State of oregon employee discounts. gov Phone 503-373-1102 Fax .
State of oregon employee discounts If you enroll during Open Enrollment, your coverage becomes effective January 1 of the new plan year. Employees who have Federal Direct Loans and have made 120 payments on the Federal Direct Loans (after Oct. 72. at 503-373-1102 or pebb. The state assesses the eligibility of variable-hour temporary employees after an initial measurement period. Employees enrolled in a PEBB Health plan and covered family members age 18 or older are eligible to participate in this program. This report compares compensation of State of Oregon workers with that of other workers by measuring the employer’s cost for providing salaries and common employee benefits. Common Terms; Frequently Asked Questions; Benefits for Part-Time Faculty Working Less Than 50% FTE; Group Oregon State University offers a generous employee benefits package that includes medical, vision, dental, life, and disability coverage for employees working 1/2 time or more. oregon . ORS 652. Visit our seasonal employee page for benefits information for seasonal employees with the State of Oregon. Please visit each page to find out more about any State or Federal career opportunities, employee benefits and available programs. Core Benefits Canopy EAP. State Employees Support Physical Activity Opportunities From a survey of Oregon State Agency Employees in 2007: 56% of employees report that they do not meet CDC physical activity recommendations (moderate activity for > 30 minutes 5 days/week OR vigorous activity for > 20 minutes 3 days/week) This is Term-Life insurance. For additional information visit the PEBB website. Your virtual benefits counselor ALEX®, the official PEBB benefits counselor, walks you through the process of picking your best benefits, and provides easy-to-understand explanations for any questions you might have along the way. This discount may be used at participating Oregon Public Universities. Oregon State Hospital; Oregon Educators Benefit Board (OEBB) Public Employees' Benefit Board (PEBB) WIC Program; Other Program and Service Related Topics; Oregon Health Plan arrow_drop_down. Guía de inscripción 2022; Summary of Benefits (A side-by-side comparison for benefits, copays and deductibles. Below are resources to help you during Open Enrollment and throughout the plan year. Employee Relations is a function of the Human Resources department that helps manage and foster a harmonious and productive workplace. Core Benefits. oregon. PEBB-eligible employees can receive support through several programs. In this case, that is while the employee who purchases the coverage is a PEBB-eligible state employee and premium payments for the coverage are current. State of Oregon employees, workers, contractors, their families, and friends are eligible for Employee Discounts, Special Pricing, and Perks on products, benefits, and services they use every day. Oregon State University — Lyra Health EAP (for OSU employees only) Lyra Health is OSU's Mental Health and Work Life services benefit. You may purchase up to $600,000 in term life coverage. Company reviews. This is called "at will" employment. The Public Employees Benefit Board (PEBB) designs, contracts, and administers the benefits program for State of Oregon employees, their spouse/partner, and their dependents. This includes state disability income benefits from the Public Employees Retirement System; Workers’ compensation benefits; Social Security benefits payable to you and your dependents The Oregon Military Department is composed of State, Federal and Military staff. * Deductible income is other sources of income your employee receives or is eligible to receive while STD benefits are payable, such as Paid Family Medical Leave, Workers’ Compensation, Social Security and PERS. Click below for more details. Become A Member For Free! Privacy Policy. Through a better workplace for state employees, we enable better lives for all Oregonians. The Oregon Savings Growth Plan (OSGP) is an optional 457(b) deferred-compensation plan that enables public employees to set aside a portion of their salary on a pre- or post-tax basis throughout their entire career. The state also offers flexible spending accounts, retirement benefits, paid leave options, and elective benefits. For complete information and instructions, read employer reporting guide 14, Disability Benefits. PERS benefits unchanged by Social Security Fairness Act. Also provided is a choice of retirement plans after 6 full months of employment in a qualifying position. Effective 01-01-2021 $10,000 term life policy. The Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) administers retirement benefits for Oregon’s public sector workers (state, local government and school district employees). You are automatically enrolled in $5,000 basic life insurance. Employees have options when choosing a plan for core benefits such as a medical plan. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), temporary employees of the State of Oregon may– in some cases–become eligible for employee health benefits offered through the Public Employees Benefit Board (PEBB). The Oregon Public Universities (Eastern Oregon University, Oregon Institute of Technology, Oregon State University, Portland State University, Southern Oregon University, University of Oregon, and Western Oregon University) offer an employee benefit to eligible employees appointed to at least . 855‑268‑3767 (toll‑free) info. PERS offers the program through a third party (Voya), so there is no reporting involved. Click the link “Plan Year State and University employees are state government’s most valuable resource. As of October 1, 2024, Canopy is OEBB's Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The beneficiary receives the benefit payment if the covered person dies while covered under the policy. Benefit Plan Options. Retirement Savings Paid For You (You choose which plan) Public Employees Retirement System**: PERS offers you a two-component retirement plan: the Pension Program, which is a defined benefit plan, and the Individual Account Program (IAP), which is a defined contribution plan. Sections of The Oregon Savings Growth Plan (OSGP) is a voluntary 457(b) deferred compensation plan available through the state of Oregon to public employees whose employers participate in OSGP Protected Leave Life happens, planned or unexpected, and you may need time off work to recover, help others, and move forward. Verification types include: an employee ID badge, a business card with employees name printed on it, or a government credit card with employer name and employees name identified on the card. PERS serves more than 241,000 active/inactive members, 163,000 benefit recipients, and about employers. The state also provides a variety of optional benefits, flexible spending accounts, retirement benefits, and pain leave options. The Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer's (CHRO) purpose is to provide direction and services to promote a stable and qualified workforce in Oregon state government all the while reflecting the state's values of accountability, equity, excellence and integrity. Introduction to PEBB Benefits; PEBB Summary Plan Description. oregon Oregon state government offers its employees a range of benefits and rights. The Oregon Employment Department is partnering with marketing firm Applichat, Limited to promote the Work Share program across the state. This document briefly describes the benefits available to employees and their families. It may include incorrect translations or subtle shifts in meaning. Retirement Savings As seasonal employees with the State of Oregon, you play a critical role in helping move Oregon forward. Brief Description. Use the quick links below to ensure your new employee gets acclimated to Oregon state government, their agency, unit and workspace right away! The benefit provides income while your employee is not able to work. marketplace@odhsoha. The goal is to reduce traffic volume and parking demand, improve air quality, and reward the efforts of state employees who leave their cars at home. Members in PEBB Statewide, Providence Choice, or Moda plans can call Quit for Life at 1-866-QUIT-4-LIFE (1-866-784-8454). You are automatically enrolled in the policy when you enroll in benefits or opt-out of medical or medical/dental coverage. Oregon's Charitable Fund Drive was implemented in 1989 as a way to offer access to this wide range of nonprofits through an easy, once-a-year campaign that gives state employees precise control over where their contributions are spent. Only payments made under certain repayment plans may be counted toward the required 120 pebb. Benefits Calculator; New Employees: Retirement Benefits; Postdoctoral Scholars; Current Employees. OEBB offers its members a wide variety of benefit plan options, including not just healthcare coverage (medical/Rx, dental, and vision) but also optional coverage types such as life and disability coverage, long term care insurance, an employee assistance program, and pre-tax savings accounts. BUYER BEWARE. Oregon Health Plan Home; Log into your OHP Account (Opens in new window) Do you qualify for OHP? (Opens in new window) Apply; Fee Schedule; For Healthcare Oregon State University offers a range of Lifestyle Benefits through Corestream, providing employees with access to specially negotiated group rates on various insurance plans and discounts. Adding the value of employee benefits to wages has a significant impact on the monthly total compensation costs for state employees. About Us. 50 FTE, on the first day of the term, (not The Oregon Public Employees' Benefit Board contracts for and administers benefits for eligible state employees. Learn about the Uplift Oregon Benefits program and our benefits workshop for new and existing state employees. Applications for benefits are submitted directly to Paid Leave Oregon, and they will review and make the determination of benefits. An overview to member benefit options and resource links. Employee agrees to comply with all existing job requirements and expectations. gov Phone 503-373-1102 Fax Lyra Health - Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for Oregon State University (OSU) Employees Only: New Employees. Take care of your body with resources to support good nutrition and physical activity. Work Share allows employers to reduce work hours for their employees by providing partial unemployment insurance benefits that supplement workers' reduced wages. Review the Summary of Benefits to learn more. Your health and well-being positively influences your ability to be productive and feel engaged in your work, to care for your family, and to do the things that bring you satisfaction. 3, 2023. e. A listing on the state’s employee discount page does not signify endorsement by the Indiana State Personnel Department, that there was any competitive procurement, or the existence of a state contract. 11. Step 1: Complete an Estimated Earnings During Military Service request form, RI 20-97, for each branch of service. Oregon Health Plan Home; Log into your OHP Account (Opens in new window) Do you qualify for OHP? (Opens in new window) Apply; Fee Schedule; For Healthcare Using CTM and Oregon's managed travel program benefits you in multiple ways, such as a ccess to statewide travel price agreements and state discounts. These benefits include accident, critical illness, hospital indemnity, auto, home, and pet insurance, as well as a discount shopping suite. • Employees still receive pay for the holiday while receiving Paid Leave Oregon. Purchasers must examine, judge, and test for A portion of the benefits you are eligible to receive under any other group disability program. PEBB Benefit Deduction Estimator - Refer to page 16 of the open enrollment guide. , people who work for Oregon state, county, or city government). The Basic Life policy includes a Travel Assistance Benefit. PERS serves more than 228,000 active/inactive members, 156,000 benefit recipients, and 906 employers. State of Oregon | EMPLOYEES WORKING REMOTELY GUIDELINES. This translation was created by a machine, and is provided for your convenience only. Over the years, members have foregone salary increases in order to protect benefits. PEBB designs, contracts and administers a program of benefits for the state as the employer and state employees. Adding the value of employee benefits to wages has a significant impact on the monthly total compensation costs the State pays for employees. 1, 2007) may be eligible for the remaining loan balance to be forgiven. Your PEBB Benefits Oregon state and university employees' 2021 medical, dental and vision benefit information. The STD plan includes each of the following: Reminder: Entitlement to Paid Leave Oregon benefits will reduce benefits payable Staff Tuition Benefits that are taxable to the employee include benefits: Transferred to a family member taking graduate level or advanced degree programs; Transferred to a domestic partner or dependents of domestic partner - includes both undergraduate and graduate level courses; Exceed $5,250 for employee taking graduate level courses. Employee Relations oversees: Employee performance evaluation procedures Orientations is so much more than first day paperwork for a new employee. The Oregon Public Employees' Benefit Board contracts for and administers benefits for eligible state employees. One of the main goals of the Employee Relations unit is to strengthen the employer-employee relationships. 2025 Benefit Information. Join the Orange Rewards program and your OSU ID card will give you a 10% discount at all 27 campus restaurants, coffee shops, and markets. Uplift Oregon is here to help you make the most of your seasonal benefits! If you’re new to state service, start by signing up for our two-hour benefits workshop, “Understanding Your Seasonal Benefits Package. The insurance benefits include medical, dental, life, accident, disability, and long-term care, as well as flexible spending accounts and commuter accounts. The state of Oregon pays 95-99% of premiums for you and your eligible dependents' comprehensive medical, dental, and vision coverage. OSU - Paid Benefits. Jan 25, 2023 · As a state worker, you are eligible to receive discounts for a variety of services and products. WholeLife Directions Take a confidential survey and get connected to interactive tools to improve the way you feel. Oregon state government offers its employees a range of benefits and rights. 110(3). Membership in the Public Employees Retirement System /Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan; Employer paid benefit and/or contribution programs defined by collective bargaining agreement or Oregon state government offers its employees a range of benefits and rights. Benefits Calculator 2022 Benefits Enrollment Guide "clickable" online booklet. The benefits include medical and dental coverage; life, accident, disability and long-term care insurance; and flexible spending PERS benefits unchanged by Social Security Fairness Act. For graduate courses, employees pay 30% of the undergraduate in-state tuition rate. Benefits Calculator; Providence Health Plan Request for Social Security Number; Insurance. Employee Extras. Already Registered? Forgot your Username/Password? New to PEBB? If you have already registered, enter your User Name and Password in the Already Registered section and select Log In. ) New benefits in 2022; Rates: Medical, Dental and Vision rates (Members pay 1-5% of these rates. CTM is the only travel company with authorization to issue tickets from the state's airline price agreements for City Pair Fares (Alaska Airlines) and Discount Fares (Southwest and United). Healthy Team Healthy U: Healthy Team Health U brochure Healthy Team Healthy U offers two (2) 12-week team based wellness programs with proven results for losing weight, increasing fitness, and lowering blood pressure. Click the link “Plan Year 2022 Payroll Deduction Estimator” to see the cost to employees for benefits for the different plans offered, as well as the total paid by the employer. Contact us. Find salaries State of Oregon. If you enroll outside of Open Enrollment, your coverage becomes effective the first of the following month, or the first of the month following approval by The Standard if it requires a medical history statement. Affordable Care Act. Uplift Oregon is a labor-management partnership between the State of Oregon, and the unions SEIU 503 and AFSCME Council 75. Last year, state employees contributed more than $784,000 to the Fund Drive. Eligible employees appointed at half-time or more may take up to 12 credit hours at a reduced tuition rate. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) does not allow workplace discrimination based on or because of an employee's protected class status as defined by State of Oregon law and federal law. Oregon law permits the payment of wages (without any charge or discount to the employee) by direct deposit. The retirement benefits of all public employees who have PERS is dictated by state law, which means any changes have to happen in the legislature. Enter State of Oregon for company name when you register. 5, 2025. 2021 Benefit Information other employers in the l abor market. Work wellbeing score is 72 out of 100. Each medical plan vendor has programs and discounts specific to their plans. If you participated in Open Enrollment in October 2024, you have until Feb. Employees can apply now at Frances Online and benefits begin Sept. This includes state disability income benefits from the Public Employees Retirement System W orkers’ compensation benefits; Social Security benefits payable to you and your dependents Oregon Savings Growth Plan . However, independent contractors and part time employees do not qualify for these benefits unless they are part of a job-sharing arrangement. Plan benefits as part of total employee compensation; The improvement of employee health. Employees enrolled in Basic Life Insurance have additional benefits through The Standard for themselves and A portion of the benefits you are eligible to receive under any other group disability program. Oregon Health Plan Home; Log into your OHP Account (Opens in new window) Do you qualify for OHP? (Opens in new window) Apply; Fee Schedule; For Healthcare Welcome to the Oregon State University Employee Benefits page! At OSU, we are committed to supporting the well-being and success of our employees and their families. Comprehensive medical, dental and vision plans for the employee and qualified family members; $5,000 in employee basic life Mar 4, 2025 · State of Oregon benefits and perks, including insurance benefits, retirement benefits, and vacation policy. PEBB: PEBB administers all employee benefits for state employees, including medical and dental coverage; life, accident, disability, and long-term care insurance; and flexible spending accounts. These protected classes include but are not limited to: Age (18 or older) Race; Color; Religion; Disability; Sex; Gender identity; Sexual Orientation; Marital Oregon State Hospital; Oregon Educators Benefit Board (OEBB) Public Employees' Benefit Board (PEBB) WIC Program; Other Program and Service Related Topics; Oregon Health Plan arrow_drop_down. All Oregon Public Universities (except Oregon Health Sciences University) participate in this program with each campus identifying any programs that are excluded. SEIU members have come together and fought hard against reductions that would lower our total compensation. gov. To estimate your May 26, 2024 · • Paid Leave Oregon does not affect an employee’s seniority, eligibility for salary increases or the employee’s recognized service date (continuous service date) • Paid Leave Oregon does not count as time worked for overtime purposes. It is crucial to maintain accurate documentation of benefit determinations in employee files. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is now processing payments for retirees affected by the Social Security Fairness Act, which was signed into law on Jan. Direct deposit. New Employees. Need to print a page? Download the printer-friendly PDF. We provide high quality health plans and other benefits for approximately 140,000 Oregonians. benefits@odhsoha. Lyra offers a full spectrum of care offerings, from preventive to severe. The state also provides access to an innovative Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that offers work-life counseling, along with homeowner, legal and family resources. Team up w HOW TO BUY BACK YOUR MILITARY SERVICE. Employees have options when it comes to choosing a plan for core benefits such as a medical plan. Comprehensive medical, dental and vision plans for the employee and qualified family members; $5,000 in employee basic life insurance. Text message "Start" to 855-268-3767 to receive text message updates. Each employer has the option to purchase EAP services as an automatic benefit for their employees. Tuition Assistance (Employee Tuition Discount) Employees Pay 30% of the resident per credit hour regular undergraduate in-state tuition rate. Common Terms; Frequently Asked Questions; Benefits for Part-Time Faculty Working Less Than 50% FTE; Group Employee Resources; Current: State Employee Discounts; State Employee Discounts. Check out discounts on gym memberships and learn about other health and wellness programs available to you at little or no cost. The Oregon Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) was established in 1946 as a retirement benefit for public employees in Oregon (i. . Benefits Oregon laws allow the termination of an employment relationship by either the employer or the employee, without notice and without cause. A benefit for you and your family members provided by PEBB Wellbeing Tools other employers in the l abor market. If you decline benefits, you do not have this policy. Through this collaboration, we provide quality training and education in benefits, wellness, and equity. Step 2: Attach your Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD 214 (or equivalent) to the RI 20-97 and send to the appropriate military finance center. It means that generally, unless there is a contract or law that states otherwise, Oregon employers may discharge an employee at any time and for any reason, or for no In a “paperless” world, however, employers are increasingly moving toward electronic methods for paying employees’ wages. Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Oregon State University is a qualifying employer for public service loan forgiveness. Find discounts on travel, insurance, prescriptions, cell phones, tires, movies, theme parks, and more. Looking for last year's information? 2020 Benefit Information here. Visit the medical vendor websites below to learn more: Welcome to pebb. The Public Employee Benefits Board (PEBB) gives you a choice of plans with co-pays and/or deductibles which are your responsibility. PEBB State and University employees' Open Enrollment. Your PEBB Benefits. Make the most of your state employee benefits. Decision Chart (HEM and OE) Review the detailed Decision Chart to see if you need to take action for 2025. Our comprehensive benefits package is designed to meet the diverse needs of our workforce, ensuring that you have the resources and support necessary to thrive both personally and An official website of the State of Oregon while you were an active employee. OSU Bookstore: Discounts are offered on book purchases for OSU ID State of Oregon Benefits; Paid vacation, sick, and personal days; 11 paid holidays every year; Health, dental, and vision insurance through the Public Employees' Benefit Board (PEBB) Retirement benefits through the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), including a lifetime pension and an individual account program that is similar to a 401K Travelers checking in at the hotel will need to produce verification of being a government employee. Working remotely does not change job responsibilities, salary, or benefits. Public Employee Benefit Board (PEBB) The Public Employees’ Benefit Board (PEBB) is a labor-management board that designs, contracts and administers benefits for Oregon state employees. Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Application questions: 800‑699‑9075 (toll‑free) Coverage questions: 800‑273‑0557 (toll‑free) Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace. This is the chance to make a good impression, while integrating the employee to the agency and work unit. Employee Life Insurance – You are eligible to enroll in a $100,000 guarantee issue policy (no medical history statement required), if you enroll within 30 days of eligibility (initial hire or benefits eligibility). 276 reviews from State of Oregon employees about Pay & Benefits Home. The Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) administers retirement benefits for Oregon’s state, local government and school district employees. You and your eligible family members have access to LifeMart, an online discount center and mobile app through your Employee Assistance Program (EAP). PEBB Resources. As a state of Oregon employee who is approved to work remotely on either a permanent or hybrid basis, the following guidelines will apply. Two types of disability benefits: Tier One/Tier Two and OPSRP Oregon State Hospital; Oregon Educators Benefit Board (OEBB) Public Employees' Benefit Board (PEBB) WIC Program; Other Program and Service Related Topics; Oregon Health Plan arrow_drop_down. State of Oregon Deferred Compensation Program: Like the tax-deferred annuity program, this program allows you to save on a before-tax basis for retirement. All State of Oregon employees may join this plan. Oregon Military Department 1776 Militia Way SE/PO Box 14350 Salem, OR 97309-5047 Oct 25, 2024 · Paid Leave Oregon is administered by the Oregon Employment Department. Log onto the EAP member site or search WholeLife Directions in the App Store or Google Play. You will also receive access to members-only opportunities that provide you exclusive discounts and other special offers. Oregon Health Plan Home; Log into your OHP Account (Opens in new window) Do you qualify for OHP? (Opens in new window) Apply; Fee Schedule; For Healthcare Office of University Human Resources, Employee Benefits, 236 Kerr Administration Building, (541) 737-2805 Revised 1/2025 1 Benefits for Classified Employees Plan Year 2025 Oregon State University offers classified employees a comprehensive benefits package. Resources. 28, 2025 to make Open Enrollment corrections. Reported anonymously by State of Oregon employees. These benefits meet IRS code requirements as a Cafeteria Plan, so they provide tax advantages. Oregon Health Plan Home; Log into your OHP Account (Opens in new window) Do you qualify for OHP? (Opens in new window) Apply; Fee Schedule; For Healthcare HR homepage with resources, state jobs, and management. PERS: Public Employees Retirement System, the retirement system for state employees. Retirement Benefits. Uplift Oregon (Oregon Unions State Worker Training and Education Fund) admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of the Fund’s training programs. There is also a chat feature. Medical, Vision and Dental Insurance. This webpage provides an overview of PERS disability benefits and answers to common questions. Core Benefits Apr 1, 2022 · This website provides information on the Public Employees’ Benefit Board (PEBB) benefits for state employees. benefits, your tool for managing your benefits through the Public Employees Benefit Board (PEBB). Programs. To calculate the 5% or 3% of your insurance premium, please add up the total of the medical, dental and vision, then multiply by your percentage. Estimated annual amount paid for you by OSU. ” DAS offers the smart commuter program to encourage employees to use alternative modes of transportation in their commute. erwk lgbpd qgiv uqtzcl umgwd dxzgqzp whajsdw wmeni yfdivcu tke jnesn qtxjbi qzzvp oul vxplc