Autohotkey auto mouse click. An example code would be appreciated.
● Autohotkey auto mouse click ) Page 1 of 2 - Assign sounds to mouse clicks - posted in Ask for Help: I want to assign . Note: ImageSearch only works on what is currently visible on the screen. In Go to AutoHotkey r/AutoHotkey. There is an automatic delay after every click-down and click-up of the mouse (except for SendInput mode). I've tried KeyWait, it doesn't work. As for the clicks and sleeps, That was automatically recorded. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. Simple mouse click loop - posted in Scripts and Functions: I am wanting a simple script to click a button every 5 seconds in Test drive unlimited 2. 15 Put the code in the auto-execute I have last question, how start with MButton (wheel mouse clicking) and end script with right mouse button RButton? when I used this code above one time I could'nt stop even several times clicking right mouse Duplicate mouse movements + clicks in 2 windows of different sizes - posted in Ask for Help: Forgive me if this has been discussed before but I searched the forum [and our good buddy google] for a while and found nothing to help me out. Suspend, on 1::MsgBox, test Rbutton:: Loop { Click, right, x, y GetKeyState, state, Rbutton, P if state=U break Sendinput {Click down} Sleep 50 Sendinput {Click up} Sleep 50 } ;Pauses AutoHotKey Script It's not strange behavior of AutoHotkey. Click 100, 200, 0 ; Move the mouse without clicking. r/AutoHotkey. AutoHotkey Community; AutoHotkey; Ask for Help; View New Content; Making Mouse Click With Keyboard Hotkey Started by Underfoot , Apr *F6:: ;* Fires the hotkey even if extra modifiers are being held down Click right ;first click with the right button Click ;second click with the left button ;Click does not automatically release the modifier keys (Control, Alt, Shift, and Win) Return simulate mouse click - posted in Ask for Help: Is it possible to stimulate a mouse click to a non-active window without it moving or using the cursor? Jump to content AutoHotkey; Forums; Members; Facebook Twitter. AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Scroll to left mouse click. :-) Hm what ? The mouse stops moving when the program sends a click, doesn't matter if it's 10ms delay or 500ms delay between clicks. (Could you make the script so as I wont have to continuously hold the shift key down when auto fire is needed. There is a problem for the right mouse click to activate the Q key if there is a shift button pressed on the keyboard. OnEvent("Click",MyFunction) it is possible to start a MyFunction whlile clicking with the mouse LEFT button to start MyFunction. If I run the mouse click part of the macro it runs fine by itself, loop { MouseClick, left, 208, 211 MouseClick, left, 208, 211 Sleep, 50 MouseClick, left, 208, 211 click ctrl = loop left mouse click - enable Unlike Send, the Click command does not automatically release the modifier keys (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, and Win). I was Name Description; LButton: The left mouse button when used with Send, but the primary mouse button when used with hotkeys. Can maybe 2 identical scripts work simultaneous and random clicks? Top. 1click: Send {vk01sc000}Send and Click Tool V4. When the color/coin is not in the sceen, the left or right arrow-key should be pressed for 3 - 5 seconds (this will change the camera, in game. But what I have to do to start an other Function while clicking with the mouse RIGHT button? Mouse Click and Pixel Event Script - posted in Ask for Help: I would like to create a script that performs mouse click at pixel ### x ### waits for pixel ### x ### to become a specified color clicks immediately on pixel ### x ### waits ##. What I need:The mouse should do a left click on a specific pre-defined location of the screen. Script would do the following: On mouse left click, enters the following commands: K (K being a hotkey in Adobe Acrobat) Left mouse click # (increasing by 1 for each click) Enter Starting at 1 would be sufficient, but any way of having a Faster Mouse Clicks - posted in Ask for Help: Ive got a (very) simple code which makes the left mouse button click repeatedly in the same place:S:: Loop { Click } E:: ExitApp F:: ReloadHaving tested it, Im able to click the left mouse 32 times a second. Zseni Posts: 53 Ctrl-S ;Send a mouse click at the same position as recorded. Hot Network Questions Page 1 of 2 - Send and Click Tool V4. For example, if Ctrl is currently down, Click would produce a control-click but Send {Click} would produce a normal click. wav middle mouse click - mclick. For example: left-click = r long left-click = f Basically I want to be able to set 2 separate keys to the same mouse button. 6 posts I'm trying to remap my right mouse click and my middle mouse click to two keyboard shortcuts. I think if I can just make the cursor move to the position first then write the shift+left click then that would work better. but what i want it to do is to click at a chest in game, which requires the mouse to hover over it, to work. Im trying to create a script that will make my mouse singleclick continous. I searched for a utility that would click the mouse for A general purpose mouse autoclick for AutoHotkey 2. It's like a tiny window on top of everything else. I was trying to write the script and I couldn't get it working. However, this is generally not needed for the SendInput/Play modes because they automatically postpone the user's physical mouse activity until afterward. Otherwise, specify a series of one or more of the following options. 10 ;100ms - Change to your liking If ErrorLevel = 1 ;If you don't click Disable\\Enable Mouse Click (Including Wheel) - posted in Ask for Help: BlockInput is not behaving well for me. Gaspargg Posts: 2 Joined: Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:30 pm. AutoHotKey can be a game-changer when it comes to automating mouse clicks and keystrokes. F11:: Loop { Sleep, 250 ; 0. Heres what Ive tried, it does the click and drag, but does not hold Mouse click at a position - posted in Ask for Help: I wanted to launch something when i click on the right edge of my screen, only on desktop. I was wondering if anyone can help me create left mouse click script with (X, Y) coordinates? This is what I want to do: When pressed Num 0, the following steps will happen: 01. Other stuff occasionally uses middle button too. Is there any way of making it even faster?Thanks PseudoCode for the process 1 for each click location in the list 2 get the number clicks remaining 3 if the number of clicks remaining = 0 move to the next click location If the clicks location pointer is off the end of the list reset the location pointer back to 1 if all location counts have been zeroed clear the click location counter (no The MouseClickDrag command clicks and holds the specified mouse button, moves the mouse to the destination coordinates, then releases the button. Note: The Click command is generally more flexible and easier to use. wav sounds to mouse clicks - Left mouse down - E:\\sounds\\ldown. Otherwise, specify the button to click or the rotate/push direction of the mouse wheel. I have this script: setmousedelay 0 setbatchlines 0 Count = 0 Stop = 0 Return F2:: ST := A_TickCount Loop { Click Count++ } Return Z:: ET := A_TickCount - ST Clicks_Second := Count / (ET / 1000) MsgBox %Clicks_Second% clicks per second. You can replace a remap with the right send setup. 1 and older) Hope you all doing well and can help me. The problem is the timing of the clicks. I intend it to acti To left click on area/pixel X and Y with your mouse, and that action trigger an AHK command. heres what I got so far. Click mouse at specific location, on specific program, loop - posted in Ask for Help: I am having some serious trouble setting up, what should be a supper simple script. Page 1 of 2 - Repeatedly click the mouse button - posted in Ask for Help: Im making this program that is supposed repeatedly click the mouse button when the mouse button is held down. Which opens a web page in new tab on middle click. Options. loop click every minute. 3 ** This script will automatically click the left mouse button every 500 millisecond. So i used this to do it: coordmode, mouse, screen #Ifwinactive ahk_class Progman ~Lbutton:: MouseGetPos, posX, posY If posx = 1919 Send, !{a} returnHowever, instead of a single click i gotta double click on the edges for it Help with Auto Right Click. When holding down the Right Alt key, it repeatedly clicks instead of holding Otherwise, specify the number of times to click the mouse button or turn the mouse wheel, which can be an expression. Click down ; Presses down the left mouse button and holds it. Click 2 Clicks the left mouse button twice at the cursor's current position (i. I am confused on how to do it. MouseClick WhichButton , X, Y, ClickCount, Speed, "D|U", "R" Parameters WhichButton. It sends input (chars, mouse clicks, and all other types of input) to the system like they came from your own input devices. The button to click: Left (default), Right, Middle (or just the first letter of each of these); or the fourth or fifth mouse button (X1 or X2). I have made the script, and it will work for files, folders, start menu, and Get help with using AutoHotkey (v2 or newer) and its commands and hotkeys. How this works: you start the script, then pick the places to click on using shift alt Right mouse button, press shift alt D again to start the clicking loop and then press the same combination again to turn off the script. it is difficult to find way to go back to that specific window Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. mouse-pointer pvp autoclicker minecraft-autoclicker double-clicker. wav right up - rup. In other words, if the user has swapped the buttons via system settings, LButton:: is physically activated by clicking the right mouse button, but Send {LButton} performs the same as physically clicking the left button. I have this so far, and it seems to work well, but for some reason, it messes up sometimes (it stops clicking for a second or two, then starts again for a bit, then continues). Auto-Numbering Script on Mouse Click - posted in Ask for Help: Looking for help on making a script to auto-number on mouse-click. With AutoHotKey, you can create scripts that will automatically perform tasks Clicks or holds down a mouse button, or turns the mouse wheel. ie Left Click, 4, Left Click, 4 etc. Star 0. Like if i wanted the mouse to click on the color blue or red wherever it is on the screen?? Help IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. The people that can see the screen, will see the it clicks exactly where i want it, and it does 'work' when the game is minimized/inactive. 5 posts 2019 5:00 am Hi, I am trying to make an script to click randomly within a rectangle area inside a window and sleep randomly between clicks I got to this, but the clicks do not end up going to the specified window: Mouse, Screen Loop, 2 Mouse clicker for WoW - posted in Gaming Questions: I play WoW, my finger on the mouse gets tired from clicking all the time, i want to find a script that will alow me to hold down the left mouse button, and continue to click in that position untill my finger raises off the button, { $1:: Loop { if not GetKeyState(1, P) break Send 1 sleep 1 Turbo Left Clicker - posted in Scripts and Functions: Hello; This is a simple code that the people here helped with that rapid clicks the left mouse button when the caps is down and allows the left mouse button to behave as normal when caps lock is up. Hellbent Posts: 2318 I'm looking for an auto clicker for the left mouse button that activates on either hold or click of the button left mouse. Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. one second ill post it. If blank or omitted, it defaults to Left (the left mouse Clicks or holds down a mouse button, or turns the mouse wheel. double-click). evilC Posts: 4823 AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, current version) Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. 01) ;hyperclick Return Click Down KeyWait, MButton Click Up Return is this right? left click double clicks and also right click but middle clik is working fine im newbie to autohotkey n just got interested due to mouse trouble when you click too much with a script. Ive 2 problems: 1) There is a delay between first click and the after clicks (that are continous) how I can resolve it? The mouse does TIC-TICTICTICTICTICTIC Tested: DoubleTrouble: Loop, { KeyWait, LButton, D KeyWait, LButton, U KeyWait, LButton, D, T0. Here is the script I have that does the spamming when I hold left click, it works great mouse click does not work - posted in Ask for Help: I am trying a very simple script. (for the purposes of a strategy game) (Auto Execute Section) ; Hotkeys *+Escape::ExitApp ; Shift+Escape kills the script +F1::rapidfire(1) ; Toggle rapid fire with shift+f1 (hold to spam) +F2 Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Post by generation137 » Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:18 pm i am trying to make my mouse click in the spot i leave it every minute and keep looping until i turn it off. AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) The button I want to click is on a not maximized on top window. Thank you very much. When I hold a hot key down, Id like it to click in one location, drag the mouse to another location, and hold it until the hot key is depressed. I figured since according to the info page on Click I cant use mathematical operations Ill just add the coordinates into a new variable and then use it as a trying to create a auto Lbutton click with a toggle - posted in Ask for Help: ok, I have been at this for a while I want to be able to press f8 to turn this off and on once on I want to be able to click the L mouse button and it be clicked repeatedly rather than once. Script that requires mouse move, click, and sending keys please. send a mouse click? - posted in Ask for Help: Hello. I must be losing time in my computer or internet connection, so I think I need to mouse click a fraction of a second earlier. Here is what I have so far ^v::Mousemove, 995, 412, 0. 1 ^d::MouseMove, 623, 180, 0. 12 posts • Page 1 2022 7:33 am There is this Recording software named "Xsplit" where the option "Show mouse clicks" has this effect in the output video, where the mouse pointer changes from white (default) to black color to indicate the usage of the Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. . It is incompatible with Windows XP. It can also hold down a mouse button, turn the mouse wheel, or move the mouse. You can use MouseGetPos to get the mouse coordinates as variables. Code: AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) ↳ Gaming Help (v2) ↳ Hello, I don't know how to code scripts, so i have big request to somebody to make a script that will fast click lmb when i hold lmb down and it will have switch to turn on/of under F4. png. 17 posts • Page 1 of 1. There is zero tolerance No any call to control commands can send to inactive/minimized and i think maybe even hidden windows, not sure about hidden windows 100% but i think its doable. Also make sure you call ShowRipple() with a valid color as first parameter and maybe call it on a timer right before exiting the hotkey command, like SetTimer, showRipple, -1 where showRipple is a label that actually Click Down KeyWait, RButton Click Up MButton:: If (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey 0. it will test over 20 different techniques and ways to try the best to make it work How to use it ?!!? 1. If mouse click. Left Click (885,859) 05. It should do a left click once every 5 minutes. wav Similarly - left mouse up - lup. When that program is open my Middle Mouse Button is useless for Google Chrome. It should only run the scrip when a certain program is running, Or just use While (GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) && (GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) if you want only want it to come on when holding both L&R buttons. Which automatically copies the text in the image into the Page 1 of 2 - Mouse Click is not clicking? - posted in Ask for Help: sleep 5000 Click 212,232 MsgBox Your click worked. Click right 44, 55 Same as above but clicks the right mouse button. Your exact time example solves most of my problems; but I need the mouse click to occur a few milliseconds earlier. THANKS. NOTE: The Click command is generally more flexible and easier to use. Left Click (1008,25) 08. Hence when the F1 key is pressed and held, the mouse click is also held until F1 i used the autoit tool which turns into a magnifying glass while in the window. Repeat PixelGetColor into a new variable in this loop, and then use an If statement that compares the Click, 492, 256, Right And the second should select a value from the dropdown box. It is disabling the mouse movement, which is good, but Im still able to click my mouse and disrupt the script. The script works well function wise, but now I want to de-humanize it. Go to AutoHotkey r/AutoHotkey. Delay 20 sec. Click 2 ; Perform a double-click. Left Click (364,1818) 03. 25 second of gap between each click. In order for automated clicks to have effect on windows of elevated processes, EC Autoclicker must be run with administrative privileges. So you basically have two LEFT click buttons on the mouse, only the RIGHT mouse button triggers rapid fire, and the LEFT mouse click doesn't. Ask gaming related questions (AHK v1. Code Issues Pull requests An auto hotkey script that rapidly clicks at the pointer location. is there a way to make MouseClick, left, dynamic so that while i have the hotkey activated it clicks where i have my cursor? say my hotkey is the middle mouse button, i want the script to loop my left mouse button as long as the I'm trying to emulate a mouse click and hold. GuiCtrl. If F9 is activated in the specific window and before pressing F9 to stop it, i alt+tab/leaving or minimize that specific window , the continuous click will continue everywhere messing up the desktop etc and it cannot be stopped with F9 now because it is not in that specific window. I need to disable mouse clicks too. 1 and older) I want to move the mouse to X,Y and left click, then wait 2 seconds and hit enter key. Is there a script that will instantly click once the mouse is on the color? I can find the color using a dropper or things of the like but I want it to click only if my mouse is on the color. It's strange the way whoever wrote that line because they wrote it backwards. Commented Mar 4, 2021 at 15:27. The button to click: Left (default), Right, Middle (or Clicks a mouse button at the specified coordinates. 1 is a program that will try different send and click technics to see what works for your game and what not works for it. Code: Select all #MaxThreadsPerHotkey, 2 SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 SetBatchLines, -1 ListLines, Off F12:: bFlag := !bFlag While bFlag Click Return Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. This delay also occurs after the movement of the mouse during the drag operation. So I was wondering if some can help me with a 3 burst script for the scroll wheel? Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Click [v1. Post by swagfag » Mon Jul 09, 2018 1:40 pm Code: Select all. Clicks or holds down a mouse button, or turns the mouse wheel. This way it should click all the coins on the screen. So I tried Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. ## seconds loop til specified key is pressed This is to automate fishing in the first Torchlight Explanation: here it is a different Hotkey to Toggle On/Off, a Smarter Sound "Soundbeep" and a different way if Left Mouse Click "Click" and Delay command "Sleep", Note: most Pro Coders dont like Sleep in their scripts, due to the fact it can pause the whole script, here as single code block it shouldbe okay, and maybe can give a different way if version 1 doesnt In addition, the first hotkey above is replaced by the following, which prevents the keyboard's auto-repeat feature from generating repeated mouse clicks: *RCtrl:: SetMouseDelay -1 if not GetKeyState("RButton") ; i. #Persistent hover_task_buttons = 1 ; hover over taskbar button to activate window hover_task_group = 1 ; hover to select (or exit) im new to ahk and i need a script that could save me 1000' of mouse clicks. BTW. am I close #maxthreadsperhotkey 2 f8:: toggle := !toggle loop { if toggle how to bind key to mouse click - posted in Ask for Help: In a game a play you have to push a button to spot and enemy . I can actually move & click the mouse faster by hand. I have this Left mouse click script which I cannot get to stop, it works fine, Learn how to use AutoHotKey to automate mouse clicks and keystrokes with this tutorial. Add a comment | 1 Make Autohotkey click on specific buttons in chrome. ## seconds clicks pixel ### x ### waits ##. the right mouse button isn't down yet. dannyq2 Posts: 2 Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:35 pm. Ask Question Asked 11 years, (mouse button up) i would get Q auto pressed again. Clicks or holds down a mouse button, or turns the mouse wheel. SetMouseDelay, -1 ^C::Send {LButton} Thats it. Nucleorion Posts: 51 Joined: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:33 pm. Plus controlClick;Send are simulated via keyboard and mouse hooks meaning the mouse or keyboard is actually free to do other things and not physically bound to the script, messages are instead sent in place of Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. I am automating a data transfer task using two different apps. MouseClickDrag. then followed by the last click at 972, 136. does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance, Page 1 of 9 - The definitive autofire thread! - posted in Tutorials: keywords: rapidclick auctoclick fast toggle fire shoot rapid key press repeatedly press keys mouse spam key spam toggle key press autofire autopress rapidfire cycle COD MW2 MWF2 MW CSS CS:S Cheat macro hack The definitive autofire thread by nimdaAt the bottom of this post you will find two Hey I'm searching for something like auto clicker but more accurate like 1 click = 50 clicks. Hold click = mouse moves down - posted in Ask for Help: What script can I use to make the following possible Hold the left mouse button down for about 0. e. Click will automatically move the mouse to the supplied coords and click, you need to mousemove afterwards to move the mouse back to monitor 1 but with ,0 after the coords, this happens instantly. simple Auto Left mouse click. yjmalmsteen Posts: 4 Joined: Sun Mar 07, 2021 9:46 pm. Could someone please help me make a quick ahk command? I want to send a simple mouse click to a specific button on a specific application using the Home key. X-Mouse Button Control works great for me – HerrimanCoder. Auto-MouseClick - posted in Scripts and Functions: My right index finger sometimes gets very sore from clicking. Click 100, 200 right ; Click the right mouse button. I want to detect a certain color, move the mouse to this specific color and right-click it. Here's the script: RCtrl:: Click Return RAlt:: Click, Right Return. 13 posts • Page 1 of 1. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to speed the script up. Space::Click #2 - Posted 08 March 2012 - 06:04 AM. i have no Click is generally preferred over MouseClick because it automatically compensates if the user has swapped the left and right mouse buttons via the system's Can I use this one-liner for Right Mouse Click? Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. I have tried from various posts but cant get this to work. The button to click: Left (default), Right, Middle (or The Click function clicks a mouse button at the specified coordinates. I've only just started with AutoHotKey, and I'm looking to make a script that will click once per second 10 times, then hold right mouse button for 3 seconds, before resetting. See the comments for a description of each option. wav middle mouse scroll up - mup. r/AutoHotkey I'm trying to make an ahk script to record my mouse click and movement exactly as I do, I mean if I make a click and hold it for 0. This delay also occurs after the movement of the mouse during the drag Code: Select all #Persistent ; to make it run indefinitely settimer start1, 0 ; "0" to make it update position instantly return start1: if !GetKeyState("capslock","T") ; whether capslock is on or off { tooltip ; if off, don't show tooltip at all. How to map Spacebar to Left Mouse Button? - posted in Ask for Help: Im completely new to AutoHotkey, and I was wondering if someone could quickly tell me how to go about doing this? Thanks a bunch. It is basically developed from the following idea: Code: AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) 14 votes, 12 comments. So Mouse Continuous Click - posted in Ask for Help: Hi all, Im new of this program. AutoHotkey Community; AutoHotkey; Ask for Help; View New Content simulate mouse click Started by redneck , Mar 07 2014 07:49 PM Im using AHK (AutoHotKey) to try and bind my X button to be left click (When X is pressed it would act like a left click) for game usage. cpbiceman Posts: 6 I was hoping to get help with a script that would combine the left and right mouse click while just pressing the left mouse button. This is my first AHK script. Thanks Ameji Auto mouse clicker Topic is solved. If possible, I would like the program to be able to be anywhere on my screen for this to work. 1 - posted in Gaming Scripts: Send and Click Tool V4. 3 posts • Page 1 1813, 1049 ;Click, Screen, 1813, 1049 CoordMode, Mouse, Screen x := 1813 y := 1049 Click %x% %Y% Donec Perficiam. 0 beta. Thank you in advance. generation137. It reloads the script. Hi all. Once the tone is heard, I then click my mouse on a button on the webpage in order to open another module to continue on with my work. the left and right mouse click auto fire. 43+] There is an automatic delay after every click-down and click-up of the mouse (except for SendInput mode and for turning the mouse wheel). first make how to remap scroll wheel to mouse clicks? I want to click very fast with scroll wheel I tried this code, but if scroll fast 180°it will click only 1 time. This program was made using AutoHotkey so you might wanna install it first before you run the "main. wav Was looking to Mouse: Click, Drag, Hold - posted in Ask for Help: Hey, It seems simple enough, but Ive been pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. ekrem_1. MouseClick, Left } - My mouse left click should work normally when I simply Left Click - When I hold down a button, lets make it ALT and then Left Click, I would like it to do 1 x Left Click followed by the key 4 - When I hold down that button, ALT in this case and Hold Down my mouse Left Click it should repeat the above. AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. See below. 7 posts • Page 1 of 1. It doesn’t seem too hard for some of you skilled individuals but I A simple mouse driver that allows mice without double-clicking capabilities to achieve 30+ cps. ss_cmp. ** Updated for AutoHotkey 2. Well i made a file that i can load in game and make it say setbind LeftMouseButton GBA_Fire | GBA_SpotEnemy Well the game took out loading files in and now when i go to shoot enemy i have to take time and push key to spot the enemy. Making Mouse Click With Keyboard Hotkey - posted in Ask for Help: Can anyone help me out with a script that will click a certain area on my screen whenever a certain keyboard key is pressed? Facebook Twitter. Re: Script for mouse click on screen coordinates Topic is How to click/drag mouse slowly? - posted in Ask for Help: Could one of the experts get me started with a fragment of code I can develop from please? My macro application (Macro Express Pro) has commands that in theory should do the task, but they fail in practice. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys. Press ESC 07. I know I would be better off getting a new mouse, but I was thinking that an AHK script might be able to Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. The mouse coordinates are click 194,819 I can get the script to click but it does not repeat, it stops after about 1 second. Any help would be appreciated. AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) ↳ Gaming Help (v2) Mouse click on a specified color?? - posted in Ask for Help: how do you type that into the script? i just read over some of the help file about targeting colors but it didnt show an example on how to do it. Forum rules. Here are examples of common usages (all Clicks or holds down a mouse button, or turns the mouse wheel. mouse click but not move mouse cursor (in game) ? - posted in Ask for Help: hi ,please help ,i want ahk to click the left mouse (but not move mouse cursor) in GAME I tried ,it works if i try ahk_class MozillaWindowClass ( firefox window) but not work in game CoordMode, Mouse, Screen 2::ControlClick, x267 y625,ahk_class MozillaWindowClass so i guess we have Move Mouse and Click - posted in Ask for Help: Hi, I made a script where I can move my mouse to certain parts of my screen, I need help making it so it moves the mouse to the certain part of the screen, then click right after it reaches that point. is that possible with Autohotkey? Last edited by BoBo on Sun Feb 20, 2022 7:05 pm, Read more hear: MouseClick, Click, List of mouse keys to bind. Ive exchanged it several times, but the same problem remains: sometimes, when I click the left mouse button one time, it registers as multiple clicks. Im Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. which would give me all the info. followed by one click at 702, 692. I would like to be able to turn the F1 key into a left mouse click, that can replace my regular mouse. If this is not possible, I can have the program always CoordMode, Mouse SetMouseDelay, 240 Click, 722 714 Click, 813 592 Click, 710 717 Click, 817 591. Left Click (885,1818) 04. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. `n%ET% MS total EC Autoclicker has been tested to work on Windows 7 and higher, where AutoHotkey v2 is supported. ahk", Page 1 of 7 - Auto-raise / mouse hover - posted in Scripts and Functions: Auto-raise and Other Stuff on Mouse HoverThis script was written in reply to a request on the Ask for Help forum. 2020 4:17 pm I struggle with tendentious. true. Thanks in advance! Using variable as Click coordinate? - posted in Ask for Help: Hello, I need to make a mouse click drag to select something, it was no problem with fixed coordinates, but I just cant get it to work with variables. justinodunn Posts: 2 Joined: Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:16 am. `n%Count% clicks total. mouse click to multiple windows - posted in Ask for Help: I would like to send a mouseclick to two windows at the same X,Y coords at the same time. Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:41 pm. 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. Right now, I run a script, wait for it to finish, then when I hear the "BEEP", I know it is safe to proceed, then I manually do a left mouse click in a box to open another module, then I run a second autohotkey I'm new to Autohotkey,I think this funtion is doable ,but I can't figure it out myself. Click 44, 55 Clicks the left mouse button once at coordinates 44, 55 (based on CoordMode). Top. Click 100, 200 ; Click left mouse button at specified coordinates. With another key (F4), you can cancel the hold. F12::Reload ; To stop the script from looping the mouse clicks. An example code would be appreciated. I want to do the following: Press the key, cause a click; Press the key twice in quick succession and cause two clicks (like, a double click) Press and hold the key, cause it to click and hold (without clicking a bunch of times due to auto-repeat) Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) Wait for mouse click - posted in Ask for Help: Is there a way to wait for mouse click. Click down Presses the left mouse button down and holds it. I want to open a m3u shortcut on my desktop. Hotkey documentation will let you know how to use the hotkey that's right for you. Click triggered by a sound - posted in Ask for Help: Hi! I want to make a script to trigger a mouse click when a certain sound is played in my pc. I want to realise a funtion that my every mouse Lbutton click, delay a random time from 3s~6s,I mean when I click Lbutton, the place I clicked will respond 3s~6s later, nothing else. To always perform a logical left click, Click Right or DllCall("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x08) ; Right mouse Down And for anyone curious the script is intended for auto Lmb-Rmb in a game called Blade & Soul. In addition, the first hotkey above is replaced by the following, which prevents the keyboard's auto-repeat feature from generating repeated mouse clicks: *RCtrl:: { SetMouseDelay -1 if not GetKeyState("RButton") ; i. ) Just a simple one press of the shift key activates it on and off would greatly be appreciated. One issue. The button to click: Left (default), Right, Middle (or Auto mouse clicker Topic is solved. When I start the script, it opens the file and moves the I have a simple script that rebinds Right Alt to left click (on the mouse), and Right Ctrl to right click. What I want the script to do is this: while holding the Shift key down, press the left mouse button and drag A simple tool that helps you write mouse click code by offering options to customise and label each mouse click. Re: loop for left mouse clicki. If you are trying to search on a window where the image isn't Click ; Click left mouse button at mouse cursor's current position. The exact (absolute) location of the value in the dropdown list which should be selected is: Click, 801, 571, Left I hacked together this code: #r:: Click, 492, 256, Right Sleep 1000 Click, 801, 571, Left But this does not seem to work. But the two hotkeys seem to work just fine if I don't let my keyboard driver do it's auto-repeating. I am looking for a script that is just clicking the mouse realy fast. I'm looking for some help with making a mouseclick script that will basically do three left mouse clicks as fast as possible in 3 different positions on the screen I would like ctrl+1 to be the hotkey and then have one click at coordinance 171, 472. plautus Posts: 89 Joined: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:24 pm. Left Click (364,859) 02. The Click command clicks a mouse button at the specified coordinates. 06. Basically use the following script (to pressure the two keys run the commands) in a PC + Keyboard, and I have to implement it in a PC system touchscreen. mapokapo but I would like it to be activated using a keybind, so, for example, I press the button L and hold right click, it super rapid fires RMB, but if I press L again and hold RMB, it's as usual I would like to just hit "K" to toggle it on, hold down my left mouse button to spam the mouse, it stop spamming when I release the left mouse button, and hitting "K" will toggle it back off so when I hold down left click it only clicks once, as a regular mouse. I forgive you. I have managed to build scripts to send keys to multiple instances, but not mouse clicks. AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) ↳ Gaming Help (v2) macro to mouse click somewhere at an specific time - posted in Ask for Help: hi Im new here Im in a hurry, and I found this application, and I think its great! congratulations for making something like this free of charge and open source, seriously I need to do something that I guess has to be easy, but I was searching through here and I cannot find the way to do it. Autoclick when mouse on color - posted in Ask for Help: Say I have 100 balloons, and one of them is green. on F4 press i want to hold down LControl and mouse clicks left every 100 ms on F4 release stop clicking mouse and release LControl thats what i have until now, its almost working but it wont release LControl F4:: Send {LControl Down} Loop While GetKeyState("F4", "P") {Click What the script does: sets up a hotkey (F3) for "hold left mouse click". Post by (x,y) to positions 958, 546 (x,y). Thanks for the help. 0. Sara Posts: 8 Joined: Sun Feb 20, 2022 6:26 pm. 5 seconds and then have the mouse start to move down at a medium - fast speed and stop moving down once I let go of the left mouse button. - posted in Gaming Questions: Been playing DayZ for quite a bit since I have carpal tunnel syndrome my forefinger and thumb tremble once in a while making hard to shoot if you are in a gun fight (that was you get for 24 years of FPS gaming on the PC). I tested my suggestions just in case, and MouseClick. I have an ongoing project to duplicate the mouse movements and clicks [and drags] in 2 windows at the same time, effectively Return mouse to original position after auto click - posted in Ask for Help: Is there a way to automatically return the mouse back to its original position after it is moved to perform an auto click? Any code ⇈ above ⇈ requires AutoHotkey_L to run Back to top; nubnub2 Members 23 posts Last active: Nov 15 2010 10:47 PM; Joined: 11 Sep Page 1 of 2 - Stop Double-Click if too fast - posted in Ask for Help: So, my problem is that my mouse is defective. Click up right Releases the Learn how to use AutoHotKey to automate mouse clicks and keystrokes with this tutorial. It works but it doesn't exactly simulate the behavior of the left and right mouse buttons. Does anyone have a method of disabling the mouse (during a loop) and then enabling once it finishes? Thanks for Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. AutoHotKey on right mouse click get a keyboard button pressed as well. 1 Hi, I have a script double-clicking every single click, but there is a problem, basically the actions I perform are quick clicks, one after the other, for a few seconds, so the purpose of this specific script is to actually double the number of clicks, so if I do X clicks, I will get 2X clicks. As the documentation shows, GetKeyState() returns 1 when the specified key is down and 0 when it's released, so the first result "Up" would be displayed by the ToolTip when it's down and it would display "Down" when it's released. Click up it does what I want. Below is what I have, it seems to be failing the color check portion of the code. So i want this to only happen in a Page 1 of 3 - Make a long mouse-click register as a separate key - posted in Ask for Help: What I need is a way to make 1 mouse click to act as a key and a long mouse-click (same button) act as another key. I want the script to automatically click on open (which will then open Itunes to the radio station I like to listen to). I want to click the green without click the 99 red ones. If blank or omitted, it defaults to Left (the left mouse button). random mouse click within specific range - posted in Gaming Questions: working on a script for a game that ive been toying with. Type: String. X Kahn - as the name implies, served 4 years on a 10 year stretch. Updated Jun 28, 2021; MohamedSaidSallam / AutoHotkey-Auto-Clicker. so basicly it just runs next to it, and cant click on it. IE: Script starts, the user clicks the mosue, run some code An Autoclicker made from AutoHotkey that click rapidly when you hold the mouse key you want to rapidly be pressed. This is my simple mouse click script. wav middle mouse scroll down - mdown. PixelGetColor should be used to capture the current color in one variable, and then enter a Loop (also see Blocks). What doesn't work is the mouse movement/click and the "enter" key. Random Interval Auto clicker Within pre defined area box Hi. It, in turn, opens an IE dialoge that asks whether I want to open or save. in the autoexec section of HotkeyOSD and nothing else interferes with that CoordMode and with any of the global variables declared in Setup(). Note: The Click function is generally more flexible and easier to use. This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. wav right down - rdown. That code I have in the thread stops my mouse movement every time the program sends click up or click down and it's really difficult to aim while shooting -Solved- BlockInput, Mouse - posted in Ask for Help: I know there where already questions, but Search did not show me a solutionHow can I block only Mouse?I tried BlockInput, Mouse, but I cant get it running. I have looked over the documentation for the Click function and I seriously have no idea why this wouldnt work. AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, current basic loop left click script? - posted in Ask for Help: i am totally new to this, i want to make a really basic script for the TV missiles in bf2. 4 seconds or 2 seconds, I want the script to do exactly as I do. jgchao Posts: 46 It should actually just be clicking wherever your mouse is at the time. If you know, please help. I can't find enough documentation on using milliseconds in scripts to make a such a small time adjustment. I'm just trying to setup a simple script that will move to a location, check if the pixel under the mouse is a certain color and click, then scroll down, check again (click if match, no click if no match), etc. Ive seen some random click functions that are built with 2 ranges, x, y, but What I need this to do, is I need it to automatically click where the accept button appears, by hitting a key on my keyboard, and not having to necessarily be active on the specific window. AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Help in making an infinite click script - posted in Ask for Help: Can anyone teach me or write down a script that allows an infinite left mouse click on a specific screen position (757,771 based on the window spy ) and maybe bind it to F12 key. I want to move the mouse to X,Y and left click, then wait 2 seconds and hit enter key. Is it possible? Could you help? I will also need help getting the right coords for the position where the mouse is supposed to click. make the mouse clicks to be random within a range and going to add the ellipse function eventually. Left Otherwise, specify the number of times to click the mouse button or turn the mouse wheel. Although, it doesnt click but my MsgBox does pop up. Everquest mouse click? - posted in Ask for Help: Please forgive my noobishness, but I have been searching and reading for hours and have to ask I have been trying to set up an Autohotkey script that will simply click the left mouse button while in Everquest, but have been unable to figure it out. Also the help is a bit strange:Input blocking is automatically turned back off after the command completes unless it was explicitly on beforehand. 1 ^c::MouseMove, 910, 380, 0. r/AutoHotkey It was - my middle mouse button acts as right mouse button and when held down it clicks really fast. If blank or omitted, each click consists of a down-event followed by an up-event, and occurs at the center of the control when mode 2 is in effect. dcnhkzjzqbygfhlzzwhepfdcnohliyxhvnlukihcqvttrrvodywqu