Ratfolk 5e book. Published 2021-04-13T08:08:53+00:00.
Ratfolk 5e book They often wear hooded cloaks or long robes to conceal their true nature from the gaze of casual onlookers. <br>Let your adventurers begin their tales and build their<br>legends in one of Midgard’s realms! Keywords: 5E,Core Book,RPG,Midgard The D&D 5e Player's Handbook is available for download on Google Drive. They mature at 16, and usually live to about 60. or perhaps. Adult Ratfolk can range in height between 3 and 4 feet, and weigh between 70 to 100 pounds. Up to two ratfolk can share the same square at the same time. This product is the first in a line of other similar products in the work. voodoo. The ratfolk has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the ratfolk’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated Elder Brain Crown of the Oathbreaker, the 916-page Dungeon and Dragons (D & D) 5e book is ready for download now! Grab Chapter 1 for FREE! Creature Codex includes: •A dozen new demons, and five new angels •Wasteland dragons and dinosaurs •All-new golems, including the altar flame golem, doom golem, and keg golem •Monsters inspired by Mesoamerican, Hindustani, and Asian legends and folklore •Chieftains and other leaders for ratfolk, centaurs, goblins, trollkin, and more The ratfolk can comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts, as if it were always under the effect of the speak with animals spell. Apr 13, 2021 · Rat Folk Wizard / Ratfolk Magic Book / Rodent Sorcerer 3D. Age. Nov 8, 2024 · Putrilus Vile (Ratfolk Miniature) from the collection Verminhorde designed by Mammoth Factory. As such, it is home to many intelligent species that you can use as playable characters. Ratfolk are used to living and fighting communally and are adept at swarming foes for their own gain and their foes’ detriment. New Fantasy. Their front teeth grow constantly so they have compulsive habits to chew on anything and everything they get their hands on to file them down while also keeping them sharp. The ratfolk has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the ratfolk’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally is capable of attacking. Ratfolk leaders are often spellcasters and rogues. ACTIONS. We design and publish content for today’s most popular table-top game systems (5E), bringing new worlds, monsters, magic, and player options to life. Their bodies are covered in short fur but are otherwise human in form. Ratfolk Lore Ratfolk Traits Ability Score Increase Your Constituation Score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score by 1. Age Ratfolk have incredibly short lifespans. The Ratfolk are a small, agile, and cunning race that thrives in the underbellies of bustling cities and grimy townships. While they have a reputation for criminality, not all ratfolk turn to a life of crime. Apr 15, 2024 · Ratfolk fighters may seem clumsy and unprepared, but with the help of speed and quantitative advantage, they can turn out to be serious enemies. The ratfolk can move through the space of any Medium or larger hostile creature, and such a space isn’t difficult terrain for the ratfolk. " -Ode of the Whiskers & Claws Ratfolk Merchantry Guild Ratfolk are very small humanoids, with the absolute tallest of their race being just about 4 feet tall, and the heaviest about 80 or 90 pounds. Ratfolk Voodoo. Resembling humanoid rats, they are known for their quick wits, resourcefulness, and tight-knit communities. Ratfolk Ambition (5e Feat) From D&D Wiki. The ratfolk can move through the space of any creature size Medium or larger. Acrylic Artwork. Shadow Blend. Your ratfolk character has certain hereditary traits dictated by their lineage. Keen Smell - The Ratfolk has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. You also have a swimming speed of 10 feet Nov 15, 2024 · A full and comprehensive list of DnD races and species for DnD 5th edition, including links to our expert-written character guides. Ratfolk have shorter lifespans than humans, reaching adulthood at around age 12. Sono più bassi degli umani e sembrano quasi fragili. Your size is Small "One who flees lives another day, one who speaks kindly receives more pay, and for those who swindle the best, fortune does not look far away. Although the eyewitnesses are scarce, a reliable source of intelligence has confirmed that some of the more witty ratfolks study and practice a crude form of witchcraft. Dec 23, 2024 · These Ratfolk miniatures were modeled for tabletop role-playing games such as D&D 5e (Dungeons and Dragons, DnD), DSA and Pathfinder in a scale of 32 mm. I rattoidi sembrano un ibrido tra un umano magro e un topo. The ratfolk has advantage on its attack roll against a creature if at least one of the ratfolk’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally is capable of attacking. Speed. The second book, The Faraway Seas, gives you: Albatross Red Panda Fox Boar Orangutan Goat Rabbit Baby Kraken (via a free PDF download on their website). Pack Tactics . Roll up a trollkin barbarian, a ravenfolk fighter, a kobold rogue, and more. Ratfolk individuals are driven by a desire to acquire interesting items and a compulsion to tinker with complex objects. . It's one of the numerous irritating parts of that book - it offers a bunch of new races, but then makes them incompatible with 5e player races unless the GM either wants to buff/change literally every other 5e player race, modify the Scarred Lands races to appropriate power levels, or accept a power disparity Ratfolk are creatures of extremes. Characters. Your size is Small. There must be something to it, a spell, a technique. Even then there are few taboos that limit their actions. Our miniatures are compatible with all 25mm – 32mm Role Playing games, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and more!! Models are printed in high quality Resin provides crisp clean details All models unpainted and support material removed. Man Art. Jun 19, 2024 · I would also suggest to check out Animal Adventures from Steamforged Games. 3. Oct 3, 2024 · This Role Playing Miniatures item by PaintedOrNot has 57 favorites from Etsy shoppers. Physical Description . Ratfolk are generally more chaotic than humans, though they don't lean towards good or evil. Oct 31, 2024 · Ratfolk . Ratfolk. Slow Speed: Ratfolk have a base speed of 20 feet. Ratfolk are about 3 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds. A Rampage of New 5th Edition Monsters! DM: “A mysterious figure in a cloak approaches you in the tavern…” PALADIN: “Aha! This must be a wizard with a map to a dungeon!” DM: “…and he’s ticking. Find and save ideas about ratfolk dnd on Pinterest. Their strong family ties make it easy for them to found or join criminal societies—though others serve as expert scouts and saboteurs, able to infiltrate army camps, city sewers, and even castle dungeons with equal ease. Occultist As with every other intelligence-based caster, the ratfolk’s size and ability score bonuses and penalties play well with the occultist. , one target. Your base walking speed is 20 feet. Languages. Does this mean that I am proficient in the perception skill? --Blackkirby73 17:30, 4 May 2016 (MDT) Dec 14, 2024 · College of Spirits Bard Handbook: DnD 5e Subclass Guide. They have rat-like heads, with large ears, long snouts, whiskers, and large, strong teeth. Jun 13, 2023 · Ratfolk are small humanoid rodents with nimble hands, glossy dark eyes, and long hairless tails. Thin Frame. Players can explore this rich setting in a whole new light, and the familiar rules promise to engage an entirely new audience of roleplaying fans. ratfolk generally don't build temples nor rever any gods like other people would, Ratfolk generally build small shrines to famous and Ratfolk live chaotic lives with little order other than bonds of tribe or clan. Beast Speech. Small: Ratfolk are Small and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. They have either sleek or rough fur, which can be Jun 20, 2019 · The races in that book are explicitly more powerful than regular 5e player races. May 10, 2016 · Rules for playing Ratfolk as a playable character race in D&D 5th edition. Alignment. A ratfolk rogue has advantage on its attack roll against a creature if at least one of the ratfolk’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally is capable of attacking. The first book gives you dogs/cats. Innate Spellcasting. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Ratfolk (5e Race) ☆ Var 'Vrarum ♡ Sisters Book. These often scruffy and clever people are the scavengers and underestimated people that many cities (Especially Human) would never excepts. A common Ysoki is 4 feet tall and weighs around 80 pounds. Print friendly and background PDFs included. You learn the prestidigitation cantrip. 📐 Budada has a round 25 mm base and is about 52 mm high. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. It is suspected that the "mojos" ratfolks practice are actually stolen from other races and cultures. Often forced into the slums and sewers of a city, these ratfolk are consummate survivors. Notably, there are also adventures included in the various Campaign Settings. Join the Worldbuilders Guild. These lands are often obtained by conquest, and their political systems, cultures, and styles, vary as much as the number of ratfolk in the world. Published 2021-04-13T08:08:53+00:00. 📐 Baldo has a round 25 mm base and is about 47 mm high. Hanno teste a forma di topo, con un cranio allungato, labbra sottili, un naso umanoide e sfere nere al posto degli occhi, ma nessuna fessura nella bocca e nessun baffo. Mar 4, 2023 · RATFOLK Ratfolk are small, rodentlike humanoids with twitching snouts, bony feet, and long, pink tails. Most tend to be neutral in alignment. Quick Reaction. Oct 12, 2024 · Ratfolk live slightly shorter lives than humans. 📐 Daggs has a round 25 mm base and is approx. To the people at large, ratfolk find the most difficulty with life in Korrik. They are about the same size as halflings but of a slimmer build. Rat folk are humanoid rats. Ratfolk are slender and short, averaging 4 feet tall and 80 pounds. Prerequisites: Ratfolk Word travels fast in the ratfolk circle, too fast. Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Ratfolk reach adulthood at 12 years old, and can live to be 60. Ratfolk enjoy the company of elves and half-elves, often seeing them as the calmest and most sane of the civilized humanoid races. Ratfolk Statblock (5e) - Living in the darkest caves far from prying eyes the Ratfolk fight among themselves and others, expanding their fell civilization of uncountable numbers. Listed on Oct 3, 2024 This Pin was discovered by ☆ Var 'Vrarum ♡. Ratfolk Statblock (5e) - Living in the darkest caves far from prying eyes the Ratfolk fight among themselves and others, expanding their fell civ Aug 10, 2022 · A ratfolk ninja benefits from nearly all the advantages that a ratfolk rogue would receive, however, a ratfolk’s ability score bonuses makes it a better rogue than ninja. Click to expand To be clear: these two books are from the same publisher and present the same ratfolk. 47 mm tall. It contains a single statblock and a small description. Remove these ads. The ratfolk are canny survivors, rogues, and tricksters. DnD 5e Bard Races Breakdown. City ratfolk live lives much like their neighbors. I also like that Red Pandas, are directly called out as being "Servants of Fire Jun 20, 2019 · The third party book Tome of Beasts by Kobold Press has ratfolk stats for 5e, they're just called "ratfolk" in that book. Monster Characters. Jul 21, 2022 · Adventures in Rokugan brings the famous setting of Legend of the Five Rings to the ever-popular ruleset of the 5th Edition SRD. In fact, many thieves’ guilds are just as prejudiced as artisan guilds and will not accept ratfolk. Magical Secrets: A Practical Guide – DnD 5e. Prerequisites: Ratfolk, Cannot Have Lucky My men on the frontline have gone comepletely mad! My own Check out our 5e ratfolk minis selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our role playing miniatures shops. This book is considered the closest thing to a holy book and has a generally pan-druidic theme to it, yet this book isn't considered a strict gospel but serves as a base of rat culture, history and Ideals. Feb 27, 2020 · In official 5e, they have a closed society, transferring the curse to those who are willing and accepted by the society. Size Small. Your choice of race, alongside your class, is one of the most distinguishing and important aspects of your character. Ratfolk Adventurers . Ratfolk Ambition. Ability Score Increase +2 Dex. Illustration Styles. The D&D universe is vast spanning many settings and planes of reality . You can speak, read, and write Common Rat Folk. College of Whispers Bard 5e Handbook: DnD 5e Subclass Guide. College of Swords Bard 5e Handbook: DnD 5e Subclass Guide. The ratfolk can squeeze through spaces as if it were a Small Nerboruti e Allampanati []. They tend towards both Law and Chaos in even amounts depending on which sky-city they are from (those from Hydra lean towards Chaos, those from Dragon and Phoenix lean towards Law) and though most ratfolk are Good aligned, there are a few ratfolk who are Evil. Playing Inspired Bards – DnD 5e Check out our ratfolk dnd 5e selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our role playing miniatures shops. Check out our ratfolk 5e selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Often, aspiring leaders pursue the healing arts to keep the rest of the warren healthy—and to ensure they live long enough to pass on their knowledge. Selfishness is rare among the ratfolk, as is Ratfolk are short and scrawny, allowing for natural flexibility. Ships from Carlsbad, CA. Jan 19, 2016 · Addeddate 2024-06-28 00:50:05 Identifier ratfolk_202406 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2k9r5s6h88 Ocr tesseract 5. Check out our dnd ratfolk 5e mini selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our role playing miniatures shops. It can innately cast the following The ratfolk can move through the space of any creature size Medium or larger. The Shadow Fey, an enigmatic Fey native to Midgard, are a subrace of elves which largely mix the abilities of Eladrin, Drow, and High Elves into a single subrace with some Midgard The ratfolk has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the ratfolk’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. Ratfolk names are mostly harsh sounding in most cases, but they're otherwise pretty simple. Maturing at 3 and reaching adulthood by 5 many Ratfolk only live to 25 years of age before dying. Though this is true of some ratfolk, they are no more violent or larcenous than others, but old stereotypes linger, especially with them. The ratfolk has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the ratfolk’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. The Book of Many Things The Griffon’s Saddlebag: Book 2 The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying ratfolk 5e slots Search Results All Results. Male Character. Ratfolk reach maturity around 12 years of age, and can live to be around 60. When you use your Stench Breath, each creature in the area of the 15ft cone must make a saving throw. Actions. Silent and seeing in the dark, they can sneak anywhere and eliminate their target with a dagger or crossbow. Stench Breath - You can use your action to exhale a Disgusting scent. Alignment Ratfolk are Evil creatures despised by all other races. The ratfolk has advantage on its attack roll against a creature if at least one of the ratfolk's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally is capable of attacking. Sep 30, 2020 · Ratfolk Mojo. They are deft of foot and are sometimes drawn to a criminal lifestyle. City Ratfolk. Mar 5, 2025 · These DND 5e books are either focused on complete campaigns (which follow a story arc and take players over multiple levels) or are collections of standalone DnD one shot adventures (that can be added to existing DnD 5e campaigns or played in a single session). Swarming. Jul 16, 2018 · Their entry in the book is woefully short, and not much different from any other attempt at statting out a Kenku that you might find in your 5E library already. Many ratfolk aspire to become elders from a very young age, and try to get their hands on books and histories when they go into trade, intending to later study them. Ratfolk Names * The ratfolk can cast these spells only as rituals. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. The ratfolk can attempt to hide in dim light. Dagger. 0-6-g76ae Nimbleness. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest A ratfolk rogue can move through the space of any creature size Medium or larger. Which form they prefer is not mentioned, but it makes sense to hold a state of half-rat/half-humanoid most often so they can quickly shift to either complete form to escape/infiltrate with their natural aversion to combat. Natural curiosity pushes ratfolk to experiments. Dungeons & Dragons 5e Race: Ratfolk . Ratfolk value their community and will fight as one when the need arises, though they'd much rather trade their way out of a conflict. The ratfolk can squeeze through spaces as if it were a Small Feb 16, 2022 · RATFOLK LINEAGE TRAITS. Check out our pathfinder ratfolk rogue 5e selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our role playing miniatures shops. Many names are often as short as 3-4 characters, but it's not too uncommon to find much longer names. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Size. Hand in hand with mojo, the ratfolk practice some sort of a rudimentary magic, arcane arts bent to the sick will of the rats, despicible. Speed 25 This Pin was discovered by ☆ Var 'Vrarum ♡. They live up to 60 years. Includes background material on Ratfolk society and clans, Ratfolk player traits and weapons. The ratfolk warlock’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). Jul 30, 2020 · But before you<br>explore all of the mechanical possibilities that this book<br>offers, take a moment to step into Midgard’s rich lore. Most ratfolk are more interested in survival than ethical concerns, but they also understand that the group is more likely to survive if individuals do their share. Prerequisites: ratfolk. Compendium Sep 24, 2021 · Learn about every single playable race available in D&D 5e and check out our optimisation guides for each one. The ratfolk can comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts, as if it were always under the effect of the speak with animals spell. ” ROGUE: “RUN!” Whether you need scuttling dungeon denizens, alien horrors, or sentient avatars of the World Tree, the Creature […] Ratfolk: Ratfolk are humanoids with the ratfolk subtype. Ratfolk have no particular feelings about gnomes and halflings, although in areas where those races and ratfolk must compete for resources, clan warfare can become dogma for generations. Oct 16, 2018 · The Midgard Heroes Handbook for 5th Edition has everything you need to create a character for a 5th edition Midgard campaign, including full details on 11 new races and 4 variants on standard races. Dungeon Master. The Ratfolk are the small folk sometime found living in urban sewers and hidden swamp lands. Ratfolks are the perfect spies and killers. Ratfolk have whiskered snouts, large ears, and hairless tails, and typically have red eyes and short brown or black fur. The Midgard Heroes Handbook for 5th Edition has everything you need to create a character for a 5th edition Midgard campaign, including full details on 11 new races and 4 variants on standard races. College of Valor Bard Handbook: DnD 5e Subclass Guide. With so many ratfolk in the world, their dense population often push new ratfolk out into the world in search of fame, fortune, and simply overpopulation. Print sheet JSON. Ratfolk care more about their close-knit families and acquiring material goods than any lofty ideals. May 4, 2016 · Keen Senses What does "you gain the perception skill" actually mean. The ratfolk gains a +2 bonus to its initiative rolls. Tabletop > Characters & Creatures > Fantasy Universe | Tabletop > This is a porting of the Ysoki, or ratfolk, race from Pathfinder into Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. Darkvision: Ratfolk can see in the dark up to Check out our dnd ratfolk 5e mini selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our role playing miniatures shops. Pack Tactics. vsqadviuzkzyhgindqufoytplgjhnenynsrdgxropcwxgfmqhdtcplzyqqdqfcsvrcxuftomnj