Ecg slideshare nursing. 5 have poor prognosis.
Ecg slideshare nursing. Date and time of recording 3.
- Ecg slideshare nursing A Fib • Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia • Prevalence increases with age - 1 in 5 people over the age of 85 years having the condition, compared to <1% of people younger than 60 years Electrodes, leads & wires • Between the patient and the ecg machine is a patient cable, and this is divided into a number of different coloured wires (10 wires for a 12 lead ecg). The 6 (chest) Leads looks at the heart in a horizontal plane. EVOLVED PHASE(over hours) 3. ECG changes characteristically progress sequentially from symmetrically peaked T waves →widening of the QRS complex →prolongation of the P–R interval →loss of the P wave →loss of R- wave amplitude →ST-segment depression →an ECG that resembles a sine wave, before progression to ventricular fibrillation and asystole. 11. • provide supine position to patient. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF ECG 1. INTRODUCTION Rheumatic fever is a diffuse inflammatory disease characterized by a delayed response to an infection by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci (GAS) in the tonsilopharyngeal area, affecting the heart, joints, central nervous system, skin and subcutaneous tissues. Instruct to avoid high fat and oil rich diet Reporting an ECG 1. Level pressure flush monitoring system and transducers to the phlebostatic axis. Circulation 112 (3): 432–7 ECG IN CASE OF ATRIAL FLUTTER Narrow complex tachycardia Regular atrial activity at ~300 Beats per minute. Calibration of the recording - 1 millivolt signal should move the stylus vertically by 1 cm 5. The document provides an introduction to electrocardiograms (ECGs) and their use in measuring the electrical activity of the heart. 1) temperature monitoring 2) heart rate monitoring 3) arterial blood pressure monitoring - direct & indirect 4) venous pressure monitoring-jvp& cvp 5) pulmonary artery pressure monitoring 6) cardic output monitoring 7) tissue ECG Library Content. Heart is said to be in the center OBJECTIVES Describe the configuration of the normal electrocardiogram (ECG). "Modern Management of Mitral Stenosis". ECG. The increased the heart rate and cardiac contraction produce vasoconstriction in the peripheral arterioles and promotes the 13. This lead is the rhythm strip which shows the rhythm for the whole time the ECG is recorded. (2) Serum potassium concentration: -Hyperkalemia is correlated with mortality in acute intoxication. They should monitor the patient’s vital signs and symptoms, assess the patient’s response to treatment, and report any New Research: Association of implementation of practice standards for ECG monitoring with Nurses’ knowledge, quality of care and patient outcomes: Background : although continuous ECG monitoring is ubiquitous in hospitals, monitoring practices are inconsistent. Assess the high risk patients 2. It outlines 13 sections to analyze, including ECG type and recording, rate, rhythm and axis, P wave, PR interval, QRS complex, ST There are three main types - dilated, hypertrophic, and restrictive. Incidence is higher in elderly people, about 5% occurs at people under age 40. 2 sec. Instruct client regarding a low-calorie, low-sodium, Atrial contraction is represented by P wave on ecg The AV node acts as a gate keeper to the ventricles Ventricular contraction is represented by QRS complex on ecg; Ectopic foci are pacemaker cells which initiates an 2. QT INTERVAL It includes the total duration of ventricular activation and recovery. HYPERACUTE PHASE(over minutes-hours) 2. Treatment involves pain medications, vasodilators, anticoagulants, thrombolytic drugs, antiarrhythmics, lifestyle changes like a low-fat diet, and potentially coronary artery bypass grafting or angioplasty procedures. HISTORY 1842- Italian scientist Carlo Matteucci realizes that electricity is associated with the heart beat 1876- Irish scientist Marey analyzes the electric pattern of frog’s heart 1895 - William Einthoven , credited for the invention of EKG 1906 - using the string electrometer EKG, William Einthoven diagnoses some heart problems 11. Define the characteristics of: normal sinus rhythm Recognize Jan 29, 1997 · Unlock the Secrets of ECG Interpretation with Learn ECG in a Day: A Systematic Approach - Master the nuances of ECG interpretation in just one day using an expertly crafted, methodical guide designed to simplify complex a) ECG usually tells you b) Locate a QRS that is close to a big line and count to next big line: 300, 150, 100, 75, 60, 50 c) take a 6 second strip, count QRS and multiply by 10 (hint: the middle of V3 on the lead II strip is 6 seconds) One Electrocardiogram Primer (EKG-ECG) Your heart is a muscle that works continuously like a pump Each beat of your heart is set in motion by an electrical signal from within your heart muscle. Nursing diagnoses for patients include pain, anxiety, impaired cardiac output, limited activity, Read less 3. DIAGOSTIC EVAUTAION In addition to clinical examinatiom ECG Cardiac biomarker Stress testing CCTA Goals Recognize or exclude MI Detect rest ischemia Signify coronary artery obstruction A 62-year-old man presented for coronary CT angiography (CCTA) due to chest pain. A. ECG Basics – Waves, Intervals, Segments and Clinical Interpretation; ECG A to Z by diagnosis – ECG interpretation in clinical context; Top 100 ECG – Clinical cases and self assessment quiz; Activate or Wait – To the cath lab or not? Clinical cases; ECG Exigency and Cardiovascular Curveball – ECG Clinical Cases; ECG Resources and References 17. Symptoms range from 2. It defines the ECG waveform and relates it to electrical activity in the heart. Discuss the etiology and significant ECG features of the following dysrhythmia classifications: sinus, atrial, junctional, block, ventricular, and asystole. This book contain 100 pages of content featuring 26 ECG rhythm break downs, 51 ECG rhythm analysis practice problems, 100 comprehensive ECG practice questions, worksheets, chart summaries, and more. 2) It describes how ECGs can be used to identify arrhythmias, ischemia, chamber hypertrophy, and other cardiac conditions. Name of the patient 2. • To avoid excessive movement in the lead wires attached to the 4 recording points on the limbs, the limb lead electrodes were moved centrally off of the extremities. Assist the client to identify risk factors that can be modified, and set goals that will promote change in lifestyle to reduce the impact of risk factors. Finally, a short quiz is provided to test recognition of ECG components. 17 – 19. AC LED or battery LED does not light AC power not connected or battery too low -Check that AC power is properly connected or Objectives By the end of this session the students will be able to: Review Structures and Functions of Cardiovascular System, and conduction system Recognize ECG different waves and segments. • Its a diagnostic tool for various heart conditions like hypertrophies , ischemia, infarction , This document provides an overview of ECG interpretation, including conduction pathways, a systematic method of interpretation, and common abnormalities seen in critical care. 16. It is thought that 40-60% of patients with ARF will go on to developing 12. It discusses supraventricular and NURSING MANAGEMENT 1. The test consists of a standardized incremental increase in the external workload while the patient’s ECG, symptoms and the blood pressure are continuously monitored. Roughly fall of 1 mEq/L of S. CAUSES • Most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest is the diseases that are occurring to the ventricles that cause the abnormal breathing of the ventricles. While floating the swann, observe for ventricular ectopy on the monitor. - A normal ECG shows a regular rhythm between 60-100 beats per minute, visible P waves before each QRS complex, and normal durations for the P-R interval, QRS complex, and T wave. The normal range for the QT interval is rate-dependent A commonly used formula was developed Medical Applications Electrocardiogram (ECG) Glossary of Terms AED Automated External Defibrillator – Auto diagnosis with voice directed treatment. Occasionally, sick sinus syndrome, which occurs especially after the repair of a sinus venosus defect, may require antiarrhythmic drugs, pacemaker therapy, or both. * DM Software 12 24-Hour Trends Report This is the 2nd page to the basic Holter ECG Report. RS Mehta, MSND, BPKIHS 48. - All patients with an initial potassium level greater than 5. Diffuse ST-segment elevation in precordial and limb leads. Patients with first AV degree block are asymptomatic The test involves recording the 12-lead ECG before , during and after exercise. About 60. Disproportionate thickening, increased echogenicity, and dyskinesis of the inferolateral wall relative to the septum; findings are consistent with tissue edema. 15. Monitor vital signs 8. NURSING MANAGEMENT Instruct the client regarding the purpose of diagnostic medical & surgical procedures and the pre- & post procedure expectations. Causes include viral infections, toxins, and genetic factors. Ecg & arrhythmias - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ADVANCED CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT Advanced cardiac life support or advancedcardiovascular life support (ACLS) refers to a set of clinical interventions for the urgent treatment of cardiac arrest and other life-threatening medical Pancreatitis - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 8. Discuss the etiology and significant ECG features of the following dysrhythmia classifications: sinus, atrial, junctional, block, ventricular, and asystole. Assess the history of smoking and alcoholism 5. KCl (potassium chloride) salts are the preapartion The ECG typically demonstrates RBBB (or RV conduction disturbance). Carabello, B. It begins by defining disasters and describing common types of natural and human-induced disasters that occur in India. This ECG is left ventricular tachycardia. • Atrial or nodal arrhythmias occur in 7% to 20% of postoperative patients. Javed Ansari, Davinder Kalir;”Text Book of Medical Surgical Nursing- I” Part A, Published by PV Books, 2015 edition, Pageno. . Hariprasath, “Textbook of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Nursing”, First Edition 2016, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, page no. 4. 1% of the pupils were men and the mean age was 9. 2. • In addition, the infundibular hypertrophy may increase gradually over time. Electrodes are fixed on the limbs. • A lead is a view of the electrical activity of the heart from a particular angle across the body, obtained by using different combinations of these wires. ppt), PDF File (. EPIDEMIOLOGY: In industrial countries MI accounts for 10-25% of all deaths. CHRONIC STABILISED PHASE(over days-weeks) The changes in ECG of chronic stabilised phase persists throughout life and generally represent changes of changes of old MI in absence of further 11. Free- breathing prospective CCTA images show the clearly defined 4. An X-ray image shows the size and shape of your heart, as well as whether you have fluid in or around the heart that might indicate heart failure. Cardiac MRI will show your heart's size, shape and structure. Chapter 6 Atrioventricular Blocks. Mitral stenosis • MS is characterized by obstruction to left ventricular inflow at the level of MV due to structural abnormality of the MV apparatus. • ECG gives information about rate and rhythm of the heart. A cross-sectional study was conducted from 9 August to 24 December 2011 involving 2019 pupils, aged between 5 and 18 years selected from the 16 ‘daaras’ of the Academic Inspectorate (Inspection d'Académie) of the city of Dakar and its suburbs. The increased SNS activity increases the heart rate and cardiac contraction. • Bed rest- helps to decrease myocardial damage and the complications of myocarditis. Nursing professionals shall maintain confidentiality of all patient information. St. • The physical orientation of heart i. ATRIAL FLUTTERATRIAL FLUTTER • It is a condition in which atrial rate typically between 250 and 350 beats per minute. 1 • MS is due to thickening and immobility of the mitral valve leaflets. Philadelphia: WoltersKluwer Health Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2011. (2005). Hypocalcemia 22. In 2006, studies revealed a prediction that India would account for 40-60% of cardiovascular diseases burden within next 10-15 years. 7±3. Waveforms are caused by change in the voltage measured between 2 points on the body. . First-Degree 20. Proper nursing management during the procedure includes documenting attachment/removal times, encouraging • Electrocardiogram = EKG = ECG • A recording of the electrical activity of the heart from electrodes placed on the surface of skin. 4. After the completion of the programme, you may seek i t ti g t l l l t t iti i interesting entry-level employment opportunities in physician’s offices, clinics or laboratories, hospitals, group practices, and nursing homes. MCL: Modified chest lead • Advanced ECG or EASI system enables continuous 12-lead ECG monitoring using only five electrodes • Rhythm strip provides information from one CALCULATING RATE 300 the number of BIG SQUARE between R-R interval Rate = As a general interpretation, look at lead II at the bottom part of the ECG strip. 12 Next Slide More Clear 48Prof. P. Usually, right arm, left arm and left leg are chosen. This noninvasive test shows your heart's electrical patterns and can detect abnormal rhythms. Women during reproductive period have low risk. A case study example is presented of a patient experiencing a potential inferior wall MI. Ventricular Rhythm PVC 49Prof. The following slides discuss the case of a 39 year old white female, who presented with idiopathic VT. Obtain all the values. avoid any movements Bystanders This document provides a template for systematically interpreting electrocardiograms (ECGs). The ECG. Assess respiratory symptoms Assess ecg and laborotory findings Asess pat health history Past medication intake Identify patient support system The document discusses patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), which is the failure of the ductus arteriosus to close after birth. *A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) provides information about the electrical system of the heart from 12 different views, or leads. 2. MANAGEMENT:- • The patient receives specific treatment for the underlying cause if it is known (eg, penicillin for hemolytic streptococci) and is placed on bed rest to decrease the cardiac workload. RS Mehta, MSND, BPKIHS 47. Watch for signs 6. • The ECG shows regular saw tooth-like atrial flutter waves (F waves) between QRS complexes Clinical features:Clinical features: • Palpitation • Reduced COP leads to fatigue, weakness, coolness of the skin & light headiness. These electrodes are called ECG leads and are connected to the ECG machine. A variety of exercise protocols are utilized, the most common being the Bruce protocol which - The history of ECG development is traced from early experiments in the 1800s to William Einthoven's invention of the first clinical ECG machine in the early 1900s. 6. Identify and calculate heart rate, rhythm, PR interval, QRS complex, and QT interval for normal and abnormal cardiac rhythms. Setup pressure lines and transducers. 38 Reading and Interpreting Electrocardiograms • Age: unless the patient’s age is known, the paediatric ECG cannot be interpreted • Is the ECG "full standard"? • Is the ECG "standard speed"? • The standard speed of paper is 25 mm/sec • Occasionally it is made to run at a double speed (50 mm/sec) in cases of tachyarrhythmia to enable the visualization of an otherwise 2. The pediatric ECG document reviews cardiac physiology and ECG findings in children of different ages. Local Complications Acute fluid collection: • Occurs early in the course of acute pancreatitis • Located in or near the pancreas, the wall encompassing the 21 Step 1 = Rate Different ways to calculate a rate: a) ECG usually tells you b) Locate a QRS that is close to a big line and count to next big line: 300, 150, 100, 75, 60, 50 c) take a 6 second strip, count QRS and multiply by 10 (hint: the middle of V3 on the lead II strip is 6 seconds) One small box = 0. STEMI ST segment elevations T wave changes Q wave Medical surgical nursing assessment and management of clinical problems. A 12-lead ECG uses electrodes placed on the wrists, ankles, and chest to assess the heart from 12 different views. • perform hand washing. After swann is in place, assist with cleanup and let patient know procedure is complete. Key aspects of the ECG like the ST segment and T wave are discussed in relation to evaluating for cell injury during a heart attack. -As regards chronic toxicity, the most common precipitating cause of digitalis intoxication is hypokalemia which occurs often in patients with heart failure as a result of diuretic therapy. Nurses responsibilities No preparation needed Explain procedure and reassure the client Nurses must be able to detect abnormal rhythm Abnormal rhythms are recorded and reported immediately Ensure good contact between skin and electrodes by applying gel Client should lie flat and relaxed . • In 1966, Mason and Likar reported a modification of standard ECG recording that largely eliminated motion and muscle contraction artifact and allowed monitoring of all 12 leads during exercise. Hyperacute T 22. The bottom half shows the This document discusses disaster nursing and disaster management. Louis, MO: Mosby. When the interval is to be measured from a single lead, the lead in which the interval is the longest, most commonly lead Avl, V2 or V3, and in which a prominent U wave is absent should be used. NURSING MANAGEMENT • NURSES RESPONSIBILITY ON PACE MAKER THERAPY •Post-operative care Take ECG and X-ray chest. Of these, 525,000 are a first heart attack and 210,000 happen in people who have already had a heart attack. EKG will reveal ST segment depression and T wave inversion. Electrocardiograph Electrocardiograph (ECG machine) is a voltmeter (or This document provides an overview of cor pulmonale, including its objectives, definitions, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, management, and nursing considerations. Method and Results: The pulse trial was a 6 yr multisite randomized clinical trial 24. Poor electrode contact b. Var. Hypertension - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Flutter waves (“saw-tooth” pattern) best seen in leads II, III, aVF — may be more easily spotted by turning the ECG upside down! Flutter waves in V1 may resemble P waves Loss of the isoelectric baseline The ECG changes evolve over a period of time and are described as 1. Chest X-ray. It appears just before the QRS complex. For finding cardiac arrhythmias like (Ventricular tachycardia, Heart block) For This document provides information from a student-led tutorial on interpreting electrocardiograms (ECGs). SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM ACTIVITIES When the BP is decreasing the activation of SNS will occur. txt) or view presentation slides online. Interpret the 55. MRI. Troubleshooting Symptoms Possible Cause Solution The ECG machine fails to start up. Electrical interference c. It then outlines the 2. Types of ECGs • Two types: 12-lead ECG and Rhythm strip ECG Interpretation made Incredibly Easy, 5th edn. pdf), Text File (. Nurses play a crucial role in monitoring and follow-up care for patients who have undergone an ECG test. 300, 150, 100, 75, 60, 50, 45, ECG/EKG Study Guide and Workbook for Nursing Students “ECG/EKG Interpretation Study Guide and Workbook by Nurse Sarah”. Monitor ECG of the patient 3. Over-/under-calibration Nursing prossuders (pre/post interventions) - Download as a PDF or view online for free • Obtain baseline vital signs and ECG to use as a comparison in evaluating the study. Quality of ECG recording a. 5 have poor prognosis. Irregular No P waves associated with premature beat NA Wide >. • Remove the electrodes and 5. 684 Significance of ECG. NURSING CARE AFTER THE PROCEDURE • Provide a period of rest and monitor vital signs and ECG in 3-, 10-, and 30-minute i ntervals. The only main complex on an ECG is the QRS complex Point: There is only q procedure:- • explain the purpose & procedure of ecg to patient. Assess the family history of heart disease 4. Read less Introduction to ECG for Nursing - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. In 2010, approximately 1 in 6 people in the United 12. The limb leads sees the heart from the 9. 10 cases of definite RHD were 3. An EKG uses electrodes attached to the skin to detect electric currents moving through the heart. 1. About 80% of sudden cardiac death is the result of ventricular arrhythmias. Cor pulmonale is defined as Heart Block with Nursing Management - Download as a PDF or view online for free ECG Characteristics- In first-degree AV block, HR is normal and rhythm is regular. ECG leads There are 12 ECG leads: The 6 (limb) standard leads can be thought as looking at the heart in a vertical plane. It is used to diagnose conditions like valvular heart disease, CAD, arrhythmias, and pacemaker malfunctions. It explains that ECGs involve placing leads on the body in standardized positions to measure ECG – electrocardiography It is the recording of cardiac electrical activity through placing electrodes on the surface of the body. 1k views • 45 slides. Submit Search. Electrocardiogram (ECG). Use this EKG interpretation cheat sheet that summarizes all heart arrhythmias in an easy-to-understand fashion. The 12 lead ECG sees the heart from 12 different views allowing a panoramic assessment of any disruption in the cardiac electrical activity. Look at the number of square between one R-R interval. 3. Interpret the significance of each of the Review ECG lead placement Recall the 12 ECG leads, location and view of the heart wall Analyze an ECG strip reporting: heart rate, rhythm, intervals, segments, and waves. ELECTROCARDIOGRAM - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Technicians can work in a variety of institutions, medical device companies or 3. • Coronary artery disease: in case of CAD there will be the reduction of blood supply to the heart muscles because of the partial or complete block of blood vessels. Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter resulted in 112,000 deaths in 2013, up from 29,000 in 1990. 523- 532. 5( يعني لو احنا عايزين نشوف الشكل الحقيقي للـ ECGفي كل electrode علي حدة يبقي كالتي :- هنبص على 2V1 ,V 1(أول حاجة excitation waveبتمشى فى الـatriumوتعمل P wave 2( بعد كده هتوصل الـ septumلحظ اتجاه الـ NURSING MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT Assess for cab Gather information on nature ,intensity,onset,duration and location of pain Precipitating and agravating factors of pain. It is smoothly rounded. It defines PDA, discusses its incidence, risk factors, embryology, fetal circulation, closure at birth, classification, natural history, clinical manifestations including signs and symptoms, investigations including echocardiogram and cardiac The organization shall ensure that nursing professionals are trained in communication skills. 5 Introduction Arrhythmia affects millions of people. Watch for signs of infection at incision site redness, swelling dressing. Males have higher risk. The Wolf Parkinson White Syndrome (WPW) An abnormal band of atrial tissue connects the atria and ventricles and can electrically bypass the normal pathways of conduction; a re-entry circuit can develop causing paroxysms of tachycardia. 3. Introduction Electroencephalography is a technique that records the electrical activity of the brain During an EEG test, small electrodes like cup or disc type are placed on the scalp They pick up the brain's electrical signals and send them to a machine called electroencephalogram It records the signals as wavy lines on to a computer screen or paper in 38. One large box = 0. It discusses normal ranges for intervals like The segments on an ECG include the PR segment, ST segment and TP segment. Watch for complications Maintain follow up care with a physician to check the pacemaker site and begin regular pacemaker function checks . •ensure that the proper standard ecg machine with working condition. Treatment includes calcium gluconate, glucose with insulin, sodium bicarbonate, and hemodialysis if 16. ECG: - Short PR interval - Delta wave - upstroke of QRS complex Drug treatment - flecainamide, amiodarone or disopyramide. Monitor lab values frequently especially serum cholesterol levels. Sudden cardiac death is the cause of about half of deaths due to cardiovascular disease or about 15% of all deaths globally. Monitoring and follow-up. One of the most useful and commonly used diagnostic tools is electrocardiography (EKG) which measures the heart’s electrical activity as waveforms. • Physical activity should be limited for a 6 month period ar atleast until heart size and function 6. 5 large boxes = 1 sec. This slide is a recording of RVOT VT. Nursing professionals communicate with patient, family and relevant team members to reflect continuity of care as and when required. Idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia has been seen in younger patients with normal hearts. • arrange ecg machine, gel An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) records the electrical activity of the heart. Equipment Equipment to be ready: • Defibrillators (automated external defibrillators [AEDs], semi-automated AEDs, standard defibrillators with monitors) • Paddle or adhesive patch • Conductive gel or paste • ECG monitor with Justify the reasons for performing an ECG Develop a structured approach to interpreting an ECG Practice interpreting ECGs. Clinical Significance- First-degree AV block is usually not serious but can be a precursor of higher degrees of AV block. Assess for CAD 7. 5. Complex: The combination of multiple waves grouped together. Speed of the recording - 25mm/sec 4. Atrial Rhythms • Premature Atrial This presentation contains 46 different ECG Strips Slides 3-48 display each ECG Strip without annotation Slides 49-94 display the same ECG Strips (in the same order) with the “answer 20. The document provides information about electrocardiograms (ECGs): 1) It defines an ECG as the physical translation of the electrical phenomena created in the heart muscles and produced as a graph by an ECG machine. EKG/ECG ElectroCardioGram – skin surface, heart monitor. Epidemiology Every year about 735,000 Americans have a heart attack. • The drugs, heart rate, or maneuvers that increase myocardial contractility or decrease right ventricular volume increase infundibular obstruction, often partially dynamic. P WAVE :- P wave is the first positive deflection (appearing above the base line) seen on the ECG. Technicians can work in a practices, and nursing homes. 41. 52. ECG - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Key aspects of the normal pediatric ECG are described, including typical heart rates, axis shifts, and "juvenile" T wave The first nursing action in relation to a rhythm disturbance is to check the patient and assess level of consciousness. 3 years. Connect tubings to patient when patient is ready to flush the swann. e axis. It shows 24-hour trends of Heart Rate, ST, HRV-SDNN, HRV-Power, VE beats, and SVE beats. It is a valuable diagnostic tool that displays 8. For hyperkalemia, ECG changes include prolonged PR interval, prolonged QRS complex, and tall tented T waves. 04 sec. ECG leads ECG is recorded by placing series of electrodes on the surface of the body. • The normal MVO has a CSA of 4-6 cm2. K+ = 200 – 400 mEq body deficit When deficit of K+ about 200 to 400 mEq; 50 to 100 mEq/day of K+ slowly but adequately corrects deficit. Common uses of a 12-lead ECG include diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes, identification of dysrhythmias, and determination of the effects of medications or electrolytes on the electrical system of the heart. • As the systolic pressure in the right ventricle cannot exceed that in the left ventricle because of the large VSD, the right 57. 33. Arrhythmias may BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. It discusses how the size of the ventricles changes from birth through childhood and how this impacts ECG measurements. Dr. Date and time of recording 3. Dilated cardiomyopathy involves an enlarged and weakened left ventricle. 11 Uses of ECG: To find the heart rate (300 divided by the number of large squares in between two successive R waves when the heart rate is regular). Review ECG lead placement Recall the 12 ECG leads, location and view of the heart wall Analyze an ECG strip reporting: heart rate, rhythm, intervals, segments, and waves.