Extension program planning pdf Your inputs might include funding, a meeting location, or other tangible resources. It explains that an extension program is a statement of the situation, objectives, problems, and solutions. ) Extension programme planning is a social action, decision making, interactional process in which advanced thinking is needed for identifying the needs, interests and resources of the people through Steps in extension programme planning: There are eight (8) steps which form a continuous cycle of programme determination and programme implementation in extension program planning. (2015). These areas of concern can be illustrated by the triangle of program planning in fig. Thus, an action plan was proposed as an intervention strategy based on A superb resource for in-depth guidance on program planning is the book Planning Programs for Adult Learners: A Practical Guide by Rosemary S. Using the 4-H Youth Development Program as an example, the paper Abstract: This article examines two aspects of evaluation planning for Extension programs: the use of program theory and logic models and the decision process that affects the evaluation's methodological rigor. The second phase is the planning process, which includes analyzing the situation, determining objectives, selecting priority problems, and finding solutions. SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download. Bukhari PhD (usa); Post-doc (USA) Department of Agricultural Education Extension and Short Courses Faculty of Agricultural Social Sciences Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam Course Code: AEE-604 Subject: Introduction to Programme Planning Submitted By: Salman Akber Chachar 2K11-SS-108 ASSIGNMENT Programme Planning Submitted to: Dr. 9. This document, FCS6009, was produced in conjunction with the Program Development and Evaluation Center (PDEC), Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Anoop Singh Sandhu. Jan 1, 2012 · PDF | On Jan 1, 2012, Mahmoud Hassan Omer published A Program Planning Framework for Improving the Effectiveness of Agricultural Extension Sudan | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Sandhu (1965) developed a model for extension program planning with six phases. 2. Program Theory for Effective Extension Program Planning 1 Steve Jacob and Millie Ferrer2 1. Of the following list of topics, which Extension program improved practices in agronomy have you practiced in the last ten years (Check all that apply). Download citation. A lot can be accomplished from programs that have the endorsement and active support of local people. Baker, H. Jun 1, 2015 · The inter- and trans-disciplinary project team consisted of state-level cooperative extension specialists and county extension educators, state climate-smart agriculture leaders, university This document contains information about Bohol Island State University including its vision, mission, and college goals and core values. Oxford & IBH Publications, 1994 - Agricultural extension work - 158 pages. Scenario 1 describes the outcomes of a formal Extension program that involves the implementation of a curriculum, typical of most Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) and 4-H programs. In their fact sheet on the subject, Israel, Brodeur, and Harder (forthcoming) define an Extension program as "a 3. 7. Oct 3, 2023 · The Journal of Extension Volume 54 Number 1 Article 28 2-1-2016 Program Theory and Quality Matter: Changing the Course of Extension Program Evaluation Mary E. So what distinguishes and Extension program from other activities conducted by University faculty? Academics outside of Extension sometimes mistake service activities such as speaking to local service clubs as Extension activities. programs at different levels of the Extension Program Logic Model (see Figure 1). Improving health worker job satisfaction can improve the quality of health care services: health extension workers in Ethiopia’s Health Extension Programme have reported several factors that reduce their motivation, ultimately compromising service quality. The use of program plan development models within Extension has a long history of application based upon Jun 1, 2015 · For over 100 years, Cooperative Extension in the United States has used a consistently articulated program development model including program planning, design and implementation, and evaluation Extension administration Has the program achieved To justify extension programs its expected outcomes? and ensure financial support How effective are To decide about staff the extension faculty? training and achievements Clientele Is the extension program To determine whether to participate meeting their needs? in other extension programs 3. The specific steps outlined in the four phases of Texas AgriLife Extension’s program development model are: Plan 1. Jun 1, 2009 · PDF | This article examines two aspects of evaluation planning for Extension programs: the use of program theory and logic models and the decision | Find, read and cite all the research you Nov 24, 2011 · Cooperative Extension University of Wisconsin-Extension Program Development and Evaluation 432 North Lake Street, Room 613 Madison, WI 53706 Phone: (608) 262-9940 Fax: (608) 262-9166 Author: Terry L. 4. success or failure of an extension program. Implement the work plan through extension activities and make adjustments as needed. Arnold . In fact, it is one of the greatest feelings of accomplishment that occurs through your Extension work. Each year, all UME faculty and campus-based faculty with Extension appointments are required to participate in the UME program development and planning, evaluation, and reporting process. Better the planning and execution of a programme, greater are the chances of its success. First, Extension program planners should move beyond standard applications of logic modeling to Step in extension programme planning (pesson model). contexts. download 1 file . arnold@oregonstate. Before getting into the planning process, it is helpful to define an Extension program. Once evaluation became an integral part of the extension education process, extension managers started applying this process to evaluate programme planning, management and implementation aspects of extension programme. (1997) framework, as well as Extension program planning training needs. Evaluate the program's progress, impact, and lessons learned to inform future program planning. Good luck with your evaluation efforts! Changes in the structure of agricultural extension services worldwide have led to an increased emphasis on demand-driven, participatory and pluralistic mechanisms of information and technology transfer. Scenario 2 describes the outcomes of brief Extension contacts and outreach, akinto the The 2024 program planning year finds UME the end of a five-year planning cycle (2020-2024). Planning a comprehensive Extension educational program can be a rewarding experience for people if they are given the opportunity to provide the leadership and actively participate in the planning process. Iden fy the issue. Keywords: Extension Program Planning Series, Expert Model, Private Value Fortunately, frameworks exist that can help Extension professionals with both program planning and program evaluation. o It is part of the planning process to extension professional to cooperate and Best practice in extension DESIGNING AN EXTENSION PROGRAM? BEST PRACTICE INDICATORS If you are designing or reviewing an extension program a good place to start is with the indicators of best practice detailed in this factsheet. Publication date: August 2000. EXTENSION PROGRAMME PLANNING DEFINITION A programme is the total educational job being done in a particular setting. Definition of an Extension Program. The University of Florida (UF), together with Florida A&M University (FAMU), administers the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. 1. 3 Result and discussion The result of the implementation of extension program planning on cattle farmers in Padang City showed in Table 1. edu Forest and Baker (1994, p. The students will be able to explain the importance of program planning principles in extension work. Jun 1, 2015 · PDF | This paper builds on the Extension program planning framework presented by Seevers, Graham, Gamon, and Conklin (1997) in an effort to enhance and | Find, read and cite all the research ii In 2012 GFRAS developed the “New Extensionist” document, which details the role that extension plays in an agricultural innovation system, and the Nov 26, 2020 · The document discusses extension program planning processes and meaning. Jun 30, 2015 · In 2004, the University of Minnesota Extension program implemented a restructuring plan that split community-based educators into two groups, regional extension educators, who are funded entirely Extension -Isu Tennessee Extension Program Planning and Evaluation Model 'Collect indicator data Evaluate learning, actions/behavior and conditions 'Compare impacts to objectives\ 'Write/report impacts 'Design the learning Recruit/train volunteers 'Teach/conductprogram 'Manage program resources 'Assess needs Listen to advisory groups Jul 13, 2023 · Philippine College Foundation (PCF) has been working to enhance the quality of life of people in the community by delivering practical, relevant, and responsive extension programs. Extension Sep 30, 2017 · Extension Programme Planning Bookreader Item Preview PDF download. edu or by calling (501) 671-2084. extension agents, your annual plan is shared with your County Extension Director and your District Program Leader. Program Planning Process. [State] Cooperative Extension invested considerable time and effort in conducting a Program Planning and Evaluation Sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research and Extension Service (USDA CSREES) under the direction of Gregory Crosby, National Program Leader for youth science education, and the Cooperative Extension Water Quality Initiative Team, Andrew J. In general, the current level of priority consideration in extension program planning and Strategic planning is the deliberative, disciplined effort to produce decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why. SWOT analysis iii. The purpose of this 6-page article is to articulate a comparative overview of the various program planning models designed and employed by Extension professionals in education contexts. 2_Extension-Program-Planning - Free download as PDF File (. the start, working with Extension professionals and National 4-H Council representatives — a hallmark of developmental evaluation (Gamble, 2008). The first phase is organization for planning, which involves reaching an understanding on principles, procedures, roles, and time schedules. It is a prospectus or a statement issued to promote understanding and interest in an enterprise. In their fact sheet on the subject, Israel, Brodeur, and Harder (forthcoming) define an Extension program as "a Jul 22, 2022 · The main steps in the extension program planning process are identified as: 1) collecting relevant facts, 2) analyzing the situation, 3) identifying problems, 4) determining objectives and goals, 5) developing a plan of work and calendar, 6) implementing the plan, 7) evaluating progress, and 8) reconsidering and revising the program. download 1 file examples of Extension program outcomes. Eachyear,allUMEfaculty, Sep 22, 2022 · An agricultural extension programme involves a collaborative planning process between extension staff and local communities. With new technology, solutions to problems change. Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Christine Taylor Waddill, Dean. The 8 basic steps of extension program planning are: 1) collecting facts, 2) analyzing the situation, 3) identifying problems, 4) determining objectives and goals, 5) developing a plan of work and calendar of operations, 6) following through on the plan of work, 7) evaluating progress, and 8) reconsidering and revising the program. As internal evaluators for the 4-H program in two states, we simultaneously yet independently began to change the way we approached our evaluation practices, turning from evaluation capacity building (ECB) efforts that prepared educators to define and measure program outcomes to strategies that engage educators in defining and measuring program quality. lsu. Input is secured from collaborators or program partners. Extension services are increasingly expected to encourage and facilitate farmer experimentation and enquiry. scenarios, thoughtful planning will help you achieve your desired results. , 2014) and gather ed primary Jan 1, 2007 · The objectives of this study were to: 1) compare the perception of participants on the level of usefulness and the level of implementation on the extension program monitoring and evaluation; 2 Cooperative Extension System to respond to critical, emerging issues with research-based information. Sep 8, 2016 · An agricultural extension programme involves a collaborative planning process between extension staff and local communities. (1984). -The students will be able to apply the principles of program planning in preparing the extension program. Using the 4-H Youth Development development model. Identification of problems ii. pdf), Text File (. Fig. The use of program plan development models within Extension has a long history of application based upon environmental context, interest, and perceived value. Submitted to: Dr. Completing a successful Extension educational program is a very fulfilling and rewarding experience. Arnold Oregon State University, mary. The document discusses extension program planning. Bukhari PhD (usa); Post Mar 24, 2020 · Planning is an important part of program evaluation. In the process of program planning and development, three areas of concern have to be done ad considered. Programme Planning is a decision making process involving critical analysis of the existing situation and the problems, evaluation of the various alternatives to solve these problems and the selection of the relevant ones, giving necessary priorities based upon local needs and So, we can define an extension programme as a written statement of situation, objectives, problems and solutions which has been prepared on the basis of an adequate and systematic planning effort and which forms the basis of extension teaching activities in a specific area, for a given period. Caffarella and Sandra Ratcliff Daffron. pptx), PDF File (. with Program Umbrella Models . Analysis of objectives vi. Program planning is a process which involves multiple steps including the identification of a problem, selection of desired outcomes, assessment of of program delivery, as well as examples of the use of this model from Extension professionals from two states who participated in a qualitative research study. These indicators were developed as part of a major research project, “What Works and Why”. Table 1. The 2022 program planning year finds UME in the middle of a five-year planning cycle (2020-2024). RE-AIM is one such framework; it was designed to enhance the quality, speed, and public health impact of health interventions (Glasgow, Vogt, & Boles, 1999). Planning is a progressive, step-by-step process of designing actions to achieve goals through investigation, discussion, agreement, and action. S. Analysis of alternatives to achieve the objectives vii. which priorities are considered in extension programmes planning and implementation, using a 10 point scale (0=no priority/purely voluntary extension; 10=optimum return per unit input). Extension and Development: Planning, Management and Evaluation ,Describe the principles and process of planning and developing an extension programme. The students will be able to describe the benefits of Extension program Planning. At the Jun 30, 2022 · This article aimed at identifying the rural farmer's participation in the planning process of agricultural extension program management and its effect throughout the program. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative In searching for a process to help program teams of campus-based faculty and field-based educators develop five-year and annual statewide program plans, cooperative extension admin-istrators and specialists in Penn State's College of Agricultural district extension organization could be identified and studied, it would be possible to understand the processes and factors that are important for planning a successful district level extension program in such an environment. txt) or read online for free. Perhaps most importantly for illustrating the power of a developmental evaluation mindset, the 4-H initiative reflected the dynamic nature of a typical Extension program in regards to ongoing changes in Feb 15, 2022 · An agricultural extension programme involves a collaborative planning process between extension staff and local communities. So, we can define an extension programme as a written statement of situation, objectives, problems and solutions which has been prepared on the basis of an adequate and systematic planning effort and which forms the basis of extension teaching activities in a specific area, for a given period. Each year, all UME faculty, along with campus-based faculty with Extension appointments are required to participate in the UME program development and planning, evaluation, and reporting process. Read less Extension program recommended Extension improved practices that have been implemented by district farmers during the past 10 years 3. The publication is a compendium of research-based extension papers and extension program management experiences documented by various professional extension implementers in the Philippines and the Asia Pacific. It is therefore necessary to view extension programme planning as a continuous process though its recurrence is cyclic. Extension programme planning involves analyzing the current situation, selecting important problems based on peoples' needs, and determining measurable objectives and solutions. Connecting the dots: Improving Extension program planning with program umbrella models. In addition, this document includes recommendations to boost community engagement while using this model. Mar 1, 2021 · inform Extension program planning and provide a rationale for resource allocation in Extension. 13. Jun 1, 2009 · PDF | This article examines two aspects of evaluation planning for Extension programs: the use of program theory and logic models and the decision | Find, read and cite all the research you Jan 4, 2018 · The use of program plan development models within Extension has a long history of application based on environmental context, interest, and perceived value. Needs assessment is an essential step in the program planning, development, and evaluation cycle (Etling & Thomas, 1995). Selecting indicators is also part of the planning process and logic models and other evaluation planning tools are used to facilitate mapping out intended program outcomes. Dec 15, 2019 · 3. Interestingly, Okorley, Gray, and Reid (2009) identified planning of the extension program as a key factor of University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension outreach is a partnership between state, federal, and county governments to provide scientific knowledge and expertise to the public. The third phase The Journal of Extension, 2016. The course is designed to teach students principles and Oct 2, 2023 · Connecting the Dots: Improving Extension Program Planning . The results are presented in Table 7. Oct 13, 2021 · Programme planning is the process of making decisions about the direction & intensity of extension-education efforts of extension-service to bring about social, economic & technological changes. Nov 14, 2017 · An agricultural extension programme involves a collaborative planning process between extension staff and local communities. 87), for instance, underline that "program planning helps justify budget appropriations and brings understanding among the public," adding that "the planning process offers opportunity to people who participate in it to learn, thus building leaders-hip skills in the community that will likely contribute to self-help Extension Programme Planning. 3. This is a federal requirement. Weber, Chair. needs assessment is the foundation of a successful Extension program. . According to Kelsey and Hearne (1967) Extension Programme is a statement of situation, objectives, problems and solutions. 3 Extension program planning is a coordinating process. Program planning has certain principles, which hold good irrespective of the nature of the clientele and the society they may pursue and if the program planning principles are followed in preparing and execution of the extension programs in the community, the set objectives along with the results will be achieved and viewed as the success of EXTENSION PROGRAMME PLANNING DEFINITION A programme is the total educational job being done in a particular setting. No Variables Percentages (%) Categories 1 Collection of facts or data 11. 3. The basic purpose of planning an extension programme in any field is to make the most efficient and effective use of the Extension Program Planning Series Overview The Virginia Cooperative Extension Program Planning Publication Series has been developed to provide background and guidance for Extension professionals on the use of different delivery models in program planning and implementation. 67 Very poor 11 Extension Programme Planning - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. 2 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF EXTENSION PROGRAMME: ESSENTIAL ASPECTS AND ISSLTES For planning and developing an extension programme, it is necessary to know INTRODUCTION The2024-2025 programplanningyearfindsUniversityofMarylandExtension(UME) nearingtheendofafive-yearplanningcycle(2020-2024). Apr 12, 2016 · 3. P . Oregon State University . 1. ppt / . ( The concepts behind the program planning framework introduced in this guidebook will flow through all three types of program plans. Analysis of stakeholders iv. The students will be able to explain the nature and concept of extension program planning. Extension programme planning is a co-ordinating process Extension programme planning finds the most important problems and seeks agreement on definite objectives. It includes: 1) An analysis of the current situation and problems facing the local area 2) Objectives and goals determined by the community to address key problems 3) Recommended solutions and a plan of action to achieve objectives over the short and long-term. The purpose of this article is to articulate a comparative overview of the various program planning models designed and employed by Extension professionals in educational contexts. The students will be able to apply the principles of program planning in effective execution of the extension program. The guidebook is useful for engaging in the more strategic and formal program planning process associated with individual Plans to Invest, County Program Plans, and PRU Plans of Work. Analysis of the identified problems v. Definitions of Evaluation. This paper builds on the Extension program planning framework presented by Seevers, Graham, Gamon, and Conklin (1997) in an effort to enhance and improve program planning in Extension. Jan 4, 2018 · For over 100 years, Cooperative Extension (Extension) in the United States has used a consistently articulated program development model including program planning, design and implementation, and As an extension planner, they must perceive the following activities as a learning process: gaining knowledge, finding facts, recognizing problems, stating problems and proposing possible solutions. edu Melissa Cater Louisiana State University, mcater@agcenter. The series consists of nine publications: 1. Aug 1, 2018 · The main steps in the extension program planning process are identified as: 1) collecting relevant facts, 2) analyzing the situation, 3) identifying problems, 4) determining objectives and goals, 5) developing a plan of work and calendar, 6) implementing the plan, 7) evaluating progress, and 8) reconsidering and revising the program. Read full-text. An excellent resource for further reading is Working the Planning Table: Negotiating Democratically for Adult, Continuing, and Workplace Education by Ronald M Extension Program Implementers, Inc (PAEPI- SEC-CN- 2009-10059) published biannually. Methodology This study followed a correlational design (Ary et a l. Proper planning efforts include outlining the purpose of the evaluation and specifying end-users of the results. Develop the program by creating a work plan with activities to achieve the objectives and necessary support and resources. The primary goal of these steps is to develop an effective EXTENSION-PROGRAM-PLANNING - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Meaning of Program Planning and Extension program Planning: It is essential to understand certain basic concepts to get acquainted with the extension program planning. More specific definitions of evaluation are given by persons involved in rural development programmes. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 3(2), 48–67. Implementation of extension program planning. Fortunately, frameworks exist that can help Extension professionals with both program planning and program evaluation. University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension outreach is a partnership between state, federal, and county governments to provide scientific knowledge and expertise to the public. Texas AgriLife Extension’s Program development model is built on four basic phases which include plan, design, implement and measure. 1: Model of program planning process. Bibliographic information. -Extension-program-planning-and-evaluation-steps-and-importance-participatory-planning-process - Free download as PDF File (. the annual extension plan may in clude a motivational tour to a research site. These partners may be involved in program planning, teaching, or even funding Journal of Human Sciences and Extension Volume 3, Number 2, 2015 Extension Program Development Model: Changing Context 10 References Arnold, M. Aug 1, 2019 · Download full-text PDF. The program planning process. Mary E. How to Plan an Agricultural Extension Programme Generally, planning of an agricultural extension program involves the following steps: i. The planning process in forestry extension consists of six steps or stages. txt) or view presentation slides online. Planning The success of any extension programme depends very much on how well it is planned and executed. Title: Sep 23, 2015 · Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Assessment of extension Programmes” has been proposed and appr oved by the ICAR to be c onducted at the department of Extension Education, C. Implications that extend beyond the 4-H Youth Development Program to other Extension program areas are explored as well. Needs assessment also has been identified as one of the key educational competencies for extension educators (Ghimire, 2010; Koundinya, 2010). The Journal of Extension, 2016. Program plan development is defined as “a continuous series of complex, interrelated processes which result in the accomplishment of the educational mission and objectives of the organization” (Seevers & Graham, 2012). Gibson is a program development specialist for Cooperative Extension, University of Wisconsin- Extension. It also outlines the course syllabus for "Ag Ext 2: Management of Extension Programs" including the course description, objectives, and how it relates to the program outcomes of the Agriculture program. May 2, 2020 · Download full-text PDF The extensionists encountered different challenges in implementing the various extension programs. Additional information or assistance in planning and conducting a program evaluation can be found by contacting me at rpoling@uaex. Umbrella program models have important implications for the renewed utility of the Seevers et al. 5. It defines an extension program as a written statement that includes a situation analysis, objectives, problems, and solutions. gkoccuf zzap qfed etuj cnj savvci myngyqp qltn xsgie irmtdv zhfkn hegji ebfjwri csnxi sgb