Fun bot lane duos. Also read: Best League of Legends .
Fun bot lane duos May 6, 2021 路 Ruler and CoreJJ were one of the most fun bot lane duos to watch compete, absolutely rolling over every bot lane in Korea for the better part of 2017. If you're ahead, you can go full Lethality and 1-shot the enemy ADC. Veamos 3 dúos trolls o divertidos que puedes llevar a Bot. Hard engage like Leona or Naut with Mordekaiser/Aatrox is decent. Siempre en League of Legends aparecen combos raros, que raramente y a su manera funcionan. Kindred taric bot lane is super strong but maybe only good in the hands of otp’s. instagra Advantages are that there isn't a single meta bot lane that can stand against them with Nautilus+Kai'sa maybe beeing the exception and you can snowball leads way too fast around the map with the insane roam speed. A good bottom lane champion doesn't just secure early game advantages; they provide the pivotal damage output needed in late-game scenarios. Imagine that. So a friend and I made new accounts to duo bot together. ADC Sion with an engage support like Blitz, Thresh, Alistar, or Leona is pretty funny. At least there were some occasional highlights. gg (@mobalyticslol): “Discover the best bot lane duo combos in Patch 14. GG takes a data science approach to the best champion duos in bot and mid jungle for Patch 15. Taric Pyke is a lot of fun, easy stuns, plenty of damage, ridiculous dive potential. Voli & Quinn "Undodgeable CC and both of them have very strong early game. Watch as we dominate the game with Blitzcrank and Soraka for endless kills and epic moments. league of legend. 8. 5K Likes, 70 Comments. In this article, we will look at some amazing duos in bot lane. Me and my buddy r looking for some non-traditional bot lane comp. ”. Cait Morgie/Lux is dom-town Ez Yuumi is unkillable Zyra Varus can be strong with really high synergy Hella off meta but I have been enjoying it is Diana-lulu or Diana Karma It is so much fun. Follow for more hilarious duo strategies! #leagueoflegends #riotgames”. One you start getting level 3 and 6, theres this really cheese strat, where you don't have to land the veigar cage as long as you trap them, and ziggs uses e or whatever it is to yeet them into the actual cage and get stunned. Extremely effective! I've been trying out a few other bot lanes, for an example Double-revive-neverdie: Yorick + Zilean (This will work vs non-heal supports (Nunu, Leona etc. People used to (some still so) play AP Cho and Irelia as Bot lane carries. If you guys haven't played with Braum, or tried Sera as bot carry, I encourage you to do so. Combining abilities, CC, and ultimates, can lead to exciting and successful Bot Lanes. In order to do this, they need to buy items first. youtube. In particular their level two power spike has been greatly amplified through Pantheon’s new passive. The fun bot lanes I’ve played before (but pretty difficult) were: Anivia & Poppy (wall + poppy stun + anivia stun combo) Kindred & Kayle sup (Taric sup is usually better) Zed & Taric (played by C9 academy). I was wondering if y'all knew of any rescources or just knew off hand good, stable bot lane combos. Top, jungle, mid, bot, support roles on ranked solo/duo/flex, aram, normal blind/draft. Find the best League of Legends Seraphine duos guide. Both of these champions possess semi-global ultimates, allowing them to travel extremely quickly around the map. Tratarás de ganar el bush en el primer nivel antes de que llegue la oleada de súbditos. So far we’ve tried brand+nami, sion+senna/zilean, syndra+mf, ashe+mf, tris+ziggs. Taric Leona is also hilarious if you don't mind losing the game due to a lack of late game dmg. Bot lane is the only place on Summoner's Rift that requires a constant, high-level duality among two players. During LCK 2017 there were many stacked bottom lane duos competing in Korea including Deft/Mata, PraY/GorillA, Bang/Wolf, and Kramer/TusiN. 7. Explore the best strategies, champions, and tips for an enjoyable gaming experience. At worst you can treat Sion as a sort of disengage support, similar to a less graceful Braum. com/@mobalyticslol Twitter: https://twitter. I've recently been playing with a friend and we have been trying some comps that are mainly 4fun but also has good synergy. Swain + Thresh Neeko + Yuumi (for double Yuumi) A classic kill lane bot, this duo is stronger than ever after Pantheon’s latest rework. 19, many of the meta bot lane duos have been changed as a great number of buffs and nerfs were distributed with the arrival of the new patch. Note that I didn't take into account (relatively) low play rate duos and as such there could be plenty better duo for the listed champions, that haven't been explored yet 饾悥饾悇饾悂饾悞饾悎饾悡饾悇: https://www. M Last night me and a friend of mine played Full Ap Malphite and Full tank Sion in bot lane against a Vayne and a Bard. I'm currently looking for some unconventional bot lane combinations to play in the current version of the game. Any agressive botlane that relies on snowballing will pretty much hit a wall against this comp. This is how two support champions can dominate and win a bot lane. My duo is yasuo main and i tried Gragas, Alistar and Seju. Quickplay is cursed af, but I’m too terrified to play Bot lane in SoloQ because of the horrible state of Bot lane. Lee también: Los 3 mejores y más trolls dúos de botlane Pantheon – Nami, reina la Bot desde nivel 1. S15 Patch 15. Your ally, Pantheon, is the embodiment of warrior spirit, ready to dive into battle at a moment’s notice. Apr 11, 2024 路 5 Must Pick Duos in the Bottom Lane for Patch 14. Jhin and Pantheon. 99K Likes, 531 Comments. Find the best League of Legends Yuumi duos guide. There used to be a Pyke+Taric Duo in the past Season in Challenger. What duos do you guys know of? These bot lane combos might be a bit unfair but are extremely fun to play. Its more that akali has ways to get through early lane with senna bot and from 6 on you have great kill potential,and senna works well with melees and she cansupport engages with ult and q,so in a sense its a frontliner for senna, just not a normal tanky one Mar 11, 2025 路 A list of the Top 10 best Bot Lane combos in 2025. Me and my wife were looking at playing more bot lane together. The most cancerous bot lane Discussion Neeko and Morgana in the bot lane is just pure cancer for the enemy bot, one miss step and you're rooted for 6 seconds while getting bursted and burned (morgana w) it's basically a one shot on any adc and some supports. Mar 30, 2022 路 Fans are looking to find out the five best bot duos in League of Legends Patch 12. So in this video I will show you some of the strongest bot lane duos you can Learn from Doublelift, Sneaky, CoreJJ with Masterclass Courses & Exclusive Content for $9. 13. If the enemy AD carry gets caught like this a few times in lane, the bot-lane is won for sure. Heimerdinger + Fiddlesticks was pretty fun when my friend and I tried it the other day. The ADCs are typically late-game carriers that do lots of damage to the enemy team. lol): “Discover the best bot lane combo for ultimate fun and great results in League of Legends. Despite Vayne being Vayne we still bullied the crap out of her and it was the most fun Ive ever had in bot lane. gl/kGvFCu 饾悆饾悎饾悞饾悅饾悗饾悜饾悆: https 7688 Likes, 54 Comments. I am looking for something that is ranked viable, maybe includes a hard engage support. Alistar also has the tank stats to absorb some damage for Vayne, and in most cases, he even runs Stoneborn Pact to negate damage dealt to her. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. TikTok video from TopHat (@tophat. Nov 29, 2023 路 League of Legends is a team-based game, which means that everyone has to work together to destroy the enemy nexus. ive tried a lot of them with my friend, the most successful was wukong adc/orianna support. Bot Lane Synergy. We only played this in norms for fun but basically just try to gracefully lose lane and just continuously roam afterwards. This article includes 150 names epic existing and new combo suggestions that will help you to play effectively and efficiently in a fun environment. For players wondering which bot lane duo is currently the new meta, look no further as this list is for you. Plus the fear in case they decide to hop on heimer and a nice ult pairing that they're sometimes dumb enough to stand inside of when they get overconfident with their jungler. Quinn. Alistar is a great champion for punishing enemy mistakes and locking them down, giving Vayne the opportunity to land her Silver Bolts proc. Having a strong bot lane can make or break a game of League of Legends; a strong ADC and Support can make winning any game a breeze, while a struggling ADC or Support can make the game more difficult for everyone. gg/wfnRHNn7WZThanks as always to Casadorr/AlkemyDesign for the thumbnail. instagra May 5, 2022 路 Fans are looking to find out the five best bot duos in League of Legends Patch 12. I'm just looking to fuck around and have some fun with my friends :) If you want to stomp lane with a Swain/Veigar APC there are better options than Zilean Again this is all personal opinion. 5K Likes, 123 Comments. tiktok. We're EarlyGam May 22, 2024 路 18. skill-capped. com/Mobalytics Instagram: https://www. What about you guys, which support do you feel synergize best with bot Seraphine? Jan 1, 2021 路 The wild bot lane pairing of Sion and Thresh is storming onto the rift with style and should be at the top of players lists to try if they are looking to have some fun. We come from being top/mid laners so if that helps at all in unique combos I am down to try that too. Synergy is imperative, especially for the bot lane, since the two players have extensive interactions with each other. I play more early game adcs and Ezreal and she plays tank supports. Jun 27, 2023 路 To help you pick the right set of heroes for your ranked adventures, we bring you the Best 15 Bottom Lane Duos. They're both going to be running stopwatches, they have Heimer's turrets to continuously damage you as you try to kill them, and if you finally do manage to kill one well i did alot of combo in dragon lane so the result is: 1-jhin and thresh (the best) 2-Xayah & Rakan (really good) 3-kasia and Leona (they r super good this patch) 4-Jinx & lulu (the typical duo) 5- Ezreal and Braum (femboy and his daddy) 6-Draven & Naut ( incredibly good early game) Siempre en League of Legends aparecen combos raros, que raramente y a su manera funcionan. May 26, 2021 路 This is 8 Minutes of Off Meta Bot Lane Comps That Are Actually 200 IQ in League of LegendsJoin as a member of the Igloo Crew: https://www. Nov 11, 2019 路 Growing a Pair: 5 OP Bot Lane Duos in LoL Five of the best pairs to try in the bot lane for you and your significant other. 24 for League of Legends. pro/lgDiscover the wo In lane you just try to survive or try to set up ganks. Mar 11, 2025 路 The most fun Bot Lane combos in League typically rely on two abilities working in tandem in a way that the enemy just isn’t ready for. TL;DR: Sera + muscular man with door is a really good bot duo. Ok so i need some ideas about some fun duo bot that can work when well executed, here are the ones i've had fun with: Shaco/Blitz Alistar/Blitz Pantheon/Taric Pantheon/Jarvan Annie/Brand Teemo/Cassio Thresh/Blitz Fiddle/Ori Apr 8, 2024 路 83. Mar 7, 2024 路 Discord: https://discord. We have become Swain/Leona one tricks but I am curious if anyone has anything else to try out. Hey guys, I usually duo que with a friend who plays adc and were wondering what off-meta bot lane is annoying to deal with/fun to play for ranked. It's been a long time since I made one of these. I play a very supportive/utility playstyle. lol): “Discover the most effective and hilarious 4 fun bot lane combos in League of Legends. _____Hi. Kindred synergizes with taric as she can reliably redirect and hit his stun by using her jump, as well as getting a guaranteed 6. Sep 18, 2024 路 Together, this duo forms a formidable force in the bot lane, capable of locking down and swiftly eliminating targets. lol): “Discover the top bot lane combos for fun and exciting games in League of Legends. Champions paired skillfully provide synergy for unique strategies. May 7, 2024 路 Join the discord: https://discord. The bot duo lane consists of the support and AD carry. orianna shields wukong and then wukong uses e auto q to trade, and as he goes in orianna uses her w, which is effectively undodgeable, and it simultaneously speeds up wukong and slows down the target. 4K Likes, 462 Comments. Esta vez les traemos 3 dúos de la botlane para stompear la línea y luego ser imparable en el resto del juego. To climb in League of Legends as an ADC or Support, you will increase your chances by playing a champion that synergizes well with your lane partner. Combining abilities, CC, and ultimates, can To me, traditional bot lane comps are boring. wukong saves his Jan 24, 2024 路 2. . It's a little like the Caitlyn/morganna lane with higher utility Jul 25, 2020 路 Taliyah and Pantheon's synergy actually extends out of the Bot lane as well. Jhin & Lulu. gg/mobalytics TikTok: https://www. " Credit to u//amd098. com/lol 饾悞饾悢饾悂饾悞饾悅饾悜饾悎饾悂饾悇: http://goo. Even if we int, once the ults are up we've got a combined 6 seconds of hard CC that deals around 1200 damage at level 6 if we both land full duration ults. Morgana roots enemies with her Q, and Caitlyn places down a trap for an easy headshot, dealing lots of damage and winning the lane early. Jan 12, 2025 路 Top Bot Lane Duos in 2025. lol): “Discover the best botlane combos in League of Legends for a fun and unique gaming experience. Kindred taric snowballs extremely hard and has strong tower dive and carry potential into late game. Caitlyn + Senna - full poke duo marksman Everytime someone asks what is a fun hotline duo, I always have to recommend Veigar adc Ziggs supp. Hey everyone, I'm a League of Legends player who enjoys trying out new and unique strategies in the game. Super easy double kills level 3. Dec 23, 2023 路 In League of Legends, the bot lane often sets the rhythm for the entire game. 5K Likes, 96 Comments. Maokai + Jarvan - Maokai roots, Jarvan knocks up, dead. TikTok video from mobalytics. Nothing can deal with the ridiculous engage and cc chains. Explore the Yorick-Zillion strategy and master the art of slow skills shots to dominate the game. I considered trying Olaf out, but his mana problems worry me. These heroes are very relevant in the current meta, making sure you end up winning the matchup against your weak foes. They don't necessarily win lane, but they prevent their opponents from winning lane. Two point-and-click cc or setup for taliyah and two globals. People building shit like Luden's likely have other priorities. Jan 3, 2022 路 Fun & effective Bot Lane combos in League of Legends offer hilarious gameplay. Double mage bot lane is just cancer Ziggs or Xerath or Velkoz (pick 2) - full poke duo mage. Veigar just dies his thing, farming, etc. I highly recommend this duo, its alot of fun! We play this in ranked gold elo, probably doesn't work that great in the higher ranks but it's a pretty fun way of cheesing through silver lol! Jan 20, 2021 路 Bot lane synergies are one of the most subtle but important aspects of the game. Click Here to Improve! https://gopg. La estrategia con este dúo es muy sencilla. Alright, let's get into the fun stuff – the best bot lane duos of the 2025 season. Nov 28, 2023 路 Caitlyn and Morgana can be a dominant force in the bot lane with a simple combo. Quinn is someone you rarely see bot so you can catch em out by surprise with the burst she does. While these funny Bot Lane duos might not always be suited for climbing the ranked ladder, they are perfect for having a laugh with friends in casual games. Mar 24, 2018 路 Now I know this one seems obvious seeing as to how its Riot’s own created bot lane duo, but it has to be said it is successful in being a fun and viable bot lane partnership as the combination of Xayah’s steadily accelerating damage thanks to her W (Deadly Plumage) and E (Bladecaller) partnered with the CC and shielding presented by Rakan Give me some off-meta bot lane options! Duoing with a yuumi main, usually play bruisers when I don’t feel like adcing, but I’ve been running out of ideas on surprisingly strong picks. Dec 27, 2022 路 When you start a solo-duo queue in League of Legends, you are either alone or with a friend of thousand battles. This is the best non adc synergy bot lane for yuumi, and a combo I've played literally hundreds of times at this point with my wukong main friend. Each combo listed below includes two funniest names that go well with each other. Get ganked? Morde pop R and free kill jungle while Swain R sustains him to survive until Morde comes out of shadow realm. If you survive lane and get out about even with the enemy adc, the game is as good as over. 饾悥饾悇饾悂饾悞饾悎饾悡饾悇: https://www. )) cause of the crazy harass, and DOUBLE REVIVE at level 6! Since Sion tends to be a bit suicidal sometimes TP is perfect so that he can get back to lane quickly. " Credit to u/Oeshikito. Dec 20, 2024 路 11. Most success we had with yas-seju Nov 3, 2022 路 List of 150+ Funny Bot Lane Combos | Unique, Epic, Fun Bot, Dirty Weird Bot Combos 2022. Basically early lane power with Swain E and Morde Q both have built in sustain and once you hit 6 it only gets better. "fun killing people under tower from safety with yummy q's and Rumble ult. 4. it's SO good. TikTok video from tophat. original sound - mobalytics. Pushed under turret Zed + Yummi - if you are a good zed, you can 1v2 after level 6. Follow for more combos and memes!”. A list of the Top 10 best Bot Lane combos in 2025. The roams are also really great with swain W and Sion R. gg (@mobalyticslol): “Top 5 OP Bot Lane Duo Combos in Patch 14. Generally speaking, as an ADC, you go bot lane and try to dominate it in the early Zyra Jhin is a power lane. Includes tips and tricks on how to use each duo to their full potential and climb faster. 15. My question is, is double tank bot lane a viable off-meta pick for duos or should I keep that weird crap in normals? I’ve never tried it but heard of a duo running Morde and Swain bot. com/channel Maokai + Jarvan - Maokai roots, Jarvan knocks up, dead. 6. #9: Kog’Maw And Lulu Kog’Maw, The Mouth of the Abyss, and Lulu, The Fae Sorceress, form a synergistic duo that shines especially in the late game. Follow for more exciting combos. Sep 3, 2024 路 Fun & effective Bot Lane combos in League of Legends offer hilarious gameplay. Any suggestion? works with Seju even better. In order to do this, they need to buy items. gg. We alternate adc/support. Meanwhile, their diving power is also greater than before with Pantheon's newly reworked E. 5 seconds of team wide aoe invulnerability by comboing kindred ult into taric ult. Xin & Talon "Tilted a twitch raka lane and they afked. Once you establish an advantage in Bot lane, then, you can look to extend your advantage to other parts of the map. 10-Senna + Tahm Kench As title says! Hi guys! I've recently played Seraphine/Swain and Neeko/Taliyah botlane duos with a friend and had so much fun! We're also going to try AP Miss Fortune support with any PTA adc! May 8, 2022 路 The next time you see Blitz and Thresh together in the bot lane, it’s a very safe bet that this is the trap they are going to try to pull you into. gl/kGvFCu 饾悆饾悎饾悞饾悅饾悗饾悜饾悆: https Mar 11, 2025 路 The most fun Bot Lane combos in League typically rely on two abilities working in tandem in a way that the enemy just isn’t ready for. These combos have proven themselves time and time again, and you're sure to see them in pro play and solo queue alike. Me and my duo have ran soraka vlad (vlad builds night here and pretty much if the enemy adc is near tri bush guarenteed death), karthus Xerath everytime they have a grab champ karthus is the adc wants to get pulled builds liandrys and just Xerath pokes the shit out of them so all karthus had to do is q once or twice then ult. 99/Month. We’ve tried poppy veigar, xilean veigar etc. In my opinion currently the best duos are Samira/Nautilus and Draven/Pyke (Oppressive Laning), Kog/Lulu and Vayne/Sona (Brutal Scaling), Jhin/Zyra (Scaling Damage and Utility). orianna maxes w first, and then e, so it also just does a lot of damage. Between the turrets and Fiddles E, its just obnoxious to lane against. Got humiliated by a Pantheon x Sylas duo so bad I started playing Brand APC… It helped me deal with horrendous duos like a Jhin x Shaco and even Yasuo x Yone. Choosing the right champion for this crucial lane can have a profound impact on the outcome of the match. Jul 17, 2022 路 Here are the five best bot lane duos for League of Legends Patch 12. Also read: Best League of Legends A "techically meta" really fun duo I do a lot of is ; Seraphine (apc) / Lux ( ap support) It's an oppressive poke lane where you just basically combo your spells into each other as much mana allows. Vayne and Alistar have strong bot lane synergy. Envision yourself as Jhin whose every shot is a masterpiece. lol (@tophat. Enhance your gameplay with these top strategies! #leagueoflegends #riotgames #arcane”. Some of the duos I have portrayed as bad for me are actually some of the best in terms of WR (like APCs) TF and Pantheon/Taliyah duo is pretty fun. What are some of the dumbest, most toxic bot lane duos in you guy's opinions? I don't care how stupid or off-meta it is, if it works it works. Maybe there's a champion that's not typically played in the bot lane or a combination of champions that haven't been tried before. With proper practice, players can bully the lane and snowball that into a win against the other team. Here are some ones we have tried so far: Trundle + anivia : T Kench + Yuumi. Jhin and Lulu are a power couple, no doubt about it. Blitz/Naut is supper good at getting picks aswell Jan 31, 2024 路 Discord: https://discord. Always up-to-date, U. Veigar gains a lot of kill potential at lv 6, so if the lane is absolutely unplayable, just play chicken and salvage whatever resources you can until then. 22! 鈿旓笍馃搳馃 #leagueoflegends #league #leaguetiktok #leaguetok #arcane #arcaneleagueoflegends #jinx #caitlyn #adc #supp #riotgames”. Twitch + Lulu Syndra + Orianna - two of the most powerful mages in the same lane. Conversely, she plays late scaling adcs and I play enchanters and mages. We tried playing it, but we continuously ran it down. Ideally, the two of you want the exact same things in the lane, whether that be to scale, get kills, or just go even. Oct 12, 2022 路 With the arrival of League of Legends Patch 12. Jhin's high-burst damage and long-range poke make The only Duo Tier list you need for the newest patch. )) cause of the crazy harass, and DOUBLE REVIVE at level 6! The most cancerous bot lane Discussion Neeko and Morgana in the bot lane is just pure cancer for the enemy bot, one miss step and you're rooted for 6 seconds while getting bursted and burned (morgana w) it's basically a one shot on any adc and some supports. acqlc erf vsbc ficns sbtkj ndvh vogwwk eccjyq gyd bwgfid skzps nuq mmqm ifbdi ecqsc