 01, 2016 11:41 PM hopefully someone who's had composite Venus opposing Pluto can chime in -----Sagittarius Rising Sagittarius Moon Aries Sun Venus in Pisces Lindaland Astrology 2. Composite: Venus Square Pluto. Especially within orb. 0 Possible stellium in composite Topic: Possible stellium in composite: Garnet75 Newflake . Very Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. healing through being together has been a huge theme in our relationship, but it's been difficult in a lot of Also we had Venus square Pluto in composite, Pluto conjunct the midheaven and Venus conjunct ascendant. I have it with someone, my Venus conj Mars opposite his Venus conj Pluto on my Pluto + Saturn/Venus, Jupiter/Venus and Neptune/Venus double whammies. IP: Logged Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. practically venus square to pluto is unfavorable for a committed relationship. The 2nd house [resources/finances/luxuries] being what we have to give and 8th house being what we have to take [death, other people’s money, shared resources, sex]. Our composite has Venus opposite or square Pluto 😅 soooo I really hope it won’t turn terrible ;( I want him to be my forever ;( I am a hopeless romantic (libra Venus and Taurus moon), hopefully with honesty we can combat Pluto 😌 Reply reply I have Venus (28′ Pi; conj Jupiter@24’Pi. In the composite we have In addition to this my Venus is in an exact square to our vertex/vertex conjunction and her Venus in an exact square to my pluto, a double Neptune/ascendant conjunction and an exact Venus opposite Pluto in a Composite Chart creates the potential for profound transformation through this relationship. and saturn in a 7th house. Transit Venus in 15 Gemini, right on composite Lilith and 2 degrees conjunct composite Saturn. SimplyLuna Knowflake . You may see each other as partners who also bring status, and this can entangle your feelings with issues of Uranus wants to make out with the Venus and throw them on the bed in my personal experience w/ conjunction Venus feels the same way but is more subtle. This will make for a good case study. Discover a love that transcends the ordinary. They both have Pluto trine/sextile Mars in natal. also lots of saturn. My Natal Virgo Sun(AC) sits at 16° and Natal Uranus(IC) at 14° making tight aspects with those transits creating a Grand Cross. Transit Mars in 12 Aries will be conjunct the composite Sun, Mercury, Venus and square the north node. He is possessive, not in a bad way like I’ve experienced in the past. and everything in between. Composite Venus conjunct Pluto energy of a couple mostly feels like an unconscious, psychological connection. 0 venus conjunct pluto composite profile | register | preferences | faq: UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: venus conjunct pluto composite: ShyVirgo1979 Knowflake is a fascination there but you both have lifestyles and tastes the other finds opposite to their When the composite Moon is opposite composite Pluto- You are intensely involved with each other, and the attachment runs deep. All times are Eastern Admittedly, their composite Sun opposition Uranus is wide, but Mercury and Venus are in even tighter opposition to Uranus. Posts: 47981 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010: posted October 01, 2013 02:28 PM. com) Lindaland Astrology 2. com) I had with my ex venus in pisces trine pluto scorpio exact in composite,it was the most passionate relationship and that one when you feel loved in all the pieces of your soul. for instance if composite Saturn is conjunct an individual's Venus, the individual might feel that the relationship is very serious and or even restricting. com) Topic Closed Lindaland Astrology 2. As you explore the desires i have this - venus trine pluto at 1 degree in the composite and we also have venus conjunct pluto at 2 degrees in synastry. Description of the opposition between Venus and Pluto in Synastry. Mars (him) trine Venus (me). Some of them may be friends, others enemies. not sure how to tell the difference though between how it would feel Venus-Pluto composite chart aspects: relationship astrology: Pluto conjunct, sextile, trine, square, quincunx, opposition Venus in composite chart. As we'd expect them to be. Posts: 14 From: Registered: Feb 2010: posted August 19, 2013 04:06 PM Okay I have posted this earlier in another thread. Especially the hard ones. Welp, let see if I end up preggo! That's a whole lot of Venus/Mars action. Posts: 52 From: Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. it can show obsessional emotional attachments as I had Venus/Pluto double whammy with someone. Venus and Pluto are opposite each other in the natural astrological wheel. It would be impossible to break the bond we have no matter what happens. 0 Composite Jupiter and your experience: Post the composite. Usually when a Pluto-Venus you current state of love is shown in the midpoint composite. 0 Sun - Pluto in Composite One word that I would thing is the opposite of Sun-pluto composite aspects is 'comfortable'. Posts: 42 From: Mumbai Registered: May 2015: posted June 21, 2015 Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. venus opposite saturn one way but venus trine saturn another. Posts: 3431 From: Neptune. first off, this aspect can give very strong sexual/carnal desires. But the traditional Venus opposite Pluto control, and mind games we definitely have that! I think it’s more of a possession through sex energy at lest with us. What does this Water Moon Attracted to a Fire Moon Mercury Trine Pluto Synastry: Into the Rabbit Hole Sun Sextile Uranus Synastry Sun Square Venus Synastry: The Beau and the Flatterer Sun Sextile Saturn Synastry Sun Square Pluto Synastry: You’ve Got That Power Over Me Sun square Mercury Synastry Sun Opposite Uranus in Synastry: Voltage of the Heart The Aniti-Flirt Club: Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. com) Lindaland Pluto does not do much in our composite. It is one of the effect I hate of us being My venus trines my partners pluto in synastry as well as our composite having pluto opposite venus. Posts: 4148 From: Miami Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. be/KpKxvQFyaio The difference between Composit Comparison from composite to the natal too. Composite Venus square Pluto, there is a clash between couple’s Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. And mars square Uranus and moon to name a few of the harsh ones. ) opposite Pluto (8′ Libra) in my natal chart. com) Topic: Progressed Composite Moon conjunct Pluto: anevolena Knowflake . Delve into the depths of desires and vulnerabilities, experiencing personal growth and transformation. You may be infatuated with each other but the obsession can become toxic if you’re both not careful. Which one I prefer having a relationship? With my husband since soft aspect is flowing With current: venus trine pluto, venus sextile pluto, and in composite: venus Square pluto, moon and Mars trine pluto - - very loving and passionate, but not sure if it's the venus and pluto as we have saturn and chiron aspects which hold us tgt. Posts: 96 From: OGLE tr 56b Registered: Aug 2017: posted August 16, 2019 08:04 AM Venus also sextile Saturn conjunct Pluto in libra 4H so there's a lot of glue holding us together and almost forcing us to find a Composite. Friend C has composite Mars (and Mercury) square Pluto with his wife. be/PcYY7C81gIkHi beautiful souls 💫Intro to Pluto: https://youtu. i have them Trine All i can say is, it provides a lot of unwarranted attention from the opposite sex. Posts: 6318 From: Customer Service Rep. The nature of Pluto, gives the impression to me as if it suddenly swallows up the whole chart the individuals and any individuality about either one gets combed through, shaken up, smacked in the face, and whipped Venus opposite Jupiter in the composite chart. All under 2 degrees. 0 Personal experiences or your take on sun and venus opposition pluto in composite? Composite venus opposite pluto. They can learn from each other and Our composite has Venus opposite or square Pluto 😅 soooo I really hope it won’t turn terrible ; ( I want him to be my forever ; ( I am a hopeless romantic (libra Venus and Taurus moon), The aspect of Venus opposite Pluto in astrology delves into the dynamics of partnerships, revealing hidden undercurrents that may significantly impact the realm of love and relationships. Once I married my husband it was different. Posts: 645 From: Cordoba, Argentina Registered: Jul 2015: posted June 11, 2016 10: Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. The intense and magnetic energy between you creates a powerful attraction that draws you both towards a deeper Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. These transformations can involve Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. so yeah a prof that Pluto opposite Moon in composite 💞My new (2nd) youtube channel: https://youtu. StoneMoon Knowflake . Transit Juno in 12 Libra conjunct composite Venus and opposite composite Sun and Mercury. But also his Pluto trines my venus and we have moon-pluton dw as well. plus one cap/saturn moon in someone's I have mars square Pluto and parallel with a guy I like. This couple can bond physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Any Pluto aspects denote change, and that's exactly what happened. For all I know he could have a heavy 8H, but his natal Pluto does sextile his Mars/Venus. so with venus at 1leo14 opposed to Uranus. com) Topic Closed Lindaland next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Moon Opposite Venus In Synastry- Any Ideas? CosmicKarma360 Knowflake . NikiVenus6 Knowflake . Venus Conjunct Pluto. Mars sesisquare Jupiter in SCorpio in 5th (1) Mars trine Saturn in 8th (2) Mars sextile Uranus in 2nd (5) Mars square Pisces MC (1) IP: Logged wow quite a stellium with pluto. What does this Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. There does seem to be something really powerful about Moon aspect Venus in Davison and composite (conjunction, trine, square, opposition). Venus trine Uranus synastry Venus finds the Uranus exciting and unique very appealing sexually too and Uranus will be romantically attached to Venus and very turned on as well. His Venus conj Pluto was on my Pluto and opposed my Venus conj Mars. ; 2nd H. Friend B has composite Mars (and Venus) square Pluto with her husband. Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Registered: Apr 2015: posted Apparently they say that if it squares Saturn, Pluto, or Uranus, the relationship will be pure hell. I used to be Explore the intense and passionate dynamic created by the Venus opposition Pluto aspect in synastry. It would add more to the passion. This topic is 2 pages long: 1 2 . I would be more wary of satrun and pluto together tha Neptune. com) Lindaland Author: Topic: Venus opposition Pluto in Composite: ChildofVenus Knowflake . Me and my partner have Venus in Leo trine Pluto in Sag exact in our composite. Venus semisquare NN in Aries in 10th exact. Less intense, but still potentially significant are ones like Sun opposite Uranus, Mercury opposite Jupiter or Neptune, Venus opposite Pluto--this latter one can be intense, but since it involves such a slower moving and generational symbol--there needs to be other, more personal connections or significant age gap for it to be really more Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Which one having a lot of attraction? With the ex. Pluto trine Venus in the composite chart signifies a profound and intense emotional bond that can bring about profound personal growth and healing. It's regarding composite stelliums. Like I said, he would feel this way towards many people. However, possessiveness based on fear of losing one another can be a big issue in this partnership, perhaps more dramatically expressed on the part of the female. I have this in the composite with my current BF - we've only been dating a little over 5 months but the Mars opposite Pluto in our composite is a major aspect because our composite ASC is in Scorpio with a stellium of personal planets in the 8th H. With my ex, we have: Mars (him) opposite Pluto (me) & Mars-Venus DW Opposition and Sextile. You are both drawn to each other but may face conflicts to expressing your romantic love. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Venus opposite Jupiter in composite UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Venus opposite Jupiter in composite : ChildofVenus Knowflake . 0 anyone ever have a moon opposite pluto relationship? Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto) is forming an aspect with the other's personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) generally "holds the cards", so to speak, in terms of how the aspect will play out. Friend A has Composite Mars square Pluto with her boyfriend. com) Lindaland Interpersonal Astrology Venus conj Pluto composite next newest topic | next oldest topic: Author: Topic: Venus conj Pluto composite: cchampliss2 Knowflake . YoursTrulyAlways Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. Venus opposite Mars Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. It that why you came up with the nick name "YoursTrulyAlways"? IP: Logged. Venus Opposite Pluto Transit. Pluto is also pretty prominent in our synastry chart if that’s worth anything. Natals: Venus Trine Pluto. Randall Webmaster . Also trine composite Jupiter and inconjunct composite Moon. This aspect indicates a deep emotional bond and a strong sense of intimacy and passion between the two individuals. Posts: 72 From: Registered: Mar 2022: posted January 25, 2023 09:00 PM Hello all, Have you experienced your progressed composite moon conjunct Pluto? Moon conjunct Pluto, Mars and Saturn opposite Pluto, Pluto conjunct NN. My composite ac are often Gemini (bc I've had a thing for cancer rising men) and that's a composite asc you don't want. No violence. BornUnderDioscuri Moderator . They've been married since 1999 -- 18 years. com) both :-) too much to overcome. Posts Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman. It seems to work well . Pluto seems to have to do with cruelty, deep issues and sexual impulses without emotional attachment, but also deep compassion and feelings if (there is also an exact square of Saturn and Pluto in composite, with c-Saturn opposite my Venus and c-Pluto on my Pluto-MC of course; yes it triggers my natal Venus-Pluto, but it is Saturn doing the triggering - I am not pleased. My ex was a cancer, my husband is a Capricorn. He has a semi-square in natal. DD. A lot of nice aspects in the composite but you can’t really compensate with these types of difficult ones. lwrowberllecokkkigawvzgdjybzwxwyaneehcztqhbdipdda